The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 93 I'll Give You a Royal Concubine

Chapter 93 I'll Give You a Royal Concubine

"Of course you... are you beautiful? I decided to print it out and hang it in the dormitory every day." Huang Xing smiled.

"No!" Cheng Yaqiu quickly shook her head, "You must not let others see!"

Huang Chen laughed, "I'm kidding, I won't share such a beautiful woman with others...By the way, let's go to the back seat and feel it, it should be more comfortable than the front."


The two got out of the car immediately and went to the back seat.

As soon as he got in, Cheng Yaqiu couldn't help but sigh, "The rear of this car is so spacious! My legs can be straightened!"

"Of course, it's more than 30!" Huang Xing smiled, "Is it comfortable?"

Cheng Yaqiu leaned back, closed her eyes, and let out a sigh, "It's comfortable! I've never been in such a comfortable car before!"

She suddenly felt something was wrong, opened her eyes, and saw Huang Xing's face close at hand.

"You... what are you doing?"

"Look at the beauty!"


Cheng Yaqiu gave Huang Chen a punch, but his hand was caught by Huang Chen.She was a little inexplicably nervous for a moment, "You...what are you doing?"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, "The back seat is so spacious, we can lie side by side, how about lying down?"

"Go, go!" Cheng Yaqiu quickly withdrew her hand, "What are you thinking about? I warn you, you are not allowed to make such a move!"

Huang Chen laughed, deliberately pinched her face, grabbed her hand, and pressed on her leg a few times, "Move your hands, feet and face, what can you do to me?"

"I hate you! Don't even think about passing your hearing!" Cheng Yaqiu said angrily.

"Here it comes again! Always threaten me with this!" Huang Xing angrily asked, "Do you have anything new?"

Cheng Yaqiu giggled, "One trick is popular all over the world, and you can't crack it with just this trick! Hahaha!"

As she spoke, she opened the door and ran out of the car.

Huang Xing didn't stop him either, flirting with girls is a skill, and it would be too boring to cheat by strength.

Standing outside the car, Cheng Yaqiu looked at the BMW 760, sighed suddenly, and said, "Lu Xing, I heard that the car needs regular maintenance, isn't this car expensive?"

"3000 kilometers or once a year, more than [-] at a time."

Cheng Yaqiu frowned, "It's so expensive? It's about to catch up with me and I'm making a month's salary!"

Huang Chen laughed, and said: "Don't worry, I talked with the store when I bought the car, and this car will be maintained for free for life. That is to say, as long as the owner of the car does not change, routine maintenance does not cost money."

"Really?" Cheng Yaqiu asked in surprise.

"Just read the contract yourself." Huang Xing said with a smile, "There is another one, as long as the owner of the car does not change, you will be given free paint and touch-ups for minor scratches and other injuries..."

Cheng Yaqiu suddenly realized something, "Okay you! The terms you talked about are just to prevent me from selling the car, right?"

"I'm helping you save money, okay?" Huang Chen smiled, "A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart!"

"Anyway, I can't guess what you're thinking!" Cheng Yaqiu pouted, and asked again: "Then... what about the fuel consumption? Is it very high?"

"It depends on how much you drive. If you don't drive very much, you won't use much gas." Huang Xing said.

"That's true..." Cheng Yaqiu sighed, "I don't even know how to drive, and you bought it for me. Why are you just putting it on the side of the road now? I can't sleep well! I'm afraid I'll be rubbed by others."

"I thought of this too..." Huang Xing opened the trunk with a smile, and took out a plastic box, "This is a high-strength car cover from the store, which can effectively protect your car! Come on, help me, Put the cover on...By the way, this car has a very advanced anti-theft device. Once it is found stolen, the anti-theft device can be activated remotely, and the car's engine will not start. "

Only then did Cheng Yaqiu feel relieved, and helped Lu Chen put on the gray car jacket, and said with a sigh of relief: "It doesn't look so eye-catching now. You are really, you have made such a big guy and found so many things !"

Huang Xing patted her on the shoulder, "When you learn how to drive, you will know how convenient it is to have a car! I'm hungry, treat me to dinner!"

"Okay!" Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "Wait for me, I'll put the things on."

Thinking that Cheng Yaqiu came to "save" him with a bunch of belongings, Huang Xing couldn't help laughing secretly, this girl is really kind and cute, the more than 300 million is worth it!I just don't know what expression she will have if she finds out the true value of this car one day?

Cheng Yaqiu had to go to work in the afternoon, so the two of them ate a bowl of ramen at the noodle restaurant near Hongxing Community to make do.After eating, Cheng Yaqiu looked at the time and said, "Take a taxi to go to school, or you will miss the afternoon class! Teacher Cao's class should be attended well."

Huang Xing smiled wryly, "The old man has already remembered me, I don't even think I can skip class!"

Cheng Yaqiu covered her mouth and smiled, "By the way, what happened last time? Why does Teacher Cao value you so much?"

"The child has no mother, it's a long story... let's go, I will tell you in the car!"


On the way, Huang Xing briefly talked about what happened in the math class that day, but he didn't mention the "little strawberry" incident between him and Shen Xiyan. Instead, he explained to Cao Jiuzhang that Shen Xiyan didn't listen. Know how to ask yourself.

Cheng Yaqiu didn't think too much, and sighed: "To be honest, after what happened yesterday, I don't think it's a big deal that Mr. Cao values ​​you."

"You know how good brother is..." Lu Chen said proudly, "Then why don't you obediently submit to brother, brother will consider giving you a noble concubine!"

"If you say you're fat, you'll be out of breath, right?" Cheng Yaqiu's face darkened.

"You want me to fail again, don't you?" Huang Xing smiled.

"Yes! Do you have any objections?"

"I protest!"

"Protest is ineffective!"


The two fought all the way in the taxi, and when they arrived at school, Cheng Yaqiu's lips were dry.After entering the school gate, she looked at the time and urged: "Hurry up and go to class, I won't talk to you anymore!"

"Remember to sign up for the driving school!" Huang Xing said, and walked quickly to the dormitory. The old gentleman Cao Jiuzhang gave a very good lecture, and Huang Xing himself didn't want to miss it.

Cheng Yaqiu returned to the office, sat on the seat, suddenly felt like falling into a dream.Why is there an extra car worth more than 30 yuan for no reason?Why did I agree so dizzily?After accepting such a precious gift from Huang Xing, who is she to her?teacher?How funny?

Thinking about the cause and effect of this incident, Cheng Yaqiu always felt that something was wrong, even if Huang Xing had that kind of thought about him, but when he made a move, it was a BMW?This is too exaggerated!Besides, Huang Xing doesn't look like the kind of dude who doesn't feel sorry for his father... What kind of man is he?

(End of this chapter)

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