The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1116 8 God Comes

Chapter 1116 The Eight Gods Descend
Seeing that they were all human beings, they actually had some fear. After all, that riot reduced the overall strength of the God Realm to a terrifying level.

But they found some red-haired ghosts, yellow-haired ghosts and other human beings in the surrounding archipelago, all of them have no cultivation base, not a single one has cultivation base!

On the contrary, there are some strange iron armor and the like, which is very strange!
But no matter how strange it is, these things are not their opponents anyway!

These human beings developed freely, and even developed these ghost things?

Their most suitable practice was completely abandoned?

Seeing this, the eight gods all wanted to laugh!

But it didn't take long for them to stop laughing.

Because they sensed that in the west where they are currently located, there was a sudden fluctuation of a war, and the whole world became a little strange. The sky actually started to rain blood, and there was a huge fluctuation in the west, which made them fearful!

This made them wonder, is it just that there are no practitioners around here?
In other places, there are still many practitioners?

However, because they have been in the process of repairing the large formation, they can't check and leave at will, so they don't know what's going on!
If the ancient formation is repaired, it will be fine. He believes that relying on the many masters of the Protoss, it should be easy to suppress!
But in this unknown world, under the terrifying fluctuations, they felt that they couldn't do it alone!

So when they saw that the materials were almost consumed, but the formation still couldn't be activated, they were all a little anxious!
Among them, Princess Lanruo also notified her corresponding parasite of the divine species through the royal family's secret method.

Let her collect the specific information of this world, and then prepare the residence and the like, to welcome the arrival of their Eight Gods and the great figures of the entire God Realm!

Once the information is spread, the god-like people will be controlled and will not disobey or betray them.

But this secret method can only be spread unilaterally, and the cultivation level of the god-seeded people is not enough, so the information cannot be passed on!

So everyone didn't know that those terrifying fluctuations were not emitted by the practitioners of this world, but the fluctuations of the collapse of the world!
That's why they are afraid!
"Move, move!"

Everyone continued to invest in various materials for repairs, but suddenly, the ancient formation in the center trembled slightly, ready to appear!
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing this situation!

Princess Lan Ruo also smiled knowingly, as long as the great figures from the God Realm come, there should be nothing to be afraid of in this world!
"Why did it stop again?"

It's just that before everyone was happy for a few moments, the trembling stopped!
Princess Lan Ruo's complexion also became extremely ugly in an instant!


Although Princess Lanruo looked ugly, she continued!

It's just that after one day passed, all the materials were exhausted, but there was no movement at all in the formation!
In the end, the gods looked at each other!

Princess Lan Ruo also sighed faintly!
"For the present plan, no matter how dangerous this world is, we have to go out. We have run out of materials, so we must collect supplements in this world, and during this period, we have to think about what's wrong with the formation. !"

Princess Lan Ruo said slowly.

"But those fluctuations before were too terrifying. They are not worse than the fluctuations of the seniors in the God Realm. Will we be killed if we go out?"

One of them said with a look of fear on his face.

"Even if our cultivation is in the God Realm, we are not weak. This world will definitely not be stronger than the God Realm, so we should be careful, and there shouldn't be any problems."

Princess Lan Ruo pondered for a moment, then continued to speak.

"What's more, in this world, we look very human and there is no big difference. How do they know that we are the enemy of life and death?"

Princess Lan Ruo stopped repairing the formation, and then said.

"Yes, people in this world may not know that we are enemies at all. Even if there are strong people, they will not kill us for no reason!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard Princess Lan Ruo's words!

"Since it can't be repaired for the time being, let's leave here for the time being. My god-seeded contact person has arranged our residence nearby. Let's find out about her first."

Princess Lan Ruo stood up directly and looked towards the west.

There is a big continent not far from here to the west, and their first stop is there!

When they took a little time to come to the mainland, they were very puzzled!

It would be fine if those islanders didn't practice because of their remote location, but after they came to the mainland, they couldn't feel the practitioners either.

Do not!
I sensed it, a very disgusting guy with a lizard-like tongue, looking for flies to eat everywhere!

This is the most powerful person they have found so far, but in their opinion, one finger can crush him to death!

However, they sensed that the God Seed was just ahead, so they didn't stop there. They should understand more clearly after seeing the God Seed host.

"What? You said that the huge fluctuations before were caused by the collapse of a realm? Wasn't it caused by the battle of the strongest?"

When Princess Lan Ruo saw a black-haired woman, this is her corresponding god-seeded body, and he asked in surprise at this moment.


Immediately afterwards, the god-seeded host gave a detailed account of the past.

In the end, the eight gods looked at each other in dismay, their eyes filled with disbelief, and what followed was boundless joy!

Didn't expect that the only person in this world who can fight against them is just a guy named Emperor Zun?

And there are more than ten times more humans in this world than they imagined!
Such a small earth, this is what the humans here call this world!

Such a place, which is only one-tenth the size of the God Realm, is actually inhabited by more than 70 billion humans, which is comparable to the number of humans in the God Realm!
This is simply the best livestock farm in the universe, and 90.00% of the people at nine o'clock have no practice. After a few tens of hundreds of years of cultivation, the effect here will surpass that of the God Realm.

And the most important thing is that the people here can be controlled by the seal of God!
Thinking of this, Iori was extremely excited.

All of a sudden, Yagami was extremely excited because of the news brought by this god-seeded body, and even the haze that could not be repaired by the formation method dissipated in an instant!

They were covering it up at first, but at this moment, they directly released the aura in their bodies.

The human woman on the side felt the huge aura of Yagami, she was shocked at first, but at this moment, she was very excited!
"So powerful, any one of them is stronger than Emperor Zun, and there are eight more, I want to see Li Yunfeng how you will fight against it?"

Human women are very excited!
"Dear gods, I have an unfeeling request, I wonder if you can agree?"

The woman said suddenly when Yagami stabilized a little.

"You have helped us find out so much information, as long as you don't ask too much, this princess can help you!"

Princess Lan Ruo said lightly.

"Thank you, princess!" The woman was very excited, and continued: "My request is very simple. When you defeat Emperor Zun, save him, and I will kill him myself to avenge my brother and husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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