The return of the immortal world

Chapter 112 Blood Drinking Divine Art

Chapter 112 Blood Drinking Divine Art (Second Change)
"Stop knocking, I didn't come to trouble you today!"

Li Yunfeng said to the elder Zhang who was still kowtowing on the ground.

"Thank you sir!"

Zhang's parents breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they didn't come to kill him.

After seeing how powerful Li Yunfeng is, Zhang's parents didn't have the slightest intention of resisting!
"I just wanted to come here today and I want to tell you, don't rely on yourself to be better than ordinary people, just do whatever you want, and also, take care of the people under you, if it wasn't because of your third young master, I wouldn't Come to trouble you!"

Li Yunfeng said loudly to these people, Li Yunfeng's principle has always been to convince people with reason, and occasionally he will convince people with punches when he is upset!

"Yes, yes, I will definitely discipline the people in the future!"

Zhang's elders responded immediately, now he is extremely afraid of Li Yunfeng, he can kill even half a step of extreme state with one move, isn't this the legendary strong man of extreme state?
Few people have been able to reach the ultimate level since ancient times. Once they reach it, they are basically the kind of masters who can live forever.

"Has Zhang Lin been back?"

Li Yunfeng is more concerned about this person. This person has a weird personality, and the most important thing is that this person is a relatively orthodox immortal cultivator. Li Yunfeng wants to talk to him.

"Zhang Lin hasn't come back since he escaped!" Zhang's elder said.

"This person is a hidden danger!" Li Yunfeng frowned, and then continued: "What about the other direct descendants?"

"The second child of the nephew's generation is seriously injured and is recuperating in the room. The eldest is already dead!" Zhang's elder continued.

"As for the rest of them, they are here!" Elder Zhang pointed to the young people in front of him.

"The boss of the Zhang family is dead?"

Li Yunfeng was a little puzzled, how could the eldest son of the Zhang family die with only a slight injury?
"How did you die?" Li Yunfeng asked.

"It seems that all the blood and internal energy in the whole body have been sucked dry, and the whole person has become a mummy. We found it near the ancestral hall in the back hall!" The elder Zhang thought for a while, and then said.

"Take me to see!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Okay, my lord, please follow me!"

Zhang's elders were leading the way, and Li Yunfeng followed.

It didn't take long to arrive at the storage place of the young master Zhang's body. His whole body was dry, leaving only a layer of old skin.

"What do you think?" Li Yunfeng looked at the elder beside him, and then said.

"I feel like it's caused by some kind of evil work!" Zhang's elder thought for a while and then said.

"Oh? Is there such an evil skill?"

Li Yunfeng didn't expect Zhang's elders to say anything, but seeing that Zhang's elders really hit the point, he was a little surprised.

"In ancient times, there was such an evil kung fu called the blood-drinking magic kung fu, which relied on sucking other people's blood and internal strength to practice, and it was extremely fast. However, practicing this kung fu is not only extremely cruel, but also easy to fall into the devil's way. With joint killings, this blood-drinking magical skill will be gone forever!" Zhang's elder said slowly.

"Then do you know who did it?" Li Yunfeng asked.

"I do have a suspicion, but I don't know if it's right!" The elder Zhang's family suddenly lowered their voices, a little hesitant to speak.

"Tell me!" Li Yunfeng said.

"I think it should be done by the old patriarch!" The elder Zhang's family kept his voice to a minimum.


Li Yunfeng was also a little scared, to attack his grandson?
"Why do you say that?" Li Yunfeng continued to ask.

"It is reasonable to say that the old patriarch should have died ten years ago, but for some reason, he has survived until now, and even reached the half-step extreme state. I think it has something to do with the blood drinking magic!" said the elder Zhang.

"Oh? But when I was fighting with him, I thought your old patriarch was normal, without any demonic nature!" Li Yunfeng felt a little strange.

"I'm not sure about this. The eldest nephew went to invite the old patriarch, and then died outside the ancestral hall. He was sucked dry. The person who should have been killed by the old patriarch did not die in the end. I think it must have something to do with the old patriarch!"

Elder Zhang still believed in his own judgment, so he continued.

"Since they are all dead, it's meaningless to pursue these things. Since you suspect that the blood drinking magic is in the hands of the old patriarch, do you have any clues?" Li Yunfeng said.

"No, I went to the secret room of the old patriarch of the ancestral hall. It seems that someone has turned over the inside, and I didn't find the blood drink magic skill!"

"I don't know if it was not placed in the ancestral hall, or it has already been found." Zhang's elder said.

"Since you can't find it, forget it, but no matter who gets this kind of exercise, I don't recommend practicing it."

"If I need to kill others to practice, I know, I will never let him go, and even if I really break through the extreme realm with this blood-drinking magical skill, so what, as long as I want to kill, I will still be like slaughtering a dog! "

Li Yunfeng looked at Zhang's elders coldly, and then said.

"Your Excellency said so!"

Elder Zhang nodded quickly, with cold sweat on his forehead, it was obvious that Li Yunfeng was warning him, letting him know that even if he found the blood drinking magic skill, he could not practice it.

"What's your name?" Li Yunfeng looked at Zhang's elder and asked.

"Villain Zhang Lingjue!" Zhang's parents replied.

"Okay, please remember my mobile phone number later. I think Zhang Lin has a weird personality. If he comes back and wants to avenge his clansmen, let him go to Jingnan City to find me. I will accompany him at any time. If he behaves weirdly, yes Ordinary people kill people randomly, you call me, I will make him regret living in this world!"

When Li Yunfeng said this, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"Of course, if he's practicing according to his duty, I won't bother with him!" Li Yunfeng said to Zhang Lingjue.

"Yes, I will definitely tell you what your lord said!" Zhang Lingjue replied hastily.

"Since you call me my lord, I won't treat you badly. If you take this elixir, you will be able to break through to the late innate state, and you can suppress Zhang Lin within at least a year!"

Li Yunfeng took the last Spirit Enhancement Pill from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Lingjue.

If you want others to do good things for you, it is definitely useless to just threaten. A stick and a sweet date, and the combination of grace and power can have the greatest effect.

"If you eat it, you will be able to reach the late stage of congenital?"

When Zhang Lingjue saw the elixir in his hand, he was a little skeptical. Could it be poison? Li Yunfeng was afraid that he would not be able to control himself?
Thinking of this, Zhang Lingjue knelt down in fright, and said, "My lord, I have absolutely no second thoughts, don't give me poison!"

Seeing this situation, Li Yunfeng was very speechless and didn't bother to explain, so he grabbed Zhang Lingjue's old face and threw Zengling Pill into it.

With a thud, the elixir entered Zhang Lingjue's belly.

"Sit down and use your exercises!" Li Yunfeng shouted.

Before Zhang Lingjue could react, he felt a pure energy in his abdomen traveling along the meridians all over his body, and hurriedly practiced the exercises.

Li Yunfeng walked directly behind Zhang Lingjue and helped him speed up the refining process.

With the help of Li Yunfeng, the potency of the elixir dissipated extremely quickly. In only about 10 minutes, Zhang Lingjue successfully entered the innate late stage.


Zhang Lingjue felt the majestic inner strength in his body, and he was a little dumbfounded, so he entered the late innate stage?
"Thank you, sir!" Zhang Lingjue was overwhelmed with gratitude to Li Yunfeng, and kowtowed to Li Yunfeng to thank him.

"Okay, don't kowtow!" Li Yunfeng was a little speechless, and Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye, who had established a blood contract, didn't see this either. How servile Zhang Ling must be to be like this?
But it's okay, only such a person can you safely control in your hands, as long as your strength is far stronger than him, he will never betray.

 Thank you again for the reward of [-] book coins from Silly Boy Paper

(End of this chapter)

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