The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1138 The supreme body of the ancestor god!

Chapter 1138 The supreme body of the ancestor god!

After being directly broken by Li Yunfeng, Princess Lan Ruo frowned.

Although the fight just now was only for a moment, Princess Lan Ruo has almost confirmed that Li Yunfeng definitely has the power to transform into a god.

"What is your cultivation?"

Princess Lan Ruo has few people she can't see through. Even in the face of Long Fei's Ninth Killing Formation, she is still extremely calm, and can break through directly with the help of her own profound attainments in formations and the power of Spinosaurus.

But at this time, Li Yunfeng in front of her felt a little unpredictable.

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

Li Yunfeng didn't stop at all, and was about to strike immediately.

"Presumptuous, dare to be rude to Her Royal Highness, damn it!"

At this moment, there was a hint of determination in the eyes of the seven gods. Li Yunfeng actually broke the spine of the Huashen Spinosaurus, which made them even more dignified.

So at this time, the ultimate sharp change carried out by the Seven Heavenly Gods!


The reason why it is called Zu Dan is because Zu Dan can make people in the God Realm undergo ultimate sharp changes!

Make the ultimate throwback!

At this moment, with Princess Song Yuan as the center, a strong golden light began to radiate, as did the other six gods.

In the end, the seven rays of light converged completely.

"Soldiers of the Protoss should die bravely in battle! To kill you, only a warrior of the Protoss is enough. You are not worthy of this princess!"

Seeing Li Yunfeng directly attacking her, Princess Lan Ruo said lightly.

In just a split second, the huge Spinosaurus body disappeared directly, and finally appeared on the other side.

"It's no wonder that the ninth killing formation can be broken, and the attainment of this formation is also very good!"

Although Li Yunfeng and Princess Lanruo were enemies, he had to admit that Princess Lanruo's formation skills were really strong, and she was able to avoid him directly with the remaining prestige of the formation.

Princess Lan Ruo's formation talent was almost on par with Long Fei.

At this time, a shocking change happened behind Li Yunfeng.

At this time, the seven gods turned their heads to the sky and roared at the same time, the formation was very scary.

Immediately afterwards, there were strange sounds one after another, like the sound of something being torn apart.

At this time, Li Yunfeng was a little scared.

He originally planned to compare the so-called array with Princess Lan Ruo, so that Princess Lan Ruo would know how unbearable his so-called array is in front of him, the great emperor.

But at this time, he was really attracted by the changes of the seven gods behind him, and temporarily gave up chasing Princess Lanruo.

"Ancestor God is coming!"

At this moment, one side of the bodies of the seven gods mutated.

Qi Tianshen was in great pain, but he looked at Li Yunfeng with a look of incomparable resentment.

All of this was because Li Yunfeng forced them to come to this point.

Bang bang bang!
At first there was a tearing sound, but at this moment, it seemed to be completely torn apart!
First, the arm of a protoss shattered directly, and then went towards Princess Songyuan.

With a bang, it just stuck to Princess Songyuan's body.

In the next moment, a burst of intense light shone, and the arm merged directly with Princess Songyuan!
Seeing this, Li Yunfeng was also a little dumbfounded, what kind of power is this Zu Dan?

Before, he thought that this Zu Dan was just to make the blood of these people boil, and then burst out with a power far beyond the current one!

But this situation is too weird now, right?

Break directly and stick to another person?
In this world, there is such a perverted secret technique?

However, this is just the beginning.

Another golden protoss split his body with a split leg, and then he also went towards Princess Songyuan.

Exactly the same as the arm in front, it also erupted with a strong golden light, and then blended into the body of Princess Songyuan so casually.

The reason why I said it was random this time is because when the arm was fused with Princess Songyuan before, at least it was fused with the upper body of Princess Songyuan.

It's not surprising that Li Yunfeng has seen the six-armed god of the protoss. If this continues, Princess Songyuan may have a few more hands.

Maybe it will become a real six-armed god!
No, it should be the fourteen-armed god.

Still not right!

When the arm was fused to Princess Songyuan's body, Li Yunfeng clearly felt that the power of Princess Songyuan was skyrocketing!
According to this situation, after you really become fourteen arms, you will be in the realm of a god king!

It should be called the fourteen-armed god king.

But this flying golden giant foot is really strange, it doesn't blend into Princess Songyuan's leg.

Instead, it merged directly into the somewhat towering chest of Princess Songyuan without any rules!


Li Yunfeng felt that he had lost his voice and could not speak.

This kind of weird situation has never been heard of by him in his ten thousand years, how can he do it like this?

Even Li Yunfeng, who was occasionally venomous and cruel, but most of the time calm as water, was shocked!

Let alone other people!
Everyone looked as if their eyeballs and jaws were about to fall to the ground, and some people even drool all over their bodies without knowing it or paying attention to it!

Because in the face of such a weird situation, drooling or something is really not worth mentioning!
"Li Yunfeng, just wait to die, and watch us achieve the supreme body of the ancestor god!"

But at this time, Princess Songyuan was not surprised at all, but the corner of her mouth revealed a smug look.

"You don't want to fuse all the legs and feet of these people into your body, do you?"

Li Yunfeng asked dumbfounded.


Princess Songyuan sneered.

Normally, if someone scolded him for being ignorant, Li Yunfeng would definitely slap him in the face severely to let the other party know what ignorance is.

But this time, he didn't refute, because the way he looked at Song Yuan felt that it might be more than that.

He is really ignorant at this moment, he doesn't know at all!

But the ignorance didn't last long!

Li Yunfeng will know the next moment.

He admits to being ignorant.

This time it was even more exaggerated.

Major General Xuan Teng's head shattered, and the next instant, he flew towards Princess Songyuan like a golden shooting star, and stuck to it...

stuck in...

stuck in...

Sticking to Princess Songyuan's... fart... ass...

Li Yunfeng stepped back as if struck by lightning for a moment, and many ordinary people sat down on the ground in fright!
A rickety tall building in the distance has been insisting on not falling down.

But at this moment, even the building seemed to be shocked and collapsed!

Well, it's not that the building is frightened.

It was only because countless people in Zhong Hai and Li Yunfeng were frightened, they collectively moved, causing the ground to tremble, and then the already shaky building collapsed.

But it's not over yet!
Immediately afterwards, various limbs, whether it was the thighs, arms, head, or body, were all separated at this time, and then they were all fused together in a variety of completely irregular ways centering on Princess Songyuan.

Finally formed a new irregular body!
This is the supreme body of the ancestor god!
(End of this chapter)

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