The return of the immortal world

Chapter 117 Please stay out of my sight!

Chapter 117 Please stay out of my sight!

Seeing the dispute between these few people, Li Yunfeng just smiled.

There are too many right and wrong in this world, no one can see everything, including himself, so he didn't interrupt.

Not long after, Xue Yiyi, who had been calling for a long time, finally came out.

Li Yunfeng also looked over and had to say that Xue Yiyi is indeed very beautiful.

A pink dress, coupled with a slender figure, looks very eye-catching.

From Li Yunfeng's point of view, at least he was no worse than Lin Qianmeng, no wonder Wang Haihui came here.

As soon as Xue Yiyi came out, the group of people below immediately screamed.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful!" Wang Hai asked Li Yunfeng a little wretchedly.

"Not bad!" Li Yunfeng also nodded.

"Han Tong likes to show off, isn't he just celebrating his birthday? He paid a lot of money to invite Xue Yiyi here!"

Wang Hai looked at a young man in a suit sitting in front with disdain, and said with some displeasure.

Although Wang Hai said so, his eyes were full of envy.

Han Tong's company is similar to his own, but Han Tong is already a director of the group, and he has just entered the company as a small manager.

Wang Hai is completely unable to be independent financially, and has to ask his father for money.

But Han Tong is different, he can directly spend a lot of money to invite domestic first-line stars for his birthday.

It was because he saw that Han Tong spent money without any scruples, so Wang Hai reluctantly agreed to his father to go to work in the company and learn management experience.

Wang Hai talked with Li Yunfeng for a while, and then walked around. As the top son of Jingnan City, Wang Hai must know a lot of people.

After Wang Hai left, Li Yunfeng was also happy to be at leisure, so he sat here eating fruit snacks and drinking red wine, but he was also leisurely.

Not long after, Fan Wen came back, but she was a little angry.

Li Yunfeng looked at it, but didn't say anything. The other party didn't like him, and there was no need for him to initiate a conversation.

"Wang Hai, that bastard, just got me into his hands, and he went with someone else in a blink of an eye!"

Fan Wen drank half of the glass of red wine in front of her in one gulp, then slammed the glass of red wine on the table, and said very displeased.

Li Yunfeng heard Fan Wen's voice, but didn't answer it, just drank the red wine to himself.

"Damn, if you can hook up with a little star in front of me, can't I hook up with others? Let's see who is the best!"

Fan Wen's face was a little gloomy, and she whispered to herself.

When Li Yunfeng heard this, he smiled to himself. It turned out that Wang Hai went to hook up with the little star and left Fan Wen aside. This Wang Hai is too beastly.

"Li Yunfeng, let me tell you something!"

Fan Wen suddenly looked at Li Yunfeng, and said.

When Li Yunfeng heard this, he was a little surprised, this woman wouldn't come to seduce him just to get revenge on Wang Hai, right?
So do you agree or not?Anyway, Wang Hai is just playing for fun.

The female news anchor seems to be quite interesting!
Just as Li Yunfeng was at war between heaven and man, Fan Wen's voice sounded again.

I just heard Fan Wen say: "It's not very convenient for you to sit here, there is still a seat in that small corner, you can sit there, anyway, you don't know anyone here, just eat and drink well."

Li Yunfeng: "...."

"What? Not happy?"

Seeing that Li Yunfeng didn't reply, Fan Wen said a little unhappy.

In her opinion, it seems that others must obey what she says!
Li Yunfeng's face is indeed a little ugly at this time, this place is not owned by you, Fan Wen, I am sitting here well, why do you want me to go away?

Li Yunfeng just glanced at Fan Wen coldly, didn't speak, and continued to drink on his own.


Fan Wen wanted to continue talking, but seeing Li Yunfeng's cold eyes, she didn't continue, but walked away by herself.

It's just that when he walked away, his eyes were a bit unfriendly, obviously very dissatisfied with Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng was very depressed right now, damn it, who did I mess with while drinking?
Is it necessary to look down on people so lowly?

You really need 50 billion to hit your face before you are convinced?

And Wang Hai, the bastard, brought himself here, and went to pick up girls by himself?

Li Yunfeng gritted his teeth with hatred.

This is really the best bad friend!

Fan Wen really did what she said.

Not long after, he really hooked up with a good-looking young man, wearing a famous brand, and obviously a rich man.

The two were holding hands, as if they were very close. I don't know if the two of them did it on purpose. At this time, they walked towards Li Yunfeng's table, and Fan Wen looked at Li Yunfeng with a proud face.

"Are you Wang Hai's friend?"

As soon as the man walked over, he spoke to Li Yunfeng in a domineering manner.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Seeing Fan Wen's complacent look, Li Yunfeng knew what was going on. It must be that he didn't walk away obediently just now, and Fan Wen drove someone to take revenge.

"Wang Hai has low taste, he can make friends with any kind of people!" The man said with a sarcasm in his tone.

"Heh!" Li Yunfeng just glanced at it and didn't say anything. He didn't bother talking to this kind of person who thought he was superior.

"Li Yunfeng, do you know who Brother Dong is?"

There was a man beside Fan Wen at this time, and she felt that her sense of security had increased a lot, and she was no longer afraid of Li Yunfeng, so she said a little arrogantly.

"It doesn't matter who he is?" Li Yunfeng said lightly, some people always like to think too highly of themselves.

"Don't think that knowing Wang Hai is great. He is very casual in making friends. Today he is a good friend with you, but tomorrow he may forget you. Don't count on him!"

Fan Wen looked at Li Yunfeng with a sneer, and then continued: "Brother Dong is the son of the Chen family, one of the five major families in southern Jing. In the future, you will be the helm of the Chen family. If you are acquainted, go away. If you are still here The eyes of Brother Dong and I, be careful that Brother Dong is angry, you will be finished in minutes!"

After Fan Wen found a new backer, she was very arrogant, and after listening to Fan Wen's words, Chen Mingdong also felt very comfortable and very useful.

"Li Yunfeng, right? I think you'd better go away now, don't get in my eyes here, or if I invite someone to invite you out later, you'll regret it before it's too late!" Chen Mingdong said arrogantly Said.

Li Yunfeng looked at Chen Mingdong coldly, and stood up.

"Haha, now that I know I'm afraid, I wouldn't be so shameless if I let you go earlier!"

Fan Wen looked at Li Yunfeng very proudly, then said with a big smile.

At this time, Chen Mingdong also felt that he was very majestic, and he drove people away as soon as he came forward, and he smiled at this time.

"I limit you to leave my sight within ten seconds, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Li Yunfeng stood up, looked at the two arrogant people, and said in a gloomy tone.

"What, you let us go?"

Fan Wen suddenly lost her smile, and looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief, is this person out of his mind?
(End of this chapter)

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