The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1170 The Fall of the God Emperor

Chapter 1170 The Fall of the God Emperor
No matter how much the ancestral god's dharma body resists, it is not at the same level after all.

A power that is capable of dealing with the true soul of the Immortal King.

And the other one is not only the emperor soul, but also the burning power of the emperor soul.

Even if the opponent dispatched a real force capable of countering the Emperor Soul, it would be of no use at all.

In Li Yunfeng's last battle, he never thought of losing, and he will definitely win!

However, the usable time of the Emperor Soul Flame is too short, and it cannot be as good as before, and it will not decrease if it is not used.

Once the emperor soul flame burns, it will completely disappear in the end.

"Ah... Emperor Zun, I'm not finished with you!"

At this time, the dharma body of the ancestor god was under the palm of the flame, and he no longer had any prestige, and he could not even escape.

Li Yunfeng smiled coldly and did not speak.

Still burning and consuming the opponent's Dharma Body, the opponent only has the ability to defend, not to fight back.

after all!

The ancestor god's dharma body is getting weaker and weaker.

The ancestor god also simply gave up resistance at this time.

Forget it, sleep more than a dozen epochs, just sleep a dozen epochs.

Anyway, he didn't know how long he had lived and how many catastrophes he had avoided. At least half of his life was sleeping.

Sleeping more than a dozen epochs made him very uncomfortable, but it was not unacceptable.

But at this time, the ancestor god's dharma body sneered again and again.

Zu Shen said: "Di Zun, although I don't know which immortal emperor you are reincarnated, your aura is well concealed, but I hope you are still alive after I wake up, and I hope you will return to the peak at that time, if you don't come back Reach the peak, and see how this ancestor god will torture you then!"

The Ancestral God stared at Li Yunfeng, he was already a little calm now, but there was a hint of ferocity at the corner of his mouth.

Although the immortal emperor reincarnates, there is a high probability that he can continue to become an immortal emperor, but there is also a high probability that he will die on the way to growth.

And his ancestral god, who slashed himself and hid in a corner, will recover as the universe recovers.

No matter how many reincarnations the universe has gone through, he is almost always among the first batch to return to the peak.

So he must be able to return to the peak, and now the universe is only in the early stages of recovery. It is still unknown whether this so-called reincarnation of the immortal emperor can return to the peak.

"Don't worry? Maybe you will be like me, reincarnated, and break through if you want to sleep. In this life, you may not have such good luck!"

Li Yunfeng saw the appearance of the ancestor god, a sly smile flashed on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly.

"You want to take advantage of my deep sleep? Then deal with me?"

When the ancestor god heard it, he immediately disdained it.

Continued: "Do you think I haven't thought about this possibility? When I proclaimed myself, I thought about it. Even if the top immortal emperor attacks with all his strength, it is impossible to open the energy formation when I disperse." Absolute defense, unless the Immortal Emperor dies and wants to perish with the ancestor god, but I believe there will be no such stupid Immortal Emperor! Since you are the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, you will not be so stupid!"

"And it's hard to say whether you can become the Immortal Emperor one step ahead of me!"

At this time, the ancestor god calmly endured the burning of the emperor's soul flame, and the demeanor of a strong man appeared again.

If it was at the peak of the universe, there might be a peerless genius who would achieve the throne within ten thousand years!
But in the current situation where the universe is just recovering, let alone become an invincible immortal emperor.

Even becoming a true immortal is extremely difficult.

Therefore, the ancestor god didn't think that the other party could become an immortal emperor one step ahead of him. If he could not wait for him to deal with this reincarnated immortal emperor, the reincarnated immortal emperor would die by himself.

"What if more than one immortal emperor deals with you who is sleeping?"

Li Yunfeng suddenly laughed.

"It's a joke. With the current state of the universe, being able to give birth to a true immortal is almost the ultimate. If there is more than one, get out!"

When the ancestor god heard about it, he naturally didn't believe it.

"Hey, the majestic chaotic creature was born almost invincible, but unfortunately invincibility has wiped out too much of your ambition, no wonder you will be chased and killed by the Yin-Yang Immortal Emperor to the edge of the universe, it is not unreasonable!"

Li Yunfeng looked at the ancestor god who was content with the status quo, and said with a sigh.

"You're talking nonsense, it's obviously's..."

When the ancestor god heard that Li Yunfeng said that he was chased and killed by Immortal Emperor Yin Yang to the edge of the universe, his face suddenly became swollen.

He still wanted to quibble, but he thought that the other party was the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, so he couldn't possibly know about it, so he held back for a long time, but still didn't continue.

So in the end he was a little discouraged, and said with a bad face: "What's the use of ambition? Where are those Yin-Yang Immortal Emperors who are rampant in the universe and are invincible in the world, including the almost invincible human race? But the ancestor god is still there. I am still an invincible chaotic creature, what about them? They have long since disappeared without a trace!"

"Hey, unambitious guy, you should reincarnate and re-cultivate, practice your courage, although you have survived many disasters by relying on your timidity!"

"But if you often walk by the river, where are your shoes that don't get wet?"

"For example, this time, you met the emperor, so you got your shoes wet!"

"It's hard to say that you and I will meet somewhere in the future. I have this hunch. I hope that you will not be so cowardly and timid when the time comes!"

A strange light flashed in Li Yunfeng's eyes.

"If you really want to meet, this ancestor god will swallow you in one gulp!"

The ancestor god naturally didn't believe Li Yunfeng's words, opened his many heads, and roared at Li Yunfeng.

"You should be on your way, including your true self, and I will send you and your God Realm to a good place. There is nothing to stay in this lonely universe, and that is where you should stay!"

Li Yunfeng said a lot about the ancestor gods and the Supreme God Emperor, including words that people on earth could not understand, which made people feel inexplicable.

"Nonsense, when the god returns, I will definitely swallow you! I will never break my promise!"


After Zu Shenxin finished speaking, he screamed suddenly, Li Yunfeng increased the intensity of the flame of the emperor soul, and directly wiped out the blood body of the ancestor god with one palm.

The ancestor god completely disappeared on the earth with a distorted expression. Only the Supreme God Emperor is left for those who came to the God Realm!
When the ancestor god was completely covered by the flames of the emperor's soul, the Supreme God Emperor had already moved towards the teleportation array without a sound.

Only at the beginning, Li Yunfeng ignored it.

Because he had already calculated in his heart, he just looked at the Supreme God Emperor at this time, and there was no huge power bursting out of his eyes.

But in silence, the Supreme God Emperor screamed, and was attracted by Li Yunfeng's eyes.

"In front of the deity, do you still want to escape?"

Li Yunfeng snorted coldly, under the flames of the Emperor Soul, he was about to kill the Supreme God Emperor.

The Supreme God Emperor, who seemed powerful and boundless before, has no resistance.

"Lord Immortal Emperor, please spare me, let me go around, I am willing to stand up for you!"

The Supreme God Emperor panicked and kowtowed frantically to Li Yunfeng.

"If the ancestor god honors this emperor, you can still think about it."

"As for you? What is it? It's good to die!"

Li Yunfeng sneered, and directly patted the Supreme God Emperor!

"Ah... the ancestor god will avenge me!"

Seeing that he could not survive, the Supreme God Emperor yelled at Li Yunfeng.

However, Li Yunfeng didn't show any emotion on his face, he just sneered.

Very soon, the ancestor god will be in trouble, and begging the ancestor god for revenge?

The flames of the emperor's soul descended, No. 1 in the God Realm, the Supreme God Emperor completely fell without any resistance!

In the flames, burn to ashes!
(End of this chapter)

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