The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1245 Chaos sets the world!

Chapter 1245 Chaos sets the world!
"How could this be? How could this be?"

At this moment, Miekong felt that all the vitality in his body was being destroyed crazily. He screamed and frantically resisted, but even so, he still couldn't resist Li Yunfeng's finger.

His body was almost completely shattered in an instant, and he no longer existed in the world!
"Junior Brother Li, save Senior Brother Miekong's life. He is our Senior Brother after all! And when he is dying, he may destroy all the stone talismans and revive him through the stone talismans. This is too wasteful."

Seeing that Miekong was really going to be killed, Longnu's face changed wildly. Others didn't know whether Longnu was worried about Miekong's life or that the stone talisman would be destroyed by Miekong.

"If he doesn't cherish the chance to survive, he'll be damned! And even if I keep my hand, I'm sure that Miekong will definitely threaten to explode the stone talisman and will never leave it to us, so it's better to kill him!"

Li Yunfeng spoke indifferently, and did not stop because of Longnu's words.

Characters like Miekong are naturally restless. If they don't get killed by him today, they will definitely be killed by him in the future. It's better to kill them directly while the chaotic energy is being stimulated.

"It's not up to you to decide whether you should die or not! Immortal Emperor Chaos has already made arrangements. He won't let me die. How can you let me die?"

Miekong felt the incomparable pain in his body, and gradually realized the reality. At this moment, even if the chaos cracked, he would really die once.

But he gradually calmed down, staring at Li Yunfeng with a mocking look in his eyes and said.

He gave up resisting and let Li Yunfeng attack. The last trace of strength in his body was about to be concentrated and used to destroy the stone talisman on his body. He wanted Li Yunfeng and Longnu not to get the stone talisman on him!
But when Li Yunfeng heard this, he just sneered and continued to advance violently.

"In the realm of chaos, I am the master. Unless the emperor of chaos suddenly appears here, there is no possibility for you to survive!"

In Li Yunfeng's eyes, there was also a sense of sarcasm, he said indifferently.

"Ha ha!"

Miekong sneered, he didn't believe it, and still let Li Yunfeng attack!
"Chaos sets the world!"

It was at this moment that Li Yunfeng suddenly spoke in a low voice, and as the words started, an extremely terrifying aura began to spread from his fingers, extremely terrifying.

at this time!

More than just a finger range horror!
Within a few feet of his body, there was a terrifying aura permeating the air.

" can perfectly control and drive the gray mist in the realm of chaos?"

Miekong was originally extremely confident, but at this moment, he finally understood why Li Yunfeng's fingertips, a trace of power so terrifying that it could directly destroy everything, was so terrifying.

Li Yunfeng was able to perfectly control the gray mist in the chaotic realm?
This is amazing!

"You are even more suitable for the small chaos domain than me!"

Miekong said in shock.

At this moment, he understood everything!
But in the next instant, Miekong's expression changed wildly again!
The power he used to detonate the stone talisman seemed to be frozen along with the gray mist that began to condense in the air.

He couldn't let the power in his body transfer to the stone talisman, and he couldn't even be resurrected!
At this moment, he was really scared!
Unlike before, who was only afraid of unknown powers, this time he is afraid of death!
He destroys the sky, a generation of peerless arrogance!
It is possible to really die in the small chaotic domain!

Originally, there were lessons learned from Teng Yi's past.

He believes that in the small chaotic domain, there will never be a genius of his level to die!
But now, it's not necessarily the case. If you get close to Li Yunfeng, a monster like Li Yunfeng, even if you have a life-saving stone talisman, it's useless!
"No... blast me, blast me!"

Miekong's eyes became more and more frightened, frantically mobilizing the condensed power in his body.

Although Li Yunfeng has almost stopped attacking him at this time, his vitality has also passed to the extreme.

If the stone talisman that can be resurrected from the dead is not activated, he will really disappear in this small chaotic domain forever, instead of disappearing temporarily!

"Teng Yi, quickly help me explode the stone talisman on my body! Hurry... Hurry up!"

Miekong became more and more frightened, and he felt that his consciousness had begun to blur.

"Okay, I'll just..."

Teng Yi's legs were trembling crazily at this time, and he had to do what Miekong said.

But Li Yunfeng suddenly looked at Teng Yi.

Although Li Yunfeng just looked over and didn't make a move, Teng Yi was too frightened to speak.

He felt weak all over, afraid that Li Yunfeng would attack him in the next moment.

Teng Yi frantically backed away.

He directly crushed a life-saving stone talisman engraved with a portrait left in his hand.

The life-saving stone talisman is very miraculous, as long as it explodes, even if it is not killed by someone, it will still disappear from here in an instant, and then it will be outside the chaos domain in the next instant.

Seeing that Teng Yi was scared away, the other people who teamed up with Teng Yi Miekong turned around and fled wherever they dared to step forward.

For these little guys, Li Yunfeng didn't even bother to take a look!
"Teng Yi, you bastard..."

Seeing that Teng Yi was so frightened that he ran away, Miekong couldn't hold on for a few minutes, at this moment, he was so angry that he was trembling all over, and completely collapsed!
"No... I'm not willing!"

Miekong screamed, but everything was useless.

Miekong is completely dead!

If he died under Li Yunfeng's finger, even if he had a life-saving stone talisman, it would be of no use!
In fact, Miekong's end was already doomed after he pointed out the rudimentary form of chaotic energy.

Miekong only fits with the small chaotic domain!
But what about Li Yunfeng?

The Chaos Qi in Li Yunfeng's hands is the Emperor's Qi that surpasses the small Chaos Realm, what fit is needed?
In the small chaotic domain, Miekong is just a borrower.

Li Yunfeng is the emperor, and even Li Yunfeng can rely on a rudimentary chaotic gas in his body to deprive the opponent of the gray mist in the small chaotic domain.

One word, one thought!
It can make all the gray mist in the Chaos Realm surrender and let him use it!

The rudimentary form of Chaos Qi is extremely powerful. Since Li Yunfeng refined it, it can almost block gods and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. In addition to the gray energy in the small chaotic domain, as long as Li Yunfeng uses the rudimentary form of Chaos Qi, no one can stop it!
In the end, Miekong's body was scattered in the small chaotic domain, turning into a wisp of dust in the world. The life-saving stone talisman was not activated, and he died!
Dragon Girl and Yin Yan are also in a daze at this time, even the life-saving stone talisman can't work?
After a while, the dragon girl lowered her eyebrows, with a trace of grief in her eyes.

If she had known that Senior Brother Miekong was so powerful, she would never have thought of taking action against Senior Brother Miekong.

But the grief only lasted for a short period of time, the dragon girl raised her head and looked around.

"The dead are gone, Junior Brother Li, you don't have to blame yourself too much, the future of the sect still needs to be supported by you! Fortunately, the stone talisman did not explode, good, good!"

Long Nu looked around, and then said to Li Yunfeng, and then, there was a hint of excitement on her face.

Li Yunfeng thought that Long Nu would accuse him of killing his brother in the same sect so coldly, and he was going to accept Long Nu's discipline and punishment.

It's just that after hearing the words of the dragon girl, he was speechless. Where did you see that I blamed myself?

Li Yunfeng and Long Nu have been together for a while, and it is often difficult for him to understand Long Nu's brain circuit, so he just ignores Long Nu, anyway, as long as Long Nu stops talking to him and admonishing him.

"Senior brother Yin, you don't need to be sad, you will be the senior brother of the sect from now on, you must not be like senior brother Mie Kong, killing fellow sects without mercy, do you know that?"

After Longnu said something to Li Yunfeng, she turned her head and said to Miekong.

Yin Yan wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and nodded solemnly: "Junior Sister Long, don't worry, I will do a good job as a senior brother!"

In fact, Yin Yan was a little excited at this time.

The previous suzerain position, although Li Yunfeng and Longnu had promised, was still unreliable.

But Miekong is dead now, and Long Nu and Li Yunfeng won't compete with him, so the future is simply smooth.

So he was very happy, and responded to Dragon Girl in a serious manner.

Seeing this, Longnu nodded, very satisfied with Yin Yan's answer.

However, when Li Yunfeng heard what Longnu said to Miekong at this time, she was also thoughtful. It seemed that Longnu also killed Miekong without mercy just now, and she also became murderous.

Dragon Girl's grief is true, but she must be very angry that Miekong wanted to kill him directly without mercy.

If life was really involved, Dragon Girl would definitely not be as benevolent as she appeared on the outside!

When the dragon girl quickly recovered from the 'sorrow', she looked at the stone talisman floating around because of Miekong's death, she was extremely excited!
The Dragon Girl is about to reach out and take all the stone symbols into her hands.

Just suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation between the heaven and the earth.

"Thank you all for the stone talisman, I will accept it bluntly. In the future, I will prove the true immortal, and you will all be my warriors of Yaoxian! Li Yunfeng's skills are amazing, and he can be my number one warrior!"

In the sky, only voices were heard, but no one was seen. A pure white and flawless hand, as crystal clear as a jade onion, suddenly appeared next to the stone talisman, and it was about to take away all the stone talismans!
(End of this chapter)

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