The return of the immortal world

Chapter 148 Killing Plan

Chapter 148 Killing Plan
However, Phantom has been extremely secretive since its establishment, which is also a common feature of killer organizations.

Just like this black-clothed killer, he is just the person in charge of a branch in Huaxia.

In his memory, only the specific location of their hall.

As for the headquarters, he has never been there, he only knows that it is in Zhonghai City, but he doesn't know the exact location.

Only the top leaders know the exact location of the headquarters.

But he didn't even know where these leaders looked or where they were.

So the specific location of their headquarters is not only a secret to outsiders.

It is also a secret for these internal killers, they only need to be responsible for carrying out the task.

At this time, the night was gradually getting dark, Li Yunfeng grabbed the black-clothed killer in his hands, and taking advantage of the cover of night, he brought the black-clothed killer to his villa.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang.

Li Yunfeng finished training, but a trace of spiritual power popped out from the air, and opened the door.

The black-clothed killer who had been sitting in the corner widened his eyes when he saw that Li Yunfeng was able to turn his strength into reality.

Although the strong in the innate realm can draw the inner strength out of the body, it can be used to defend against attacks.

But that's just the whole body, such a long-distance use of inner strength to open the door, even the strong innate late Dzogchen can't do it.

"What is your cultivation?"

He has been guessing, what kind of cultivation is Li Yunfeng?
Innate early stage?

No, definitely not. Although I was afraid in the early days of Xiantian, it was not impossible to kill the opponent by surprise.

Since it is not the early stage of congenital, then there are only middle and late congenital stages!

As for the extreme state behind, he never thought about it.

How could such a young person be in the extreme state?
But seeing what he did, no strong person in the late innate stage could do it. Could it be that he is really a strong person in the extreme realm?
Thinking of this, the whole body of the black-clothed killer trembled slightly.

Isn't this person a so-called young man?
But a certain old monster has cultivated to the extreme and rejuvenated?

Just as the killer in black was guessing Li Yunfeng's true cultivation, Ye Feng opened the door and walked in.

At this time, when he was walking, his body still seemed to be floating, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

Although Qing Ti Pill is useful, it doesn't work immediately.

Ye Feng was checked by several doctors who came to treat him, and after making sure that there was nothing serious, he was taken back to the police station and made a record.

After finishing the record, the police station prepared to send him to the hospital for detailed examination, but Ye Feng insisted that he was fine.

So Ye Feng left the police station and came to Li Yunfeng's villa alone.

Anyway, he can be regarded as a great man in Jingnan. Although his reputation is not obvious, it is still very easy to find out the location of Li Yunfeng's villa.

As soon as Ye Feng walked in, he saw the black-clothed killer in the corner, his eyes turned red immediately, and he rushed over to kill him!

Li Yunfeng didn't stop him, the man in black was originally killed by Ye Feng!
The black-clothed killer's cultivation base was sealed, and he couldn't move, so he could only let Ye Feng ravage him.

However, Ye Feng was also injured at this time, even walking in vain, and beat the black-clothed killer for a while.

It turned out that he just beat the black-clothed killer until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, without causing any actual damage.

Ye Feng's eyes were red at this time, and his mouth was also growling.

He looked at the black-clothed killer with monstrous hatred.

Pausing for a while, Ye Feng jumped directly at the black-clothed killer, and bit the black-clothed killer's throat with his teeth.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng frowned slightly, trying to stop Ye Feng.

But seeing Ye Feng's crazy appearance, he didn't say anything in the end!
In the end, the black-clothed killer was brutally bitten to death by Ye Feng.

After a long time, Ye Feng saw that the black-clothed killer lost his breath, and his whole body seemed to be paralyzed, and he fell down heavily.


In the end, Li Yunfeng just sighed, didn't bother Ye Feng, and let him sleep on the ground.

With his own Qingti Pill to continuously deliver energy to Ye Feng, as long as Ye Feng does not commit suicide, it is difficult for Ye Feng to die.

Li Yunfeng waved his hand, and a ball of scorching flames flew towards the black-clothed killer.

In just a few minutes, the black-clothed killer was reduced to ashes.

Only a little white dust on the ground revealed that there was a person here before.

After finishing all this, Li Yunfeng closed his eyes again and started to practice, the Foundation Establishment Realm was getting closer and closer!
Ye Feng didn't wake up until late at night, and at this time he also recovered a little strength.

At this time, he was still a little dazed, and he didn't know why he was here.

Seeing Li Yunfeng sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Ye Feng remembered what happened during the day.

At this time, he also calmed down, but a little sad.

Li Yunfeng felt that Ye Feng woke up and opened his eyes.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Ye Feng saw Li Yunfeng opened his eyes and said something.

"You killed this black-clothed killer directly, don't you want to know who hired the killer behind?"

Li Yunfeng asked a little strangely.

"I performed various missions back then, killed many people, and made many enemies. It's normal for them to kill and come back. There is no need to search for it. This is the karma that I should bear!"

"So even if they kill me, I have nothing to say!"

"I don't have any hatred for the killer organization. They should take money to kill people! I can't control it."

"I only hate this killer, he only wants to deal with me, why did he kill Xue'er!"


Speaking of this, Ye Feng hissed again, and tears flowed out of his eyes again!
"I see!"

Li Yunfeng thought it was because Ye Feng lost his mind, but he didn't expect to find trouble with the murderer or the killer organization behind it!

Unexpectedly, the other party said such a remark, which gave him a better understanding of Ye Feng's character.

Such a person would teach him the skills of cultivating immortals, even if he becomes stronger in the future, he will still be able to maintain his original intentions and will not cause trouble for the common people.

Li Yunfeng originally planned to test it, but at this time he felt that it was unnecessary!
"But you are wrong. The reason why this killer is like this is actually because of the indifference to life when the killer organization trains killers!"

"When this killer organization concentrated their training, they even asked them to kill ordinary people who had nothing to do with the mission, so as to temper their disregard for life."

"As far as I know, when this killer organization trains newcomers, it specially sends people to supervise these killers, and let these killers kill others everywhere."

"After doing these things, these killers will never turn back, and they can also exercise their xinxing, preventing them from being merciful when performing missions in the future, resulting in mission failure!"

"That's why this killer killed Liu Xue mercilessly. In fact, it was caused by this killer organization. Most of the killers in their killer organization are just like him."

"At the root of it, this killer organization is the source of the disaster!"

This is what Li Yunfeng understood from a part of the killer's memory, and he said slowly to Ye Feng at this moment.

Li Yunfeng has always felt that this kind of killer organization that destroys humanity is an unstable factor.

This time it was Liu Xue's death, and next time it might be the people around him.

So, he decided to pull out this killer organization!
With his current cultivation base, it is not difficult to disintegrate or even completely destroy this killer organization.

The difficulty is that this killer organization is too secretive, he only knows one mouth of Phantom!

So he wants to use Ye Feng to find the headquarters of this killer organization, and then kill all the leaders of this killer organization in one fell swoop, and completely wipe out this restless and dehumanizing killer organization!

Ye Feng was terrified. He had performed various missions before and had contact with several killers.

But these killers are not so frenzied. They usually just take people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

Listening to Li Yunfeng's words at this time, it's a little unbelievable!
"Why are you telling me this? What do you want me to do?"

Ye Feng is not stupid, he guessed Li Yunfeng's intention immediately.

"Yes, I want to uproot this killer organization! I need your help!"

Li Yunfeng's tone was very flat, but full of chill.

"Just because he killed Xue'er, you want to uproot it?"

Ye Feng was a little puzzled, he didn't believe that Li Yunfeng was a great hero whose mission was to maintain world peace.

"Of course I won't be like this. If I encounter them by accident, I will kill these killers without hesitation. If I don't encounter them, I will naturally not meddle in their own business!"

Li Yunfeng paused!

"Actually, Liu Xue's death has something to do with me. After the assassin failed to assassinate me, he received a new mission, which is to assassinate you!"

Li Yunfeng didn't intend to hide anything, and said directly.

"Then how can it be related to you?"

Ye Feng became a little clearer now, no wonder Li Yunfeng appeared by the river and rescued himself.

It would be too stupid to blame Li Yunfeng for this reason!

I should be thanking Li Yunfeng for saving my life!

"If it wasn't for this killer who just came to Jingnan because of assassinating me, the killer you faced might not be so powerful! At least you won't be completely powerless to resist!"

"So it is!"

A trace of bitterness flickered at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

If someone is a horny person, it is really possible to blame Li Yunfeng for this matter.

But Ye Feng is also a person who has experienced countless lives and deaths, how could he shift the responsibility to Li Yunfeng?
"What can I do?"

After being silent for a long time, Ye Feng could only smile helplessly!
He used to think he was very powerful, but first he faced the Jiang family, then Li Yunfeng, and then this killer.

In the eyes of these people, he is no different from an ant. What can he do?
After hearing Li Yunfeng's words, he was full of hatred for this killer organization, and naturally wanted to eradicate this killer organization!
But there is nothing he can do!
"All you can do is find out the headquarters of this killer organization! I believe you are very suitable for doing this!"

"When you find out, I will kill their headquarters and uproot the Phantom!"

Li Yunfeng also knew from the memory of the killer that Ye Feng was once a king of special forces, and he believed that he was more suitable for doing these things than Jiang's family!
"it is good!"

Ye Feng was silent for a moment, then agreed.

The killer organization failed to assassinate him, so he will definitely not let it go.

He left here to look for the killer's headquarters, maybe it was a kind of protection for the people around him!
 It's three o'clock today, and I can't write anymore. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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