Chapter 15

Li Yunfeng looked along the line of sight, a woman was walking slowly towards the glass door of the company.

The woman was seen wearing a white shirt, a small suit, black trousers, and black high-heeled shoes.

A head of beautiful black hair cascaded down like a waterfall, slender willow eyebrows, and a pair of eyes were like dreams and illusions.

She has a straight nose, slightly flushed cheeks, no makeup applied naturally, red lips like dripping cherries, hands as white as snow, and snowy muscles like jade fat that make you want to touch them gently.

The woman is tall, graceful and slender, with a small waist that cannot be grasped, and her body proportions are just right. She is really a peerless beauty, with a cold expression, as if she does not belong to the world, but a fairy who fell from heaven to the world.

"Ah, my goddess!" The young man stared straight at Lin Qianmeng, as if intoxicated and unable to extricate himself from it.

"It's useless!" Li Yunfeng looked at the young man contemptuously, and then turned to look at Lin Qianmeng. His heartbeat also accelerated slightly. He swore that he would definitely catch up with Lin Qianmeng. He was also a little intoxicated by the strange fragrance coming from him.

Who else could be worthy of such a woman except herself?Li Yunfeng thought very narcissistically.

"Hello, President Lin!" Brother Feng also had bright eyes at this time, stood up straight, and said to Lin Qianmeng.

"En!" Lin Qianmeng glanced at Brother Feng and nodded slightly.

"Madness in color!" The young man glanced at Brother Feng with great displeasure, and muttered in his mouth.

After Lin Qianmeng entered the hall, people kept saying hello, and she nodded. She didn't look as cold and aloof as she appeared on the surface.

After Lin Qianmeng entered the elevator, the lobby on the first floor gradually returned to normal and gradually became empty. At this time, the employees of the company basically went to work.

As the interview time approached, the number of people in the hall gradually increased. There were men and women. Some people were more like-minded and gathered together to discuss with each other the questions that might be encountered in the interview and how to answer them.

Of course, like that young man, he came to this company purely to chase after President Lin.

After talking for a period of time, Li Yunfeng learned that this young man was named Wang Hai, his family was very rich, his father was in a trade business, and his business was very large, many times bigger than Yuanlai fashion, no wonder this young man was full of confidence .

However, although this young man's family is very rich, he is a very good person. Although he likes to show off more and is more high-profile, he doesn't look down on Li Yunfeng, a poor guy.

"Brother, if my application is successful, I will treat you to a big meal tonight!" Wang Hai said very grandly.

"Okay! I wish you success!" Li Yunfeng never refused to eat. As for the so-called "brother" in the latter sentence, he directly ignored it.

"You are a good person. I will protect you from now on, brother. If you have any questions, call me. There is nothing I can't solve in Jingnan City's three-acre land!" Wang Hai said very arrogantly, and the two of them They also exchanged cell phone numbers!

Li Yunfeng smiled and didn't speak. The interview was about to start at this time, so Li Yunfeng sat there quietly and waited.

At this moment, a call came from his mobile phone, and it turned out that the caller ID was Su Xiaoru.Li Yunfeng stood up and walked to the side to answer the phone.

"Yunfeng, after the next interview, you can just directly say that you are applying for a job in the financial department, and you can answer some of the interview questions normally. You are also a top student at Jingnan University, so you can handle these without any problem?" said Su Xiaoru on the other end of the phone. .

"Don't worry about this, I can handle it!" Li Yunfeng smiled. Just now he was still thinking about what position to apply for. Now that he has the exact position, he is relieved.

"Well, that's fine. Although I have some privileges, I still have to go through the process!" Su Xiaoru nodded.

After the interview started, some people came out very excitedly, and some people came out in a low mood. It was obviously not as simple as Su Xiaoru said.

But Li Yunfeng has the care of the insiders, he is not very worried now, at least no one will hold on to his experience of not having a job for five years.

"Wang Hai!" Finally called Wang Hai, Wang Hai was very excited and ran in, success or failure depended on it.

Not long after, Wang Hai came out with an excited look on his face.

"Go to Haitian Restaurant tonight, I'll treat you!" Wang Hai said to Li Yunfeng very happily.

"Congratulations!" Li Yunfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wang Hai's security job to be successfully applied. I wonder if there is any internal relationship?
"I will also invite my colleagues from the security department to go with me at night. After all, the newcomers are newcomers, so they must establish a good relationship so that I can stand guard more!" Wang Haijian said with a smile, looking forward to this security job.

"Okay!" Li Yunfeng was speechless. Although Lin Qianmeng was indeed too beautiful to say anything, was it necessary to be so fanatical?If you want to chase, just chase it normally, is it really good to lower your self-worth like this?
After Wang Hai, it was Li Yunfeng's turn. Li Yunfeng tidied up his clothes and walked in directly. He was not nervous at all, but I have a backstage person!

After Li Yunfeng opened the door and entered, the three interviewers inside all looked at him fixedly, especially one of the women, looked at him very curiously, but didn't say anything!
The interview questions are very routine. Let Li Yunfeng introduce himself first, and then talk about his past experience, some expectations and requirements for the job, what are his strengths and weaknesses, and whether he feels competent for the future job.

Li Yunfeng also answered in a satisfactory manner, and the three interviewers were quite satisfied, so the interview was undoubtedly a success.

After the interview was passed successfully, Li Yunfeng walked out humming a little tune and was waiting to start working tomorrow.

Seeing Li Yunfeng coming out with a smile on his face, Wang Hai also knew that Li Yunfeng had passed the interview, so he told Li Yunfeng to gather at the security department around five o'clock in the afternoon, or go directly to Haitian Restaurant.

Li Yunfeng responded, and went out directly, Wang Hai stayed for a while, obviously exchanging feelings with these security guards.

After leaving the company, Li Yunfeng first sent a text message to Su Xiaoru, saying that he had succeeded, and then called the younger sister. The younger sister also felt very happy, saying that she wanted to invite Su Xiaoru to dinner at night, but she knew that Li Yunfeng had already had dinner at night. After dinner, I said I would invite you another day.

Li Yunfeng had nothing to do during the day, so he returned to Cuiyin Community.

Until around 04:30 in the afternoon, Li Yunfeng took a taxi to Haitian Restaurant.

At about five o'clock, Li Yunfeng arrived at Haitian Restaurant.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" the waiter said sweetly after seeing Li Yunfeng.

"Three zero eight!" Li Yunfeng said directly, and Wang Hai reserved a private room around one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Okay, sir, please come inside!" The waiter pointed in the direction and said with a smile. The service attitude was not bad.

"Huh? Isn't this Li Yunfeng? I haven't seen you for so many years, you're doing well, you can eat at Haitian Restaurant!" Suddenly a man in the lobby came over and said in surprise.

However, although this man praised Li Yunfeng with his mouth, his eyes kept looking up and down Li Yunfeng. He was obviously evaluating the value of Li Yunfeng's clothes. After seeing clearly that they were just ordinary brand clothes, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Li Yunfeng felt the phone vibrate at this time, so he took out the black rice large-screen phone in his pocket and looked at the message. It was from Wang Hai, and asked if he had arrived.

"Here we are, ready to go upstairs!" Li Yunfeng quickly turned back.

When Li Yunfeng took out the black rice mobile phone, the look of contempt in the man's eyes intensified, but there was some doubt in his eyes.

The whole body of clothes, shoes and mobile phone is just over 1000, how can you afford Haitian Restaurant?
"It's okay, my friend treats you, I'm just here to eat!" Li Yunfeng is a person who has reached the level of a devil emperor. His perception is so strong, he can naturally see the contempt of the man in front of him, but he doesn't think so. I mean, I won't die if I despise it a few times, what are I afraid of?
Although Li Yunfeng's father was very indiscreet in his private life, when Li Yunfeng's mother was pregnant, he cheated on him and found a mistress, namely Feng Jiaojiao, and gave birth to a son.

But the requirements for Li Yunfeng are very high. Although he bought a Mercedes-Benz for Li Yunfeng, he was not allowed to drive it to the campus to show off.

The man in front of him is Li Yunfeng's college classmate, named Zhou Hongming. He was a member of the student union when he was in college. It worked.

However, Zhou Hongming and Li Yunfeng were not quite right. They chased the class flower Liu Tingting at the same time. In the end, Li Yunfeng made a move and successfully walked with Liu Tingting, so Zhou Hongming has always been jealous of Li Yunfeng.

But then Li Yunfeng and Liu Tingting didn't have any good results. They only dated each other for about a month, slept with them a few times, and then they were caught by a rich second generation driving a BMW. (Li Yunfeng has two bodies in the world of immortality and the earth. The body in the world of immortality was reshaped by the Demon Emperor Jiuyou. The dead body on the earth is not a place, but the body in the world of immortality is.)
Originally, Li Yunfeng was going to tell Liu Tingting about the situation in his home, but everyone was caught and their heads were already green, so it would be meaningless to snatch them back, so the two became strangers.

Not long afterwards, when Li Yunfeng was about to take over the family business after graduation, he was killed by Li Yunjie. He didn't know what happened to Liu Tingting afterwards.

"It turned out to be like this, I thought! But since you have a rich friend, go and establish a good relationship. Maybe when he is happy, he will give you a good job, and you will be settled in the next life." Zhou Hongming pointed Nodded, with a kind look, making people look disgusting.

Li Yunfeng didn't want to talk much to this kind of person, so he was going to go upstairs directly.

But Zhou Hongming hadn't finished showing himself off yet, so how could he let Li Yunfeng go up, so he said very forcefully: "I am the lobby manager here, you can come to me anytime you need anything later, after all, you should help each other when you are a classmate. of!"

"Also, Liu Tingting and I are married! Although you had the upper hand at the beginning, I won in the end! Hahahaha" Zhou Hongming said with a very proud laugh.

Li Yunfeng looked at Zhou Hongming speechlessly, and picked up a broken shoe with at least three hands. Are you so happy?At least Liu Tingting's first blood was taken by him, and he had never seen him show off like this before!
Unexpectedly, Liu Tingting and Zhou Hongming walked together in the end. Things are really unpredictable. According to Li Yunfeng's deduction, Liu Tingting must have had enough of being played by the BMW rich second generation, or was played enough by others, and then Zhou Hongming took over.

"Oh, is that right? I know a little physiognomy, so I can help you see your face!" Li Yunfeng used a little magic trick when he heard that Liu Tingting and Zhou Hongming were together.

But it’s okay if you don’t see it, it’s incredible to see it, it’s simply incredible!Li Yunfeng was a little dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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