The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1526 He walks very calmly

Chapter 1526 He walks very calmly
The emperor of God's Furnace Kingdom didn't back down, he sighed, he was waiting to die.

They are all immortal cultivators, what the hell are you talking about?

It's purely just venting, after all, it's still not as good as others!
Although Li Yunfeng's body was full of scars, he stood up.
Li Yunfeng used the same injured arm to press towards his cracked head!

Immediately, the heads were together for a short time!

Li Yunfeng also gasped in pain at this time.

This kind of pain was more obvious than when the three of them attacked in turn, even Li Yunfeng felt a little unbearable!

The emperor of the God Furnace Kingdom has given up.

Li Yunfeng walked up to the emperor of the God's furnace country, and he slapped the emperor of the God's furnace country!

The head of the emperor of the God Furnace Kingdom burst like a watermelon!

God Furnace Emperor, die!
"No, don't kill me!"

Emperor Xuan was the most withered. Although he fled frantically, he was not as far behind as Emperor Zheng.

"If you can't kill me, I will kill you!"

Li Yunfeng quickly passed the Xuan Kingdom Emperor, and slapped him again.

Emperor Xuan Kingdom is still very powerful.

At the last moment, a trace of the power of the soul of the weapon was once again condensed on the head.

Because Li Yunfeng didn't expect this situation, the head of Xuan Kingdom's emperor didn't explode in an instant!

However, Li Yunfeng's strength was still there, he slapped the Emperor Xuanguo's neck off!
At this time, the power of the weapon soul and the power of Li Yunfeng's slap are entangled with each other!
Just a broken neck is not enough to kill a strong man at the peak of transformation!
Then a strange scene appeared!

The head of the Xuan Kingdom Emperor was contending against each other under two powers whose differences were not obvious.

It caused the head of Emperor Xuan Kingdom to spin wildly above his neck.

"Haha, I'm not dead, I'm not dead, I'm protected by God!"

"Devil, you still can't kill me after all, it was like this before, and it's like this now!"

Emperor Xuanguo was stunned at first, and he didn't know if his head had exploded.

But after a while, he felt that his brain did not explode, but he was a little dizzy!

This feeling is similar to the feeling of being hit on the head by the devil before, he thought it was the same again!
The Xuan Kingdom Emperor was extremely weird at this time.

While his head was spinning rapidly, he laughed crazily and dizzily!
The army of the Holy Tower Kingdom in the outside world was very happy to see the emperor rising again, and it seemed that the final victory belonged to them.

It's just that at this moment they saw this strange scene of the emperor of Xuan Kingdom, and they also got scalp hair.

They touched their necks subconsciously, and they also felt a little cool!

But in the end, Li Yunfeng's slap was stronger!
Entangled to the end.

The Xuan Kingdom Emperor, who was completely dizzy, didn't even feel the power of his weapon soul collapsing extremely quickly!

Under the arrogance and arrogance of the Xuanguo Emperor who thought he was immortal, his head finally exploded with a bang!

Emperor Xuan, die!

But Emperor Xuan died with a smile on his face.

No panic, no regrets!
He walks very calmly!

"Compared to other people, Emperor Xuan is actually quite happy!"

The commander-in-chief of the Holy Tower Kingdom looked at this scene and muttered to himself.

"You're the only one left. Do you think it's meaningful for you to continue running away?"

Li Yunfeng walked towards Zheng Huang step by step, he said calmly.

"It really doesn't make sense!"

Zheng Huang was stunned when he heard this, and then said.

"You cut yourself off. It is useless for you to rely on any means to resist at this time!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly.

"is it?"

When Zheng Huang heard this, a strange smile flashed on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know why I can survive to the end?" Zheng Huang really didn't run away at this time, so he stopped.

"Maybe you still have the means you think you can fight against me? Are you unwilling to die?"

Li Yunfeng said.

"Yes, your guess is very accurate. Let me show you, but I don't know if I will still be me in the future?"

"Maybe it's alive, but it's actually almost dead, right? I can't bear that kind of power at all!"

Zheng Huang sighed, at this moment, his eyes began to change.

"It's another sacrifice of a million souls. The last time a million sacrifices were made, it was my grandfather who died."

"Today's million is much more advanced than last time. Last time, the sacrificial power was only able to cross the interstellar and transmit a wisp of remnant soul memory."

"Now there are 90 golden pills, 10 infants, and [-] Huashen!"

"How earth-shattering is this power? It will be unveiled in the next moment!"

Following Zheng Huang's words, a sudden change occurred in this city full of corpses and blood!

The sea of ​​blood is monstrous!
The floating corpse was shredded into pieces!

In the end, blood and flesh could no longer be distinguished, and these flesh and blood mixtures frantically converged towards Emperor Zheng!

Just a few moments!

In the city, there are no more bloodstains or corpses.

Everything, everything, gathered on Zheng Huang's body at this moment!

At this time, a giant composed of a mixture of flesh and blood with hundreds of thousands of feet in height took shape.

The giant directly exploded the previously indestructible blood curtain!

The flesh and blood giant roared up to the sky, and the moon, which hadn't risen for a long time, was directly shaken down.

The flesh giant looked at the moon falling towards him, and he punched out.

The moon was directly in space and completely shattered.

Countless people were shocked, and even the moon in space roared down?Then smash it with one punch?
How powerful is this flesh and blood giant?

Countless people fear.

Everyone was shocked at this moment. Fortunately, the shock wave of the flesh and blood man's voice was not screaming at them.

Otherwise they may all die.

Thinking of this, the Holy Tower Army wanted to retreat.

But it seems that no matter how much you retreat, you can't retreat farther than the moon!
"Fortunately, Santa Star is a medium-sized planet with two moons, one of which is farther away from here. Otherwise, if there is no moon at night, it will be really troublesome for Santa Star."

"At that time, I have to help him get the moon back from the holy tower star. It seems that you are not you now."

"Don't think about how to kill me, the number one enemy, first, and find the moon to vent?"

Li Yunfeng watched the flesh and blood giant first roar down a moon that was closer to here, and then exploded with another punch, and said very speechlessly.

"How to do!"

At this time, the blood curtain disappeared, and Li Sheng, Liu Qin and others came to Li Yunfeng's side.

Flesh giants can even blow up the moon with a single punch.

It doesn't make any difference whether they are farther or closer to the flesh giant.

"What should I do? Let's mix it cold!"

Li Yunfeng spread his hands helplessly, massacring the scattered forces of the Million Army, he was almost exhausted from killing them all.

Facing the combined power of millions of troops, Li Yunfeng is not an opponent at all if he doesn't use the eye mask of Immortal Chaos Emperor!

However, Li Yunfeng was not willing to deal with such a fool with a blow from Emperor Chaos.

Li Yunfeng made a preliminary estimate.

This flesh and blood giant should have the power of the Mahayana realm, even close to the realm of crossing the catastrophe.

Li Yunfeng naturally knew who designed this thing, that young adult who is a big star!
Li Yunfeng really admires this kid!
He doesn't know what the cultivation level of the young adult is for the time being.

But Liukong Star is only a little more than one level higher than Santa Star.

The peak power of the holy tower star is the peak state of transforming gods!

Therefore, it is classified as an intermediate planet of general strength.

The peak strength of an ordinary big star is the peak state of fit!
Liukong Star is the best among the big stars, and should be a master of the Mahayana realm.

But there shouldn't be too many, if there are too many, it doesn't belong to the big star.

And it may be basically the kind of early Mahayana.

No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible!

And this flesh and blood giant has fused 90 golden pills, 10 infants, [-] transformation gods, plus the blessing of unknown monsters, and its combat power should be at the peak of Mahayana.

This young adult, relying on two avatars with the power of transforming gods and a monster, forcibly set up such a terrifying magic sacrificial formation here.

(End of this chapter)

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