The return of the immortal world

Chapter 166 I am a Demon!

Chapter 166 I am a Demon!
"I'd like to see how you're going to send me on my way."

Huang Dalong snorted coldly, and attacked Li Yunfeng.

Several other people also followed the siege.

Seeing several people attacking, Li Yunfeng didn't care.

He stood alone in the middle of the hall with his hands behind his back, looking at the attacking crowd with disdainful eyes, exuding an aura of supremacy.

Jiang Xuan saw people besieging and going away, and wanted to help.

Although he knew that Li Yunfeng's cultivation was very high, he didn't know exactly how high it was, and the master beat him to death here, so he couldn't just stand and watch the show.

Seeing that Jiang Xuan was about to come up, Li Yunfeng sent out a divine thought!
"No need to make a move."

Before Jiang Xuan stepped out, he found an inexplicable voice in his head.

He looked at the people around him, and then at Li Yunfeng, it seemed that the master didn't speak, but transmitted the words directly to his mind?
When Jiang Xuan thought of this, he was even more horrified, and couldn't understand this young master who was a bit too much!
And just as Jiang Xuan fell into panic, Huang Dalong had already attacked Li Yunfeng!

The three of them attacked Li Yunfeng from three directions, and the fists that struck swiftly carried the power of the sky, and the sound of sizzling resounded in the air.

"Look at how powerful he is! This idiot thinks he has a little cultivation, so he is so arrogant."

The young man who was dismissed by Li Yunfeng earlier muttered in dissatisfaction.

In his opinion, under such a powerful attack, no one here can stop it!

Just finished.

He felt that Li Yunfeng glanced at him, and there was an inexplicable chill on his body, he couldn't really hear it!
The young man carefully observed Li Yunfeng, and found that Li Yunfeng was not watching here, he was slightly relieved.


Although the other person hated the mean and thoughtless person next to him, he just sighed in the end. This so-called distinguished guest was too arrogant.

I hope this young man's strength can match his strength!

Others also looked at the field with some unbearable.

With such a powerful attack from the three of them, I'm afraid this young man won't be able to last a few times.

But the next moment, everyone was dumbfounded!

At the moment when everyone approached him, Li Yunfeng spun around in the air and kicked at the three of them.

When the three of them saw this, their faces changed drastically, and they hurriedly protected their heads with their hands.

"Bang bang bang."

After the sound, all three of them flew out without exception.

One of them flew towards the young man who had been very dissatisfied with Li Yunfeng.

Seeing this, the young man's face changed drastically, and he didn't know if it was an accident or a coincidence.

At this moment, he didn't even have a chance to express his shock, he just saw the head of the kicked person hit his head.

The young man wanted to dodge, but Li Yunfeng's kick was so fast, this young man was only at the late stage of inner strength, how could he avoid it.


The heads of the two people collided violently.


Some women around uttered a scream, and the man ran away in a hurry when he saw this situation.

After screaming!

It was deathly silence!

Only occasionally a few people's teeth are chattering!
Several people's calves were shaking!
Because the scene in front of me was too shocking and bloody!

When the two heads collided together, the heads of the two people burst apart directly.

White brains!
Red blood!
It flowed all over the place!
The two brain-cracked people fell powerlessly to the ground without even uttering a scream!
Mixed red and white!

Although only two people died, it was extremely terrifying!
When everyone came back to their senses, they all looked at Li Yunfeng in fear!
Now they finally knew why the patriarch and fourth master respected Li Yunfeng so much, they could even be said to be afraid!
They didn't understand before, but after Li Yunfeng killed a person, they understood a little bit, but they still couldn't fully understand!

It wasn't until this moment that they fully understood!
With Li Yunfeng's formidable strength!
And this bloody and brutal side!
Enough to scare anyone!

Thinking of this, everyone lowered their heads and just secretly looked at Li Yunfeng!
Those who were close to the dead young man vaguely knew why the young man died!
It's because I love to gossip too much!

Everyone is wise to stop talking about this person!

After Li Yunfeng kicked them out, he didn't even look at these two people, as if he knew the result a long time ago!
Although he usually looks harmless, in the secular world, he tries to control it as much as possible.

But in the world of martial arts, this law is not very involved. It is a bit like the world of immortals, and there is no need to restrain it!

He has a lot of people in the martial arts world.

These people seem to have an innate concept that no matter how much hatred there is between the two sides, how many people die, or how much conflict arises, no one will bring up the laws of the secular world, and they will all be resolved with fists.

It seems that if you really rely on the laws of the secular world to solve the problem, it would be an insult to these martial artists!
Although the young man's voice was very low, but Li Yunfeng's hearing is so good, he could hear everything this young man said clearly.

Such a person who doesn't know good and bad, and is still his own servant, just kill him!
Li Yunfeng didn't feel any pity for this!

Just looking for a dead end.


Jiang Xuan was a little shocked when he saw this scene.

Thinking that if I knelt down and begged for mercy one step later, I might not be in this world at that time, and now I am breaking out in a cold sweat!
It's just that Jiang Xuan didn't understand, because this person went up to persuade Li Yunfeng to reconcile?

Then Li Yunfeng was going to kill him?

In Jiang Xuan's eyes, Li Yunfeng didn't seem to be such a cruel person!

"Or was it an accident?"

Jiang Xuan was a little puzzled, but Li Yunfeng's cultivation level, if it wasn't intentional, how could it be such a coincidence?
Seeing Jiang Xuan's appearance, Li Yunfeng just smiled lightly and didn't say much!
Even your life is in my hands, why should I explain?

The ones who were most shocked were Huang Dalong and his disciples, as well as the instigator of this incident, Duan Yuande.

At this moment, when the three of them saw this scene, they touched their heads at the same time, and their hearts were cold!
too strong!
At this time, it doesn't matter whether it is Huang Dalong or his disciple.

It was only after fighting Li Yunfeng that they realized how ridiculous they were!

The opponent's strength is definitely in the innate late stage, and it is the kind that has been in the innate late stage for a long time!
Huang Dalong looked at Li Yunfeng with some fear at this time, he really couldn't figure out how such a young person could have such a high level of cultivation!

"Who the hell are you? You're an innate late stage!"

Seeing Li Yunfeng walking towards him, Huang Dalong used his hands on the ground to pull his body back!
The opponent's incomparably powerful kick just now made him unable to think of any resistance!

"Who am I?"

Li Yunfeng thought about it, Lin Qianmeng and Lin Yuanhao once asked himself this question!

But the environmental background is very different!

In the end, Li Yunfeng spoke lightly!
"Someone once called me a devil, although I don't want to be a devil! But it is the truth, I am a devil!"

(End of this chapter)

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