Chapter 1776
Although the Tianqingling snake is extremely arrogant and territorial, it is not a fool!
If you come out at this moment, there is a great possibility that you will be sent to death directly!

However, a few people came here just for the Tianqingling snake, so they are still looking for it patiently!

But in the end, the seven people searched for a whole day, but they still couldn't find it, so the seven people had to go back!
However, after experiencing a whole day of disappointment, they didn't just give up hunting the Tianqingling snake!

These people are not simply going back, but have corresponding countermeasures, and need to go back!

Outside the ancient land, in an ordinary wooden house of a tribe of earth gods with about a thousand people!

After Li Yunfeng came out, he immediately went to a place with people nearby, that is, the Earth God Tribe, where he searched for the direction of Baihuazhou and Baihua Valley!

At this moment, Li Yunfeng's face was extremely gloomy!


He found the direction to Baihuazhou!

And it doesn't seem to be too far from the outskirts of Huanggu.

He went forward with all his strength, without relying on the teleportation array, he could get there in two to three days!
But the Hundred Flowers Sect has become a piece of dust and history in the First World!

"Sister Xue is so powerful, she will be fine!"

Bingying looked at Li Yunfeng's gloomy face, she seemed a little scared, and she was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment, but she still tried to persuade Li Yunfeng, after all, Sister Xue was a lifesaver to her, and she just got along with her for a while!
It's different for Emperor Zun, he is the Taoist companion of Emperor Zun!

"Don't worry, if the emperor in Yiyi's heart is so fragile, it's not worth her to praise me too much, but Baihuazhou, no, it should be Chaizhou now, I must go there, the Chai family, definitely It will also become a wisp of dust!"

Li Yunfeng looked in the direction of Baihuazhou back then, and said faintly!
After Baihuazhou's Baihuazong was destroyed, it was completely renamed Chaizhou!

At this moment, the meaning of the words in his mouth was somewhat murderous, but the other people singing and dancing outside the tent didn't have the slightest feeling. Li Yunfeng's murderous aura was well controlled!

Lu wanted to say something, but in the end he just opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, so he didn't speak in the end.

"Adjust your breath for one night, and tomorrow morning we will continue on our journey without any stopover time!"

After Li Yunfeng finished speaking, he immediately closed his eyes!

Lu Si and Bingying nodded, then closed their eyes and adjusted their breath.

"Hey, little brother, I have actually found out some of the things you asked me to continue to investigate!"

Suddenly, a somewhat old voice came from outside the tent. It was the source of Li Yunfeng's knowledge of Baihuazhou today. This person was an elder of the Earth God Tribe.

The old man's cultivation base is not strong.

But he is a know-it-all, and the locals will ask the old man for any information!
After Li Yunfeng learned of what happened in Baihuazhou, he still needed to have a hint of news that Xue Yiyi was still alive!
So he spent some practice resources and asked the old man to continue to find him some useful information about the Hundred Flowers Sect, especially after the sect was exterminated, if there were any survivors!

After Li Yunfeng heard the old man's voice, he suddenly turned around and stared at the old man who came in at the entrance of the tent. He was extremely pleasantly surprised.

If there is no news from the old man, it means that the Hundred Flowers Sect is really wiped out and there are no survivors!


If there is news, it is obvious that there are survivors!

Bingying and Lu Si also looked forward to seeing the old man coming!

They will rest in this tribe for one night, not only because they have to prepare for several days of rapid flight, but also because they are waiting for news from the old man!

"According to the news I just received, although the Hundred Flowers Sect died that day, someone really escaped. It is said that they were several core disciples and saintesses of the Hundred Flowers Sect!"

The old man was walked in with the help of a little girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old and was a little afraid of outsiders!


Li Yunfeng's eyes lit up immediately. Although he didn't know if Xue Yiyi was a saint, but with Xue Yiyi's physique, she was the top existence in any sect, so the saint of Baihuazong was most likely Xue Yiyi. Yiyi!

"That's right, I don't know how many core disciples escaped, but the saintess escaped 100%, but I don't know exactly where. After the saintess escaped, there was no news!"

The old man said with certainty!

"it is good!"

Li Yunfeng laughed happily, as long as he knew that Xue Yiyi was still alive, that would be fine!
He didn't go to the old man several times to confirm whether Xue Yiyi really survived!

Because, this is the answer he wants most!

Xue Yiyi!
But his first woman!
If Xue Yiyi really died, how could he really be as calm as he appeared?

When Li Yunfeng was happy, he gave a very precious pill that could prolong life to the old man in front of him!
He could tell that the old man was in his twilight years, and his life was not long. Otherwise, a cultivator would not need someone to help him!
Although he hasn't really reached that point yet, he needs to be supported.

The reason why she is supported now is only because of the little girl's worry and filial piety towards her grandfather!

"Old Huang, does your granddaughter have a hidden illness? If you believe me, I can help your granddaughter so that she won't have the slightest ability to protect herself after you pass away!"

Li Yunfeng looked at the old man Huang who had taken the pill and was about to leave the tent, he stared at the girl's body and said suddenly!

Huang Lao paused for a moment, he was struggling with Li Yunfeng's eyes behind his back!

But soon, he seemed to have made a decision!
"No, no, my granddaughter does have a hidden disease, but I have found a cure, it just takes a while, so don't bother Li Xiaoyou to worry about it!"

The old man turned around, his eyes returned to normal, making it impossible to see anything, he said gratefully!
Li Yunfeng didn't say anything, and closed his eyes again!
But when the old man walked out of the tent again, Li Yunfeng opened his eyes again!
"what happened?"

Lu Si asked.

"An old human being raises a rat with a birth defect as his granddaughter. What an interesting pair of grandparents!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly!

"Rat? Isn't the girl human?"

Both Lu Si and Bingying exclaimed.

They didn't realize it at all, they just knew that this girl had some problems and couldn't practice!
Li Yunfeng nodded and said nothing more.

Although this grandson is a little strange, he doesn't mind too much nosy!

The reason why he said to help the girl was purely to thank the old man for the surprise news he brought him!

Silent all night!
The next day was bright, Li Yunfeng and Lu Sibingying were ready to leave!



Outside the tent, among the Earth God Tribe, there was a sound of crying and shouting!

"I advise you to be honest, in that case, you can still save your life! Otherwise, it is really a dead end!"

Li Yunfeng suddenly heard a familiar voice, it was the voice of the fifth member of the snake hunter team!
"what happened?"

Li Yunfeng dissipated his divine sense and sensed everything that happened in the Earth God Tribe!
At this moment, the Seven Brothers gathered everyone in the Earth God Tribe together, and if there was anyone who forcibly escaped, the Seven Brothers would kill them without hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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