The return of the immortal world

Chapter 1980 Desperate Fear

Chapter 1980 Desperate Fear

"Why is there such an evil breath in the world?"

Many people gulped their saliva frantically after feeling this breath.

At this moment, the aura emitted by Mo Guangsi was not very strong.

Compared with when he held the sword before, his aura is much weaker!

The evil breath in it made people who were not afraid before, but now, they are also a little scared!
This is an indescribable aura of extreme fear, not from the power, but directly frightens you from the heart.

This is only possible with the existence of the ultimate evil in the world.

"Ah... help me, save me..."

When everyone was still shocked by that evil aura, someone suddenly screamed!
That person is no one else.

It was the person who was going to kill Mo Guangsi. At this moment, she was not under any attack, but she screamed inexplicably in pain!

"What's wrong with you, Fourth Elder?"

Youke's fourth elder is very close to the elder of Yuexianzong, and she was extremely shocked when she felt the strange behavior of the fourth elder at this time.

The Fourth Elder in front of him was insane, even self-harming.

Obviously there were no scars at the beginning, but now it is full of scars.

She hastily made a move to restrain the Fourth Elder!
At this time, the Fourth Elder of Yuexianzong seemed to know nothing about the outside world, and just fell into his own world!
She was easily restrained by the spell cast by the elder beside her!
"Don't touch her!"

The suzerain of Yuexianzong had a bad feeling at this time.

After the elder successfully restrained the fourth elder, and was about to take the fourth elder aside for a good inspection, she hurriedly opened her mouth to stop it!

It's too late!

The moment the elder came into contact with the fourth elder, he seemed to be infected with ominousness.

She also screamed fiercely in an instant.

In the end, her state was exactly the same as that of the Fourth Elder, extremely insane.


Deathly silence!

At this moment, countless people watched this scene and felt chills in their backs!

What kind of force is this at work?
Can instantly make a real immortal level powerhouse lose himself in an instant?
And it's contagious?
all of these.

It transcended the thinking of many people on the scene, and they felt extremely incredible.

But the weirdness isn't over yet!
The weirdness continues!
The fourth elder, who was the first to be infected with the evil aura, suddenly became silent, and then seemed to be silent!

"Fourth Sister!"

There are people who have a very good relationship with the Fourth Elder, screaming loudly at this moment!

But she lost her voice.

The infected elder also suddenly fell silent at this moment. She was not restrained. After the silence at this moment, the whole person fell directly from the sky!

She also appears to be dead!


Extremely weird!
The people present had experienced the scene where the star was about to be split, but at this moment, they started to be afraid!

Many people rushed outside directly!

The battle here is certainly exciting!

Many people even realized and sublimated in this extreme battle!

But this time.

The vast majority of people feel incomparable fear of such unknown things!
The place is in chaos!
All the elders of the Moon Immortal Sect, including the suzerain of the Moon Immortal Sect, all retreated one after another when they saw such a strange scene!

no doubt!

Such evil and weirdness came from Mo Guangsi!
It was precisely because of his sudden outburst that the following things happened!
They wouldn't believe it if they said it had nothing to do with Mo Guangsi!


At this time, Mo Guangsi's breath was on his body.

It is still intense!

It's amazing!

Zhao Feiyan, who was confronting Yuexianzong, also avoided Mo Guangsi far away at this moment!
At this moment, she looked at Mo Guangsi with suspicious eyes!

She seemed to have felt this breath before!

But she still couldn't believe it!

If it is true that the existence there is connected with Mo Guangsi!

Everything will become extremely terrifying!
"It must not be the existence there. It is said that the existence there has been sealed for countless years, and there is no possibility of contacting the outside world at all!"

"Yes, it must be impossible!"

"The seal there is stronger than heaven and earth, and it will never be damaged!"

"It must be so!"

thought here.

Zhao Feiyan calmed down a little bit!
"But, what if someone voluntarily surrenders to the devil?"

thought here.

Zhao Feiyan's heart was calm, but at this moment, he raised it again!

Although it is extremely difficult to surrender to the devil, it is even almost impossible to succeed.

But there is really such a little possibility!
"It must not be like this!"

Zhao Feiyan didn't know why, the more she felt that this was not the case, the more flustered she felt.

She can only keep herself from running away in fright through constant denial!
Although fleeing, it is of no use!
But if you don't run away, at least you can die a little bit less aggrieved and with some dignity.

The suzerain of the Moon Immortal Sect saw two powerful elders of her sect die suddenly like this, she was also very inconceivable in her heart!

But suddenly!

She thought of Shen Qiuyu's continuous persuasion to her before, and she was suddenly a little shocked in her heart!

Is it!

The danger she didn't even see, was really noticed by that kid?

At this moment, she turned her head to look at Li Yunfeng, her eyes were full of disbelief!

"What do you know?"

The suzerain of Yuexianzong stared at Li Yunfeng and asked!
Many people looked at Li Yunfeng in surprise when they heard the words of the Sect Master of Yuexian Sect!
There must be some reason for the suzerain of Yuexianzong to ask this question!

people present.

Full of doubts, naturally extremely curious at this moment!
At this time, Shen Qiuyu stared at Li Yunfeng even more, Li Yunfeng's prophecy came true again!
And it seemed to be much more terrifying than she had imagined!
"No, I don't know anything!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly.

The people of Yuexianzong have been using him all this time!

That's all before, it won't hurt him anything!
But after.

These people crossed the river and demolished the bridge. He kindly reminded them, but these people looked dismissive and indifferent!

He was also threatened, if he said more, he would be rude to him!

Original words.

Although Li Yunfeng was also thinking in his heart whether he could use Yuexianzong.

But he had planned ahead.

If these people really regard him as an equal partner, it is not impossible for him to secretly protect these people from harm while using them!
But obviously!
These people disdain them very much!

Although Xue Yiyi seems to be a genius!
He shouldn't be bad either!

But Xue Yiyi is at best a relatively powerful true immortal, and they are not worth mentioning the top true immortals!
They never took them seriously!

Of course he won't be bored!
Of course!
The main thing is!

The weirdness that appeared in front of him was even weirder than what he had imagined!
Even the Lord of Strange and the Lord of Hell can't do whatever they want like before!
So Li Yunfeng revealed some intentionally or unintentionally before, meaning that when using these people, let them pay attention!

Everyone pay attention and take precautions so that nothing will go wrong.

But as far as these people's attitudes are concerned, Li Yunfeng knows something now and doesn't want to say more!

So he went back very hardcore!


Seeing Li Yunfeng's casual look, the suzerain of Yuexianzong knew that Li Yunfeng just replied casually.

But in the face of the weirdness, she didn't want to conflict with other people. Since the other party said she didn't know, she didn't bother with it anymore!
Although the other party answered casually, why didn't she ask casually?
At this moment, she still felt in her heart that she hadn't found anything, so could this person really be able to find anything?
This person can't say it well, he is just a nonsense stick!
She never felt that what she hadn't discovered, what would a nobody like Li Yunfeng know!
The head of the Yuexian Sect did not get entangled with Li Yunfeng, a nobody!
Instead, he turned his head and looked at Zhao Feiyan!
Looking at Zhao Feiyan's expression, it seems like he knows something?
Zhao Feiyan saw the head of the Yuexian sect looking over!
She said very seriously!

"I'm not very clear, but if it's as I guessed, then none of us will survive!"

Zhao Feiyan's astonishing words stunned countless people!
"Elder Feiyan said too seriously?"

When the suzerain of Yuexianzong heard this, his face suddenly changed!
But after.

The Patriarch of the Yuexian Sect suddenly regained his composure. She seemed to have thought of some trump card. No matter how shocking Zhao Feiyan said, she was fearless!

But when Zhao Feiyan saw the expression of the suzerain of Yuexianzong, she laughed directly!
"Do you think that your Moon Immortal Sect has a law enforcement platform and is inherently invincible? Even if this star is turned into dust, people from your Moon Immortal Sect will not die?"

Zhao Feiyan laughed!
"Is not it?"

The Sect Master of Yuexian Sect frowned immediately upon hearing this.

She began to have an extremely bad premonition!

According to the tone of the other party, it seems that it is impossible for the law enforcement station to escape?

"It can be said that if it weren't for the terrifying existence I guessed, then your law enforcement station could still escape easily!"

"If there is even the slightest connection with the terrifying existence I thought of, then the Law Enforcement Station will be powerless!"

Zhao Feiyan sneered and said!

"This is impossible!"

"The law enforcement station is all over the world, and it has never missed a shot. Where else can the law enforcement station be restrained?"

"According to rumors, there was a law enforcement officer who provoked the existence of the Immortal King, and the Immortal King was furious, but there was nothing he could do!"

Although the suzerain of Yuexianzong's face changed drastically, he still insisted on refuting!
But her thoughts at the moment have already looked in all directions!
She is on guard!

If there is really extreme terror, she will flee immediately!

"You and I join forces again. Now that you have pushed Mo Guangsi to this point, I have to kill him. I hope I can!"

Zhao Feiyan looked at everyone in Yuexianzong, then at Mo Guangsi, and said with a sigh!

The suzerain of Yuexianzong was a little silent, and she also regretted it at this moment!

In fact, after defeating Mo Guangsi, she really didn't have to kill Mo Guangsi!
After this battle, Mo Guangsi would definitely be suppressed by Zhao Feiyan, and Zhao Feiyan would never let Mo Guangsi go until the crisis of extinction!
And Mo Guangsi experienced such a big defeat and was restricted again. It is conceivable that the achievements in this life will not break through again!


They really don't need to think about Mo Guang any more!

They only need to spend some time, and the eternal plan, the plan to ride on the head of the Skyscraper Holy Land, will come true!

She is still too anxious!

Thinking of this, the Patriarch of Yuexian Sect was really angry!

Thinking of the impatience with Shen Qiuyu before!

She suddenly felt that Li Yunfeng and his group were laughing at her!

She turned her head and gave Li Yunfeng a fierce look.

Actually this time.

Li Yunfeng didn't look at her at all, she felt someone glaring at him, and when she looked over, she turned out to be the suzerain of Yuexianzong!
Li Yunfeng was speechless immediately!

"When I win, I want you to look good!"

Seeing Li Yunfeng's speechless look, Yue Xianzong felt that the other party was humiliating her, even though she didn't speak at the moment.

But that's what Li Yunfeng felt.

Li Yunfeng returned a disdainful look!
He didn't speak either!

But the suzerain of Yuexianzong also understood the meaning of Li Yunfeng's eyes!
It means you can't win!
The Patriarch of the Moon Immortal Sect was furious!
Although she is not a moon fairy body.

But as the suzerain of the Moon Immortal Sect, apart from those within the sect, there are many people who respectfully call her Moon Immortal!
How noble is she?

But this boy in front of him is so frivolous to her!

This made the suzerain of Yuexian sect extremely angry!
"Whether it is success or failure, it depends on this time!"

Zhao Feiyan said solemnly!

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Yuexian Sect immediately restrained his mind, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the road of killing Mo Guangsi!
Mo Guangsi has been in a strange state since he woke up. This state is frightening, and it keeps getting stronger!

They must be killed as soon as possible!

Yuexianzong and Zhao Feiyan teamed up again!

Zhao Feiyan became extremely powerful again at this time!
She displayed the power of Yuehua that was not weaker than before!

When the power of Yuehua, representing the power of purification, rushed straight into the body of Mo Guangsi, who had no self-awareness at the moment!
Zhao Feiyan's face turned completely pale!
This blow!
It completely confirmed her conjecture!


Just as imagined before!
Extreme horror! ! !
"We are finished, all of us are finished, finished, completely finished, Skyscraper Holy Land, is it going to be destroyed in my hands?"

Zhao Feiyan didn't try to continue the attack.

She gave up.

She knelt on the ground directly, howling in grief!

Countless people were shocked!
Countless people fear!
What kind of horror is that!
To be able to make Zhao Feiyan, an incomparable true immortal, possess the power of the Moon Immortal.

Such a gaffe?
So hesitant?
so desperate?
This is incredible!
"Elder Zhao, is there really such horror and despair?"

When the Patriarch of the Moon Immortal Sect saw that the endless power of Yuehua did not cause any damage to Mo Guangsi, and Mo Guangsi remained motionless, she actually panicked too!
But seeing Zhao Feiyan lose his composure like this, he even cried!

At this moment, her scalp is also numb and her back is cold. She wants to run away desperately!

Do it when you think of it!

The fear in her heart was spreading like crazy!
"Qiuyu, quickly use the law enforcement platform, we're leaving here!"

Yuexian directly gave Shen Qiuyu the order to evacuate!
This left countless people stunned!
The two giants lost their composure to such an extent?

(End of this chapter)

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