The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2003 Dao Companion

Chapter 2003 Dao Companion
Followed by a fairy king was captured.

The concentric spell naturally failed.

The states of the other two also instantly retreated from that weird state.

Their faces were ashen, and the outcome was decided at this moment.

They didn't think about running away because there was no need.

The concentric spell can be broken by the other party, how can they escape?
What's more, because of casting the concentric spell, their souls were severely injured, and the three of them were extremely weak at the moment.

"Are you really that taboo existence? Not just the so-called inheritor of the taboo?"

The Three Immortal King looked at Fu Liu and said.

Even though he already had the answer in his heart, he still wanted Fu Liu to admit it himself.


"If this emperor is not the real taboo empress, how can I break the so-called invincible concentric curse in such a short period of time?"

Shen Qiuyu looked at the three of them indifferently and said.

The reason why she is so powerful in this world is because of her almighty talent.

She can see the whole picture by peeking at a corner.

The spells of the other three were miraculous and unparalleled, as if they transcended space and time.


after all!

As far as the eye can see.

That means you must be connected with this world.

And just get in touch!

Under the eyes of her unparalleled protagonist!
What storms can be stirred up?

After a little deduction, it can be cracked.

"Really, hahahaha, to die in the hands of the Taboo Empress, the death is not unjust..."

The fairy king held by Shen Qiuyu completely gave up struggling at this moment, he just laughed at himself.

Even though the other two immortal emperors had already made up their minds, they were still extremely shocked when they got the final answer at this moment.

As for the others, their eyes widened at the moment.

The most powerful Tianjiao in history, the taboo exists, and he didn't die!
Now back!

What kind of changes will take place in this world?


Countless people's chests were heaving wildly, and they stared wide-eyed at the Taboo Empress, with infinite admiration in their eyes.

At this moment, the three peerless immortal kings known as invincible instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

You don't need to think about it to know that the Taboo Empress has taken action and completely solved these people.

The next moment!
The Taboo Empress opened and closed her eyes, and an astonishing breath erupted from them.

The next moment!
Those who came to attack Fu Liuzong were all wiped out in an instant!

this moment!
Countless dry tongues!
The most powerful overlord-level force on this side was so easily wiped out?

With the current situation, although the sect is not completely exterminated, it is almost the same.

The Forbidden Empress released her aura without any scruples at this moment.


She is ready to be born again, not to be silent anymore!

As for the opposing forces, even if there are still remnants of the sect, even if the Taboo Empress is too lazy to kill them, they will definitely not dare to take revenge. They will just hide in the dark corners like rats and cockroaches, and dare not show up again.



At this moment, the people of Fu Liuzong are completely fanatic.

It never occurred to them.

The so-called first generation distant ancestor of Fuliu School turned out to be the taboo itself.

A lot of people.

At this moment, he was so excited that he went into shock!
This is not a shock of the body, but a shock of the soul.

While the members of Fuliu Sect were cheering endlessly, Li Yunfeng's face was still indifferent at this moment.

all of these.

He already understood it, so naturally he wouldn't get excited.

He walked towards Shen Qiuyu.

After the memory came back, he was going to say goodbye.

have to say.

The Road to Immortality is not in vain. Although it is extremely dangerous, the opportunity is really astonishing.

It's like being swallowed by a night monster. In this night monster world, he has gained millions of years of practice experience out of thin air.

In this life, I have experienced what the realm of the Immortal King looks like.

As long as he walks out of this world safely, it will be of great help to the progress of the deity's cultivation base and various cultivation insights.

Although Li Yunfeng has somewhat understood the nature of this world, but it is only a preliminary guess, and he is not sure how to get it out yet.

So if it comes, it will be safe.

He will continue to practice here. If he can cultivate to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, the benefits to the deity will only be greater after he goes out.

So he intends to re-enter the world.

"Brother Li? Are you leaving?"

Shen Qiuyu looked at Li Yunfeng and said calmly.

Her eyes looked at Li Yunfeng thoughtfully.

"That's right, you and I have a preliminary understanding of the essence of this world, but there is no good way to decipher it. Only by continuously strengthening your cultivation will you have the opportunity to thoroughly discover the essence."

Li Yunfeng said.

"Brother Li once had a kindness with me. Do you really think that the so-called going out to experience and wandering is more useful than practicing by my side?"

Shen Qiuyu looked at Li Yunfeng and said calmly.

Li Yunfeng thought it was just a simple farewell, it wouldn't be very interesting.

It's just that at this moment, Li Yunfeng's expression was not very good-looking.

The meaning in Shen Qiuyu's tone at this time seems to be a bit wrong.

But Li Yunfeng continued to listen.

He wants to see what Shen Qiuyu, who is now the protagonist of the so-called Destiny, wants to do.

"What's more, Brother Li also knows that if there is really someone who can thoroughly investigate the essence of this world, then that person is only me. Why should Brother Li take the risk of traveling alone?"

Li Yunfeng frowned even more when he heard this.

Listen to that!
This Shen Qiuyu doesn't seem to let her leave yet?
"Why don't you and I form a pair of gods and Taoists and practice together? If this is the case, your cultivation will definitely improve a lot faster!"

Shen Qiuyu's words were astonishing.

This moment!

Not to mention that the Fuliu Sect's people were shocked, even Li Yunfeng himself was stunned for a short period of time as if he had been hit by a thousand thunders.

But then, Li Yunfeng frowned even deeper.

It's not that he's not happy about forming a Taoist couple with Shen Qiuyu.

On the contrary, Shen Qiuyu is a stunning beauty, and the other party has never had a Taoist partner, so she throws herself into her arms at this moment, especially in this world, she is still the top figure.

He doesn't object.

After all, he has never been a moral saint, an upright gentleman.

But Shen Qiuyu was staring at him while talking at the moment, which made him very unhappy.

Because Shen Qiuyu is almost doomed to be invincible in this world, the attitude of not putting anyone in her eyes made Li Yunfeng very uncomfortable.


Even the tone that seems to be discussing at this moment is full of boundless domineering, and no rejection is allowed at all.

This made Li Yunfeng feel like being pushed back and forced.

This feeling.

It was unbearable for someone like Li Yunfeng.

However, when Li Yunfeng felt a little uncomfortable, the other members of the Fuliu Sect were extremely envious.

Especially Xu Zikong, his eyes were red, what kind of luck did this kid have?
To be favored by the Empress?
It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the goddess of all creatures in the universe!

At this moment, you want to form a Taoist couple with Li Yunfeng?
Although Li Yunfeng is also an Immortal King, he is still far behind the Forbidden Empress!
But the next moment.

Li Yunfeng's words made everyone even more stunned.

"What if I refuse?"

Li Yunfeng looked at Shen Qiuyu with an ugly face and said.

Li Yunfeng never thought about it.

There will be situations where I will be forced to become a Taoist companion by force in this way.

It's incredible!

"How dare this bastard refuse the empress' courtship?"

"It's unbelievable, is this kid a fool? Does he really think that his Immortal King Realm is awesome?"

"Yeah, the empress is reborn at this moment, she must have the confidence to be fearless of her former enemies, and there is a high probability of becoming an invincible immortal emperor. He wants to refuse?"

Everyone envied, surprised, and angrily looked at Li Yunfeng and talked about it.

"This is your only choice!"

Shen Qiuyu slanted at Li Yunfeng, and said in an unquestionable tone.

The tone that was concealed just now has completely disappeared at this moment.

The corner of Li Yunfeng's mouth twitched, what is this all about?
Such a gentle and reasonable fairy from the outside world, why did she suddenly act like this?

But after thinking about it for a while, Li Yunfeng shook his head helplessly.


He should have thought of it.

Shen Qiuyu's attitude towards him had undergone earth-shaking changes before.

After all, Shen Qiuyu's consciousness in the outside world is nothing compared to the consciousness in this world that has survived for millions of years, can easily kill the Immortal King, and escape from the Immortal Emperor's hands.

But not everyone, like his super bug, is not affected in the slightest.

In the end Li Yunfeng reluctantly agreed.


If he refused, Shen Qiuyu probably wouldn't kill herself!
But you may use various methods to make yourself surrender!

Since you can't resist, then submit well!
If he really wants to resist, it's okay!
His great strength.

Let alone Shen Qiuyu, even the incarnation of that terrifying corpse, the Immortal Emperor, might not be able to do anything to him!

He didn't resist, he just didn't want to waste this rare opportunity.

Not to mention.

Becoming Shen Qiuyu's Taoist partner, although I feel a little unhappy in my heart, but in other respects, I am still very happy.

That being the case!

He won't be stubborn!

Soon, they were married!
In the huge bridal chamber of the heavenly palace like a fairyland.

The alluring empress next to Li Yunfeng, he had no choice but to smile wryly.

"Why do you have to become a Taoist partner with me? With your current strength, I'm afraid you don't want to spy on my secrets in the outside world, do you?"

Li Yunfeng looked at Shen Qiuyu and asked.

"In the memory of the outside world, I regard you as the unparalleled genius, and even have a good impression of you, but unfortunately I think I am not worthy of you. Now that I am worthy, I want to give it a try. What is so special about you?"

Even in the bridal chamber, Shen Qiuyu still had a holy expression on his face, which was as cold as ice.

Li Yunfeng was completely speechless upon hearing this.

What reason did he think it was!

It turns out that she is the taboo queen of this world, and she thinks that her consciousness should not have any flaws.

Thinking that she is not good enough for Li Yunfeng, this is the Empress' flaw!
Li Yunfeng was speechless!
However, Li Yunfeng didn't want to think too much about it.

Especially seeing the empress bride next to her enter the bridal chamber with a holy and disdainful look.

He also raised a heart of conquest.

"Then I want to see how special you are!"

Li Yunfeng let out a grin, and threw himself on the Empress!

(End of this chapter)

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