Chapter 2015
I thought that Li Ping'an was a monster-level genius who could revitalize the sect.

If Li Pingan survived the doomsday crisis in this world safely.

Under the leadership of Li Pingan, their Holy Heaven Sect should not have a big problem becoming the number one force of this star, after all, the fairy master is dead.

Even if the Immortal Lord is not dead, if Li Pingan does not have any accidents, it is very possible to surpass it.

After all, the fairy master back then didn't seem to be so heaven-defying, right?
It can even be said that compared with the current Li Pingan, the Immortal Lord back then was far behind.

However, everyone still comforted themselves, thinking that Li Pingan was the kind of fierce existence in the early stage, and should return to normal in the later stage.

"That's all I can think of."

The elders looked at Li Pingan, who was so powerful that he exploded, and although they were very happy, they were also very painful.

Those who can become the elders of Shengtianzong are all good geniuses when they are young.

But such a genius, in front of Li Pingan, is like shit.

"Even the Immortal Lord is rubbish compared to Li Pingan in the early stage. It seems that we are shit and it is not unacceptable."

The elders comforted themselves after being extremely frustrated.

"Ping An, Ping An, are you really born in response to a catastrophe, in exchange for a peaceful and peaceful existence in the world?"

Seeing that Li Pingan had received his merits, Xiang Wentian came to Li Pingan's side at this moment, and said with a sigh.

In fact, he was somewhat prepared to break through to the state of fusion so quickly. After all, Li Pingan's cultivation was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye every day.

"Master, the chaos in the world has tortured me and my sister, and even caused my mother to die because of it. All the suffering in the world comes from the chaos in the world!"

"I, Li Ping'an, will surely sweep away all the chaos in the world and restore peace to the world."

Li Pingan has grown into a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes at this moment.

He is like a sharp sword, wherever his eyes pass, people dare not look directly at him.

Even if Xiang Wentian's cultivation was much higher than Li Ping'an's, it was still a bit difficult to resist.

"Okay, okay, then Master is waiting for the day when you will clear up the chaos."

Xiang Wentian looked at Li Pingan with relief and said.

If others were like this, he would definitely sneer at it.

But when Li Pingan said so, he actually believed it.


At this moment, he has already seen the future, the moment when Li Pingan flattened the North Sea with his sword and rushed into the depths of the universe,
In the name of Li Pingan, the day that shocked the whole universe!
Thinking of this, Xiang Wentian was also excited.

"Master, I think I should go out to practice. I think my current strength is enough to keep me safe. What's more, the flowers grown in the greenhouse have never been through wind and rain, so what's the use of being beautiful?"

Li Pingan suddenly made a request that shocked everyone.


All the elders hesitated for a moment, including Xiang Wentian.

In fact.

If it is an ordinary genius disciple, it is time to go out to practice at the latest when establishing a foundation, and most of them go out when they are at the sixth or seventh level of Qi refining.

There are very few people like Li Pingan who have cultivated to fit and have not gone out to practice.

But even so, the elders still didn't want Li Pingan to go out.

After all, the other disciples died when they died.

How can there be immortals in practice?

But what about Li Pingan?

There is only one such person.

In fact, at this time, everyone felt that Li Ping'an's qualifications far surpassed Li Changle's.

For everyone, just one such person is amazing enough.

It was a shock to see two siblings from the same mother.

And countless history tells everyone that men are almost always the protagonists.

Even if there are occasional female arrogances, they are only a minority.

It is said that among the sources of chaos today, male immortal emperors account for the vast majority, and there are only a few female immortal emperors.

So in their view, no matter how talented Li Changle is, the real protagonist is definitely Li Pingan.

"Actually, you don't need to practice in peace. Others practice, in fact, the main reason is that the progress of penance is too slow. You need to practice to find opportunities for improvement, experience and practice in combat, and accelerate breakthroughs."

"And Ping An, you have never had any difficulty in breaking through, and there will be no shortage of cultivation resources before you become an immortal. If you go out to practice, not only will it not speed up your cultivation, but it may slow down your cultivation speed anyway."

After thinking about it, Xiang Wentian said directly.

He still didn't want Li Pingan to go out to practice.

"Yeah, what the suzerain said is very reasonable. Others have to experience it when they have to, and you don't need it at all."

"Ping'an, you are just like the giant monster of the North Sea. Go out to the peak and destroy the giant monster of the North Sea with one move. Isn't that uncomfortable? Why bother to go out so early to fight life and death?"

All the elders also came out to persuade.

"Elders, although I have never gone out, I have woken up countless times, as if the heavens were reminding me through dreams."

"The universe collapsed, ten thousand realms withered, and the entire universe was barren and inhabited. I knelt in the endless void of the universe. Master, master, and all the elders were all bleeding, and their corpses were everywhere."

"The endless rain of blood never stops. This is the world of blood and corpses."

"Everything shows that the real cruelty is far from coming. I can't just sit and wait for death. I need to take the initiative. I need the exercise of blood and fire to keep my mind intact."

Li Pingan said firmly.


"You actually had these dreams?"

"Warning from heaven?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Some people have even started to complain in their hearts.

If you want to go out, just want to go out, why curse us to death?
"I knew you wouldn't believe it, and thought it was made up by me, so I'll let you have a look."

Li Pingan let go of his mind and released all the dream scenes in it without reservation.


"It's too tragic. There is no life in the galaxy with trillions of living stars?"

"Are we really all minced meat?"

"Endless rain of blood, never stop flowing, gathering with gravel in the universe to form an endless spring of blood?"

"The universe is shattered and bleeding oars."

"It's too tragic. This is the real doomsday. In comparison, what is the giant monster of the North Sea?"

"Can't even Ping An save the world?"

"Is this our end?"

The elders were in an uproar and were shocked.

Some are already desperate.

"However, since the heavens have issued a warning, it means there is still a chance. Why are you so depressed?"

someone said.

"Yeah, yeah, didn't Ping An die in the dream? It means that there is a chance for a comeback."

An elder said.

"In that case, then we won't stop you, and the future of our old things will be in your hands, Ping An."

Everyone cupped their hands and said to Li Pingan.

"But before you leave, you have to fight with me in peace. Because you have been cultivating and retreating, the last time you actually fought was a golden core, now I will try you, so that you can know what the basic combat power in this world is. , so that you have an idea in mind and do what you can.”

Said to Wentian.

After he finished speaking, his cultivation in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe was unmistakable, which almost represented the top combat power of this star.

"Master, is this your strongest performance?"

Li Pingan was originally interested.

But seeing the strength displayed, he frowned.

he feels.

If that's all, it might not be able to stand his punch.

"That's right. Although Master is not one percent of your aptitude, after all, he has practiced more than you for so many years. Master's combat power and cultivation level, in this star, are all peak existences."

Because Xiang Wentian wanted to suppress Li Pingan, his strongest aura was fully displayed.

At this moment, he was also slightly proud of his combat power, so he didn't pay attention to Li Pingan's expression.

Li Pingan said so, thinking that Li Pingan was shocking his strength.


He was right.

Li Pingan was indeed shocked, but he was shocked by how the master's strength is so weak?
Seeing the master so proud, Li Pingan was a little embarrassed.

Should he blow up Shigong with one punch?

If this is the case, will the guild lose face?

But if he doesn't blow up Shigong with one punch, will Shigong and the others worry that he can't change the outcome of everyone?
thought for a while.

Li Pingan felt that the outcome of everyone was more important.

Forget about the face of the master.

What's more, he is the master's disciple, the stronger he is, the more face the master will have.

In this way, it is directly offset.

So it seems very correct to blow up the master with one punch.

"Okay, it's decided."

After Li Pingan thought about it, he shot directly.

Li Pingan punched out, seemingly simple and unpretentious, but the power hidden in it was immeasurable.

"Boy, you are still so light when facing your master..."

There was a loud bang.

Xiang Wentian hadn't finished talking yet.

The next moment, he was punched directly into the wall.

Xiang Wentian lost with one move!

The elders were dumbfounded seeing this scene.

Xiang Wentian struggled out of the wall at this moment, his face was so ashamed that he couldn't see his expression clearly.

But the confused eyes were obviously more confused.

"Master, are you alright?"

Li Pingan felt that he had already controlled his strength, and at most he would send his master flying tens of meters, at most reaching the wall.

But I didn't expect that the strength was still not controlled well, and it smashed into the wall. Now that it's over, the master must be angry.

Li Pingan hurried over and said, "Master, my apprentice really didn't do it on purpose. I really didn't intend to beat you into the wall. Maybe I made you think a little bit harder, so I accidentally knocked you into the wall." Yes, I miscalculated, it was really not intentional, next time I have experience, I will definitely control my strength."

Xiang Wentian just woke up, but the next moment, when he heard this, he vomited blood.

Make him think a little bit stronger, and control his power next time?

He asks if Tian is so weak?
"You go, you go, don't help me."

Seeing Li Pingan running fast, Xiang Wentian waved his hands desperately.

With this strength, unless the giant monster of the North Sea and the fairy master make a move, they are invincible.

What kind of bullshit experience?
That's what goes out and crushes everything.

He didn't have to worry about anything, and he was worried in vain.

"Master, I..."

What else did Li Pingan want to say.

"Don't say anything, you are the master's disciple, I am too happy that you are strong, no matter how strong you are, you will always be the master's disciple!"

Said to Wentian.

Now that he recovered from the shock, he really didn't feel ashamed, only extremely proud.

He had such an extremely terrifying disciple, he was too happy.

In particular, his apprentice didn't ignore him because he was weak, which made him even more excited.

Seeing that the master was fine, Li Pingan gave up.

He bowed to the master, the master, and the elders respectively, and then went out.


"Father, it's time to eat."

Li Changle said to Li Yunfeng who was chopping firewood outside.

In a few years, Li Changle also appeared slim and graceful, no less than Lin Qingxian back then.

Especially the innocence in the eyes, uninfected by the world.

Even though there was wind and rain, under Li Yunfeng's gentle teaching, it has already been wiped out.

"Chop the last bit, and I'll go."

Li Yunfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied with a smile.

This life, though not completely peaceful.

But in this troubled world, being able to live with his wife for decades can be regarded as growing old.

Son and daughter are grown up now.

Li Yunfeng feels very satisfied now that he still has his daughter by his side.

"It's not that you can't do it later, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Li Changle muttered a few words.

But he also came over to help set up the firewood.

"Father, I don't understand some words, you are very knowledgeable, help me to read."

The dinner table.

Li Changle took out a piece of paper prepared in advance, and handed it to Li Yunfeng.

"Are those weird words again?"

Before Li Yunfeng watched it, he laughed.

"It was really strange at first, but after Dad's explanation, it's no longer strange, but it makes sense."

Li Changle said with admiration.

I used to think that my father was just a scholar who knew a few more words, and thought it was of little use.

It was only in recent years that I realized that Xiucai is very powerful.

Especially father, who is a scholar, is very unusual.

It is said that the son of the former village head was also a scholar, but he couldn't understand it, and most of them just explained it casually.

The reason why he is the son of the former village chief is because the current village chief is Li Yunfeng.

"The way of the wind is boundless, the sea is endless, and if you swim in it, if you are in the sea, you can embrace all rivers, flow blood and breathe, condense it into a knife, a sword, a gun, and everything. Body sculpting, invulnerable..."

There are nearly a hundred sentences in eloquence, which are all easy to understand.

It is difficult to understand what acupuncture point turns nine or nine times, perfuses the whole body, and the more complicated sentences later.

Even if understood, it is almost impossible to complete.

"Although the chapter is long, I don't quite understand some small points. The general point is that the wind penetrates all holes, can be sharp, but can be gentle. If it can be guided, it can be of great use, even like a sword, or like a Hong Zhong."

"As for how to guide, it should be roughly from this direction to this direction."

There is also a picture of the human body on it, and Li Yunfeng pointed to the picture to indicate the direction of operation.

"Well, thank you dad."

Li Changle looked at Li Yunfeng with admiration.

If she hadn't checked countless times that her father was indeed a mortal old man, if she had only met him for the first time, she would have really thought that he was a unparalleled old man.

Li Changle actually discovered some books by accident in the mountains.

These books are the secrets of cultivation.

Although she was unwilling to leave her father, she was not opposed to cultivation.

So she practiced secretly.

It was okay at the beginning, and basically understood everything.

After that, there were many things I didn't understand.

So she tried to show her father.

It turned out that my father could understand everything.

In fact, she guessed that her father already knew that she was practicing, after all, her father was not a fool.

But her father didn't tell the truth, so naturally she wouldn't tell the truth either.

Every time it is dubbed with the word strange.

And she also discovered a strange thing, her cultivation is extremely restrained.

If you don't take the initiative to distribute it, you will be completely like an ordinary person.

Those cultivators who have been hiding in the periphery have never found her.

Even Luo Yanyu had been here before, but she didn't find out.

The reason for all this confuses her. The last sentence is attributed to the fact that she has practiced all the exercises to the extreme, thanks to her father's guidance.

Li Changle was quite satisfied with this.

Her practice is mainly to protect the people she wants to protect, not to fight, so it is best not to be discovered.

"Father, what's that?"

That night, when Li Changle came back from practicing in the back mountain, he and Li Yunfeng sat in the yard enjoying the cool breeze, but suddenly, a bright light came straight from the depths of the sky.

And approaching at an extremely fast speed, it only took a while to make this place bright as day.

In dry places, wildfires erupt in an instant.

"Run away, Changle, run away, use all your mana, escape from here, hurry up..."

Li Yunfeng stood up abruptly, his pupils constricted crazily.

The next moment, dozens of monks appeared in the sky, and they set up a khaki defensive cover above Li Yunfeng.

It's just that it was evaporated in the next instant, and the speed of the light was not heard for a while.


Li Changle was extremely shocked.

"Let's go, let's go together."

Li Changle cried.

Although she is a practitioner, this is the first time she has faced this situation.

Especially the power in that light made her terrified.

But although afraid, but blessed to the soul.

All kinds of practice formulas and spells have already been extremely proficient in her heart.

She subconsciously cast a huge defensive circle, covering the entire village.

She thought that she would be evaporated in an instant like those practitioners before.

However, she blocked it.


Without completely blocking it, the edge of the mask shattered directly.

The villagers below instantly became nothingness.

"Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang, Auntie..."

Li Changle's eyes were red.

She saw with her own eyes that Uncle Yang evaporated from the world the moment the mask was shattered, leaving no bones behind.


Li Pingan, who was flying beyond the mountains at the moment, saw this situation with his own eyes.

His eyes were tearing apart, and he was about to go in to save his father and sister.


Just the moment he came into contact with the energy, his whole body was blown away.

If he didn't break through the fusion, he would be dead in just that moment.

The huge light spot completely bombarded down towards the mountains.

In an instant, the mountains became nothingness.

Li Pingan's eyes were about to burst.

Just the fringes left him badly injured.

Father and sister are at the core of the point of light.

How is this possible to live?
In fact, it did, the mountains had disappeared.

Li Pingan laughed miserably.


Under the spot of light, Li Changle clenched his teeth and defended desperately. Although the core spot of light was terrifying and unparalleled, it was abruptly blocked.

In the void, Yuan Zhenzi and Lin Qingxian looked down.

"Changle is so much better than Pingan?"

Lin Qingxian stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Li Ping'an is powerful, she has seen it before, defeating her master with one move.

She was terrified.

It's too outrageous, isn't it?


Li Pingan couldn't even resist the peripheral force of the light spot outside the sky.

But Li Changle can fight in the core area?

What's the joke?
Who is the real pride of heaven?

(End of this chapter)

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