The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2029 Five Immortal Emperors!

Chapter 2029 An Immortal Emperor!
"Last time, our mantis clan made a big mistake and let you go, allowing you to grow up to this point, but this time, we won't make it again."

"This time, you deserve our kill!"

The boss of the mantis clan also walked out at this moment, he looked at Li Yunfeng and said indifferently.

As the boss of the mantis clan, the prince of the mantis clan, he has a high status.

And the second child can be said to be brought up by him.

Although the cultivation base of the second child is far superior to him now, the second child still respects him very much, respects him very much, and he understands the combat power of the second child better than anyone else.

So he is very confident now.

The second child nodded, and also walked out.

Although he can't see through Li Yunfeng, as far as he is concerned, among his peers, there is no one who can make him retreat without a fight.

The dignified return to the dignified, but the fighting spirit is still high!

Seeing the appearance of several people, Li Yunfeng shook his head.

Now his cultivation and fighting power can be called truly peerless!
How could he pay attention to the words of a few little praying mantises?
In fact.

Even before he recovered, he didn't pay attention to the little praying mantises.

These little praying mantises happened to meet at the right time. When they met their own weak doppelgängers, they really thought how powerful they were.

Seeing the people behind him holding back their smiles.

He also said with a strange face: "Actually, I don't want to give you a chance to live."

"Just something to say first, no matter how arrogant you are this time, none of you will die..."

"As for the next time?"

"Even if we meet again, I'm afraid you won't want to provoke me! It seems that there is no chance to kill you!"


Li Pingan couldn't help laughing when he heard his father's words.

next encounter?
You will know what despair is, what is unattainable.

You will know how ridiculous the big words I told my father back then were.

"Is it funny?"

The Mantis Brothers seemed to hear the ridicule in Li Pingan's laughter, and their faces were gloomy.

They couldn't bear it anymore, and the three brothers shot together without any reservations.

This person defeated his brother with one move, and they also had to defeat this person with one move, so as to re-establish the inviolable majesty of the Mantis Emperor Clan!
The second child of Mantis stands in the middle, and the fourth and second child of Mantis are on the left and right. The three of them form a full attack formation.

"It's no wonder that the Mantis Emperor Clan is getting stronger and stronger. It is said that the human race's "one sword" once faced the enemy. The myth that his "one sword" will kill the enemy has failed under the hands of the four brothers Mantis. In the end, the two sides retreated from each other. It turned out that the four brothers still Start studying the human race's joint attack formation, no wonder everyone can safely withdraw from the Land of Eternal Night!"

Many people were a little surprised when they saw the Mantis Emperor Clan make another move.

The progress of the Mantis Emperor Clan is too terrifying.

In the beginning, the four joined forces to advance and retreat, but they were barely given the light of a super-class genius.

Later, with the display of strength, each member of the Mantis Emperor Clan was placed at the end of the super-class Tianjiao.

But joining forces still can't be compared with the existences such as Killing God, Yijian, and Demon Monk.

But in the end.

But it can fight against a sword, and retreat without losing the wind.

The growth potential of the Mantis Emperor Clan is terrifyingly high!

The second mantis in the middle swung his mantis arm countless times in an instant.

But on closer inspection, it seems that there are only two times.


This made many people at the scene unable to understand.

It is conceivable that if you fight against him, how much pressure will be there?
After the extremely fast mantis knife ended, a black scimitar and a golden scimitar spun towards Li Yunfeng respectively.

The two black and gold scimitars are constantly spinning and entangled in the air, hiding in the void for a while, and reappearing in the void for a while, which is extremely mysterious.

Many people just look at it like this, and they have a feeling of wanting to enlightenment.

But just when everyone felt this way.

Suddenly someone found out.

Unexpectedly, at some point, the three Tanglang brothers came behind Li Yunfeng and the others, and displayed extremely powerful physical skills.

"We actually forgot that what the Mantis Emperor Clan is good at is never magic skills, but physical skills. Since they are going to kill Li Yunfeng with one move, they will naturally not use their own weaknesses to make use of their strengths!"

When many people saw this scene, they immediately yelled, and at the same time, there was a burst of cold sweat on their foreheads.

"No, it's not just a pure physical skill, it's a double attack of physical skill and physical skill!"

someone corrected.

"That's right, the Mantis Emperor Clan is too scary. We will definitely not provoke them in the future. Even if we encounter them while walking, it is best to avoid them!"

Someone said solemnly and fearfully.

In the horror of everyone, the attack of Brother Mantis had completely arrived at Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng didn't seem to avoid it, and was hit by the magic and body skills.

Everyone looked at Li Yunfeng with sadness.

They thought that this person could instantly defeat the third mantis, and they should be able to react, so that they wouldn't be killed in a single move!

But I don't know if they overestimated Li Yunfeng, or if it was too scary for Mantis to attack with all his strength, it ended like this?

The three Mantis brothers were also stunned.

Although they really wanted to kill Li Yunfeng with one move, they just wanted to.

In their minds, it was enough for Li Yunfeng to be seriously injured by this move.

The opponent should be able to resist a little.

But they were hit without any resistance at all. According to their predictions, they were definitely killed!

"Haha, I really thought that you are so powerful. Under my Mantis Emperor Clan, it's not like you can't hold on to one move..."

The eldest brother of Mantis laughed.

Although he was confident, he was a little surprised at the moment.

The boss is also full of smiles.

However, he felt that the main reason was that his second brother was too powerful.

But at this moment, after the second child was stunned for a while, his face suddenly changed wildly.

He deduces according to common sense, the other party can't be completely unresponsive!

The fact is that the other party failed to react at all.

Something abnormal must be demon!
and so.

There must be something wrong with Li Yunfeng being hit, even on purpose.

"Could it be that this person wants to hurt both sides?"

Mantis second child exerted all his imagination and only thought of these.

But even that is scary.

They have a lot of enemies, if they really hurt both sides, they may die!
He hastily yelled: "Big brother, fourth brother, go back quickly, there is a fraud!"

While speaking, he backed out by himself.

As for whether the elder brother and the fourth younger brother can retire, it depends on their fortunes.

The eldest and fourth child who were happy, saw that the second child retreated directly, and felt terrified in their hearts.

They have always been very convinced of the second child's judgment.

The second child retreated directly, and they also retreated without hesitation.

They even felt fear in their hearts, thinking that it was too late.

In the end, it was safe and sound...

"I guessed wrong?"

The second child was extremely puzzled when he saw that the eldest and fourth child had all retreated back smoothly.

At this moment, he withdrew tens of miles away, and he stared at Li Yunfeng again.

It stands to reason that no one can be safe and sound after being hit by this blow.


From the beginning to the end, the opponent never moved half a step, and there was no sign of injury.


At this moment, Mantis Second's heart was shaking like a huge wave.

"Are you supporting yourself, or are you really okay..."

Mantis second child asked with a trembling voice.

Li Yunfeng just smiled.

He glanced at the immobilized mantis youngest again.

The third mantis moved suddenly.

But the next moment.

He seemed to be out of control and attacked the three brothers.

"Third, what are you doing..."

The mantis second son yelled.

"I can't control my body..."

The third mantis said in horror.

Seeing this, Mantis' second child didn't care about Li Yunfeng's weirdness at the moment, and directly shot at the third child, and he wanted to knock the third child unconscious for a while.


After he fought against the third child, he found that he was no match for the third child!
One must know that in the past, even if the other three brothers joined forces, they couldn't withstand his few moves.

A single person can't stop a move!
But now because only another person controls the body of the third child, the third child is stronger than him?
clang clang...

The golden mantis arm frantically attacked the second child!

At the beginning, the second child was worried about hurting the third child, so he spared no effort!
But in the end, he completely let go, but he was still retreating steadily.

In the end, the three brothers joined forces, but they were still beaten and retreated.


Suddenly, the third mantis brother swung his arms, sweeping away the remaining three brothers!

The powerful bodies of the three brothers, which were poured like gold, were actually cracked at this moment.


The three brothers vomited blood at the same time, and their breath was weak!
As for the third mantis, it was only at this moment that he stopped attacking.

"I said, only defeat but not kill..."

Li Yunfeng looked at the silly third mantis brother, then at the three seriously injured mantis brothers, and said with a faint smile.

Then, he disappeared directly in place!

The third mantis brother hurriedly supported the remaining three brothers, and kept apologizing.

However, the second child of Mantis waved his hand, expressing his indifference.

He took a deep look at the direction where Li Yunfeng left.

"It's time to change the first place on the super-class Tianjiao list..."

Mantis second child said in horror.

"What? Number one on the super-class Tianjiao list?"

The others were shocked when they heard this.

"Can he really fight that one?"

When the mantis boss heard it, he couldn't believe it.

That one is too strong!

No matter how the ranking of the super-class Tianjiao changes, he will not move!
But I looked at the third child, and then at the second child.

It seems, really can!
"Tigers are a problem..."

The boss sighed.

In his opinion, there was really no mercy back then.

Originally, the monster race completely subdued the human race on the road to immortality, but when this person came out, everything changed.

"But even so, if you are number one, so what?"

"That one, I was going to pull it down. After I completely achieved the black gold body, I just changed the target to pull it down..."

Mantis's second child's eyes flickered. Even so, he was completely irresistible, and his fighting spirit was still unquenchable!

"Next time we meet again, I will still challenge you!"

The second child of Mantis sneered inwardly.

The other party's thinking is too naive, the one in this world who dared not provoke him has not yet been born!


in the void.

Yuan Zhenzi first turned around to investigate, then looked at Li Yunfeng and smiled: "That mantis second child still doesn't realize how terrifying you are, the Emperor of Heaven, and even wants to challenge you, Emperor of Heaven again..."

When Li Yunfeng heard this, he didn't speak, but just smiled.

The strong fighting spirit in the opponent's heart will be completely shattered within a few moments.

A peasant might covet the throne, or even challenge it!


That's because farmers and emperors are both human beings.

Although the distance is large, they are on the same level after all!
However, do the ants dare to challenge the real dragon?

Ants don't even think about it!

Not to mention!

He is countless times greater than the real dragon!
To him, the real dragon is also an ant!

Li Yunfeng came to the center of Chengxian Road in a few moments.

His body suddenly became extremely tall.

The road to immortality is a point set by Shen Qiuyu's mother body to lay out the endless universe.

Naturally, he will not let it develop any longer.

"The Emperor of Heaven ordered that the road to immortality is a place of conspiracy and should be destroyed."

"Everyone will recite the origin silently in their hearts, and they will return to the original entrance. Those who do not recite silently will be randomly teleported to various stars in this star field!"

Yuan Zhenzi is also exuding the majesty of the Immortal Emperor at this moment.

Because of the help of the Emperor of Heaven, and because they came through the cosmic channel, they are almost insignificantly affected by the suppression of the universe, and they are almost unaffected, and they can exert almost peak strength.

The sound spread throughout the entire star field and Chengxian Road.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

Although it is infinitely far away, it is as if it is right in front of your eyes.

The vast and stalwart body exuding endless divine light made everyone kneel down and worship.

It was an unprecedented powerful breath.

"Isn't that the kid who fought me just now?"

The mantis boss stared wide-eyed, looking at the stalwart figure exuding divine light, he gulped wildly.

He had the honor to see that similar aura once through the family's special divine method, and it seemed to be the aura of the Immortal Emperor.

But it seems that this aura is infinitely stronger than the aura of the family.

"Maybe it's because what I see is not the original body of Yuanzu, so I feel that Yuanzu is much weaker..."

"It must be so, it must be so..."

The mantis boss kept comforting himself.

"If it is true as you said, then he is not the number one in the so-called super-class Tianjiao list at all, but a..."

"The Immortal Emperor!"

The mantis second son's eyes were dull at the moment, and he said with a dry voice.

The fighting spirit in his eyes has completely disappeared, and some are just ridiculous to himself!

"What? An immortal emperor?"

The remaining three brothers of Mantis were also taken aback when they heard this.

Immediately afterwards, just be silly!

The existence that can be compared with the family's Black Gold Mantis Emperor is not the Immortal Emperor, so what is it?
The people who were lucky enough to watch just now were also unbelievable at the moment.

Just now they actually had such close contact with an immortal emperor?
more importantly.

Some of them even mocked the Immortal Emperor?
They first felt a chill behind their backs, and then felt that the world was crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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