The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2044 Into the Darkness

Chapter 2044 Into the Darkness
"Father, it must be a chaotic continent that looks like a human being, right?"

Even though he saw it with his own eyes, Bei Lun still couldn't believe it, he said blankly.

Emperor Yuan was not surprised to see Bei Lun's stupid look, so why wasn't he like this in his heart?

It's just that he saw it earlier than Beilun and calmed down a little earlier.

At this moment when he saw the huge corpse floating in the sea of ​​chaos, his heart was still as if it was overwhelmed.

He kept himself from being too groggy.

Then he said to Beilun: "This is a person, a truly invincible and strong man. There is no doubt that you and my father and son can come here because of the call of our senior!"

When Emperor Yuan talked about the call of the senior, he was also a little apprehensive.

After he had a clue, he gradually became clear.

In fact, he could have come here through the entrance of the Extinguishing Demon Sect long ago.

But he never made up his mind.

Because he didn't know whether he was seeking skin from a tiger.

After thinking about it for a long time, coupled with the impending chaos catastrophe, he even vaguely felt that this time the chaos catastrophe might be much higher than before.

In addition, Beilun happened to want to do something in the Demon Extinguishing Sect, so he wanted to accept Qin Sirou.

So after thinking about it, he decided to find out.

until now.

He finally saw what kind of existence was calling him. Although he didn't suffer any harm for the time being, he was still uneasy.

An existence with a body countless times larger than the endless universe, how terrifying is he?
Nobody knows!
Although it looks like a soulless corpse at the moment, he doesn't really treat this corpse as a corpse.

"Is it really an incomparably vast corpse?"

Beilun's pupils contracted, and he shook his head violently.

What he saw today completely collapsed his previous worldview!

In front of this huge and boundless corpse, the Immortal Emperor was as weak as an ant.

"What is the Realm of the Immortal Emperor?"

Beilun was completely in a mess.

The former Immortal Emperor's Realm is the goal he has been pursuing.

Once you step into it, you are truly supreme. At most, someone is standing side by side with him, and you can never surpass it!
But what I saw today not only surpassed, but also surpassed countless.

Although the terrifying corpse hadn't moved a single bit from the beginning to the end, Beilun could judge by his father's performance.

The gap between the Immortal Emperor and this corpse is probably much greater than that between the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor.

Although the difference between the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor seems to be only one step.

But the universe recognizes that the gap between this last step is even bigger than the gap between a beginner cultivator and a powerhouse at the peak of the Immortal King.

At least that's how it is in this universe.

Because there has never been a heaven-defying existence like Shen Qiuyu in this universe.

Shen Qiuyu's performance in this universe is mediocre.

And strictly speaking, in Shen Qiuyu's universe, the truth of the gap recognized by this universe is actually still applicable.


Shen Qiuyu, including Li Yunfeng, as well as Li Yunfeng's sons and daughters, are inherently destined to become immortal emperors, so they are simply special cases.

There are always exceptions.

For example, even mortals, those who have never actively cultivated, will have special cases.

There have been such special cases in this universe.

A mortal has experienced his whole life, until he is about to die in his later years, he directly realizes the Tao and becomes the Immortal King.

Not long after that, he became the Immortal Emperor again.

Because this person instantly realized Taoism and became an immortal king, can you say that because of this person's experience, there is not much difference between a mortal and an immortal king?
Obviously, this is unreasonable.

The reason why he can cross directly is because he has the capital to become the Immortal King.

Even, somewhat similar to Li Yunfeng!
Why didn't the Mother of Chaos kill him when he was weak?
It's not that I don't want to kill!

But can't kill!

If you want to kill Li Yunfeng, you can only fight against the peak Li Yunfeng!
This situation is very mysterious!

Mysterious and mysterious, incomprehensible, but it is true.

"The Immortal Emperor is just a stronger ants..."

Yuandi said directly.

At this moment, his heart that had been proud all his life was completely thrown away.

He once had the ambition to become an immortal emperor, but seeing this scene, he did not have the slightest grasp.

He just wanted to make himself stronger through this huge and boundless 'corpse'.

But it will definitely not keep pace with this 'corpse'.

It's just stronger than all the immortal emperors.

This is his goal, how stronger?
It depends on the specific gift of this 'corpse'.

Since it is bestowed.

How could it be possible to dream of surpassing this corpse?
Hearing his father belittle himself so much, Beilun fell silent.

"Continue to lie down and move forward!"

Emperor Yuan said to Beilun, he crawled ahead first, without the arrogance of the Immortal Emperor at all.

Seeing this, Beilun also found it very ridiculous.

The immortal emperor who calls the wind and rain is even more humble than a servant?
But Bei Lun just thought it was ridiculous.

He didn't feel aggrieved or humiliated.

The morals of the world have always been like this. Only those who have the opportunity to be the slaves of the strong will become the relative masters.

Be a servant first before you can be a master!

How humble they are here.

How honorable it would be when they returned to their universe.

Thinking of this, Bei Lun smiled.

"Hehe... you bastards of the Demon Extinguishing Sect, wait for the return of Emperor Beilun!"

Thinking of this, Beilun looked forward with great anticipation and high spirits.

I don't know why, in such a scene, even though he is in the early stage of Immortal King, he still feels that he can become Immortal Emperor.


Getting closer and closer.

Although the chaotic distance is endless, with Yuandi's own ability, he may not be able to reach the goal until his death.

However, he was summoned, so naturally this would not be the case.

They seem to move slowly, but every time they crawl, they feel that the corpse is much bigger.

This shows that they are advancing at a very fast speed.

Not long after, they came directly to the corpse.

At this moment, the body can no longer be seen in its entirety.

At this time, they are even more intense about the reality that they are ants.

"Enter the pool of blood, donate your vitality, plunge into the darkness, become the supreme messenger, and be invincible in the universe where you are!"

When the two were crawling, they both saw such a passage.

The two looked at each other, their faces changing slightly.

After giving life?
What will they be like?
But, is there a way out at this moment?


Without the guidance of this corpse, they would never be able to leave.

Emperor Yuan raised his head.

He saw pools of blood not far away.

Yuandi gritted his teeth, and directly entered a black blood pool exuding a rancid smell.


He had thought about this result a long time ago!
What's more, it won't die completely, it just becomes another form.

Beilun also knew that there was no way out, and he was about to step into the pool of blood after following closely.


When he came to the edge of the blood pool and was about to step directly into it, the blood pool seemed illusory, untouchable.

Beilun was stunned. He headed for another pool of blood, but it was still the same.

"I'm not even qualified to be a slave..."

After Beilun tried a few times, he understood.


At the same time, the blood pool where Emperor Yuan was located let out a scream of extreme pain.

Black disappears at a visible rate.

Father's body also seemed to be rotting and bleeding.

The father's body was covered in rotten flesh, and the eyeballs on his face fell off, leaving only rotten muscles pulling, which was extremely terrifying.

Beilun was extremely terrified.


Although he could hear voices screaming at this moment, and his father's rotting body was still moving, he couldn't feel his father's spirit at all.

Just like that horrible existence they called corpses.

He suppressed his fear and continued to watch, he knew he couldn't escape.

When the blackness in the blood pool completely subsided, the father stood up, his whole body was outside, the carrion was hanging, and the internal organs were visible, which was even more terrifying.

This rotting corpse without a soul came towards Beilun step by step.

Bei Lun was terrified, but the rotting corpse gradually returned to normal after leaving the blood pool.

However, there is still no trace of the soul.


Beilun tried to call out.

"Beilun, my good son, there are still some discarded remnants in my black blood pool, you go!"

Emperor Yuan laughed loudly, looking very happy.

"I still haven't felt the spirit of my father!"

Bei Lun was extremely surprised to see that his father hadn't changed except for his disappearance.

At the same time, I was a little apprehensive.

"Go, you will know after you plunge into the darkness!"

Emperor Yuan said with a smug smile, he doesn't look like a dead person.

Knowing that he had no other choice, Beilun gritted his teeth, and at the same time, there was a look of expectation in his eyes.

Then he directly entered the blood pool before his father.

After a while, Beilun got up like his father.


He is so excited!
Not only did he recover, but he also became an immortal emperor!
As for the soul?

still there!
If you compare the soul before entering the blood pool to sunlight!


His current soul is darkness!

What is darkness?


In fact, this is still not accurate.

Darkness, to be precise, is still visible, that is, black, which is still visible.

To be precise, it should be nothingness.

It's like you cover your left eye with your hand, and see the world normally with your right eye.

What the left eye 'sees' at this moment is that nothingness.

Or, do you see the world from the back of your head?

what can i see
That true nothingness!
The situation between him and Emperor Yuan is like this!

A true nothingness.

But although it seems nothingness to others, they themselves can feel that their thinking is normal.

So although it's a bit weird, I don't care.

Maybe this is the so-called plunge into darkness?
"Is this the power of the Emperor Realm?" Bei Lun felt incomparably intoxicated by this incomparable power.

"It's just the last trace of dregs. It gives me the feeling that it's not much weaker than the previous me?"

Emperor Yuan was shocked.

"Come on, let's fight against each other..."

Emperor Yuan looked at Beilun Dao, he was eager to know how strong he was!
(End of this chapter)

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