The return of the immortal world

Chapter 2055 Bloodline Fusion

Chapter 2055 Bloodline Fusion

As soon as the battle between the two began, the most intense collision was directly carried out.

Just like when they first fought against the Nine Nether Devil Emperor, the two wanted to make a quick decision.

If the level of the two is similar, it will eventually become a war of attrition.

If one side is stronger than the other, it won't be long before the battle will be one-sided.

Because this moment is a critical moment for the two to fight.

So at this time, even the Demon Emperor Jiuyou didn't immediately attack the Dragon Girl and Chaos Sky Ant, but just watched.

He eagerly wanted to know if the silver-armored boy stood alone and stood at the top?
It won't be long before this result, so he is naturally not in a hurry to make a move.

But Longnu and the others will naturally not take the lead when facing the Nine Nether Demon Emperor.

At this moment, everyone was watching this scene very nervously.

The collision between the two was extremely tragic.

The silver-armored youth held a silver spear in his hand, as if a real silver dragon had come to life in his hand.

With every blow, the chaos explodes and the void collapses. This is the true supreme power in the world!

And Li Yunfeng was also brandishing the Black Dragon Spear at this moment.

With the black dragon in his hands, the light shone brightly, exuding an extremely chilling aura.

Wherever it is waved, the universe seems to be constantly reopening and destroying, and the extremely gorgeous light rain blooms, adding a little brilliance to the broken universe.

However, after the brilliance, it was more complete destruction!
At this moment, both of them were extremely sharp in their moves. After fighting for a while, it seemed that there was no clear winner.

This made Qin Sirou and the others slightly relieved.

The Shining Armored Boy is indeed very strong.

But fortunately it did not exceed expectations.

And so on, plus the Chaos Sky Ant and Dragon Lady who came to help, as well as Senior Huang.

They may well have lost the upper hand.

At least not the one-sided situation before.

When Qin Sirou thought of this, she subconsciously glanced at Dragon Girl and Chaos Sky Ant.

Only when seeing the Chaos Sky Ant.

She suddenly saw a hint of shock, worry, surprise, and solemnity in the eyes of Chaos Sky Ant.

This made Qin Sirou feel a little bad.

"Senior Tian Ant, may I ask if you noticed something unusual?"

Qin Sirou came to Chaos Sky Ant's side.

When the Chaos Sky Ant heard Qin Sirou's address, the corners of its mouth twitched again.

But he is not in the mood to get too entangled in these issues at the moment.

Instead, he directly replied: "Master Hui, I did see something unusual, I don't know if it was my illusion, it seems that when Emperor Zun and that one were fighting, the moves they used contained the Tao and Techniques and rules, it seems that the other side has it.”

"Although the display method and order are slightly different before and after, they are indeed almost the same!"

"Both ways and the other side have it?"

When Qin Sirou heard this, she faintly felt that something was wrong.

She felt that this seemed to be extremely detrimental to Emperor Zun, but she couldn't say exactly how detrimental it was.

Qin Sirou couldn't figure it out, so he continued to ask: "Since there are all of them, and the methods are similar, then the worst case is the same as the battle against the Nine Nether Demon Emperor before, and it's not too bad. I don't know why you are so worried and dignified?"

Qin Sirou also noticed the embarrassment of Chaos Sky Ant's address, so he didn't continue to call him senior.

Dragon Girl didn't notice it at first, but now she could see it after hearing what Chaos Sky Ant said.

"Yes, Master, why is this so?"

The dragon girl also asked in amazement.

When other people heard it, they all listened with their ears upright. If this is the case, it would be too weird.

"I have seen the various methods of Master for a long time. Many of them are created by Master himself, especially many of the specific methods are only suitable for Master's own use, and they will hardly be spread."

"So it's naturally not that after Master's method was spread, it was accidentally learned by this person..."

"Since it was not learned by accident, why?"

"I'm afraid this contains a terrifying conspiracy!"

The Chaos Sky Ant stated his conjecture very solemnly.


When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

If the judgment of the Chaos Sky Ant is correct, there must be a terrible conspiracy.

Thinking of this, everyone was worried.


At this time, not to mention Qin Sirou's feeling weird, even Demon Emperor Nine Serenity felt bursts of doubts at this time.

The methods of the two are indeed too similar.

Not sure at first.

It's 100% sure now.

For example, a set of fighting methods has one hundred moves.

Li Yunfeng used the first move.

The silver-armored boy used the seventh move.

Li Yunfeng used the No.20 move again.

Shining armor boy uses No.17 move.

Naturally, he didn't immediately see that the two of them were using a fighting method.

But until now, it is 100% sure.

Because of this complete set of methods, all of them have been used.

This can naturally be seen thoroughly.

Even Devil Emperor Jiuyou felt a little chill in his heart at the moment.

this is too scary!

Learn all the methods that the other party has never disclosed, which is full of conspiracy.

At this time, even though Demon Emperor Jiuyou was an ally with the silver-armored boy, he subconsciously guarded against the silver-armored boy even tighter.


After the dragon guns in their hands clashed fiercely, the two retreated at the same time.

"Yin-Yang Chaos Lotus..."

Li Yunfeng put away the dragon spear and directly confronted with spells.

This is the law he created in this life, and before he recovered, it was his strongest law.

But not anymore.

But it is also a top-level technique.

It is different from the complicated and changeable methods of fighting.

The Yin-Yang Chaos Lotus is indeed very intuitive.

Unexpectedly, the silver-armored boy used the Yin-Yang Chaos Lotus that only Li Yunfeng himself knew and was suitable for.

This time it was very intuitive.

A small number of people were still suspicious just now, but now, they don't doubt at all.


The two lotuses of annihilation frantically collided and spun.

The starry sky, time, chaos, everything became chaotic.

Like the world, everything is in chaos.

This is an extremely terrifying technique.


The last two magic lotuses died at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the two directly used the strongest time rule to confront.

Under the influence of the art of time, the two became gray-haired old men almost at the same time, and then reversed time and space against each other by force, and regained their youth again.

However, immediately after, under the attack of the rules, it seemed difficult to stop the reverse time and space.

The two immediately became babies.

It even became the most primitive two giant tadpoles in the end.

The two tadpoles are entangled to the end and become nothingness at the same time!

They disappeared at the same time.

Everyone was stunned!

"Could it be that they all died together?"

Someone said in shock.

For such methods, they felt extremely horrified.

Under such means, they are really ants.

But as soon as the words fell, the world suddenly shook.

Countless emperors and countless silver-armored youths appeared almost at the same time.

In an instant, the battle between the two seemed to turn into a big team battle.

Every emperor and every boy in silver armor among them is using various means.


Every method can find the same thing from the opponent.


In the end, both sides died at the same time...

It's just that when they reappeared, both sides felt a little sluggish.


Li Yunfeng's malaise seemed to be more serious.

It's not like, it is!
Li Yunfeng seemed to be trying to hold on, but in the end, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

But the silver-armored boy was just a little sluggish!
It seems that the outcome has been decided...

"From the time I first appeared, you knew that this is a battle that must be lost. Why persist so hard?"

"Admit defeat, go and apologize to her, maybe, you can survive, it's unknown!"

The silver-armored boy didn't take the opportunity to make a move, but instead uttered an increasingly weird sentence.

"After all, you still failed to surpass her. It's a pity. This is the top bloodline fusion in the universe, but it still can't create a legend!"

Li Yunfeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the silver-armored boy with increasingly complicated eyes.

"Why are these two people so weird! What kind of blood fusion?"

Demon Emperor Jiuyou frowned even more when he heard Li Yunfeng's words.

(End of this chapter)

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