The return of the immortal world

Chapter 209 Mental retardation?

Chapter 209 Mental retardation?

Then a few people took their seats.

Li Yunfeng and Xueying were both at ease, but the two elders of the Zhang family were a little uncomfortable, looking at the noisy crowd around them, they were very unhappy.

But Li Yunfeng didn't mind, and they naturally had nothing to do.

Because there are so many people, the serving speed is not very fast.

At the beginning, they only served a few cold dishes, and the few people drank tea slowly and waited for the dishes to be served.

Li Yunfeng was also drinking tea while looking around. He still likes this kind of popular place, after all, he has been lonely in the world of cultivating immortals for too long.

Suddenly, Li Yunfeng saw that Shen Ruoqing, who had been waiting at the door, also came in, followed by several people.

Among them was a woman who was about the same age as Shen Ruoqing, her appearance was a little worse than Shen Ruoqing's, but she was still considered a great beauty.

Then there is a man who looks about 30 years old, with golden eyes, he is not bad looking, but he is a little bald, and his eyes have obscene light from time to time, which makes the overall impression not very good.

Then there are four middle-aged men and women, one of them looks somewhat similar to Shen Ruoqing, they may be Shen Ruoqing's parents.

The other two should be the man's parents.

After they walked to the front desk, Shen Ruoqing said something to the woman at the front desk.

Just didn't say a few words, Shen Ruoqing frowned, and continued to say a few words to the front desk.

Shen Ruoqing was fine, but Shen Ruoqing's parents immediately exploded and went up to argue with the front desk.

After listening to Li Yunfeng, it should be that Shen Ruoqing had reserved a private room here before, but the front desk said that someone else had been seated, and there was no private room at this time, only the hall was left.

Moreover, the people occupying their private rooms are not ordinary people, they are also regular customers here, and they are also prominent figures in Hong City.

The front desk also tried to explain with a wry smile.

In the end, the woman at the front desk reported the identity of the person occupying the private room, and Shen Ruoqing's parents gave up, but their faces were still very unhappy.

In fact, the ones who were most upset were the pair of middle-aged men behind him, and the man with golden eyes.

Seeing this, Shen Ruoqing smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle and Auntie, there are really no private rooms here, why don't we change to another restaurant?"

One of the middle-aged women snorted, and then said: "I'm fine, but my son has a lot of entertainment, isn't it a waste of time to run around like this? Why don't we just forget about it today, and when will my son be free another day?" Come out, please come and invite us again. We only thought of helping you because your parents were colleagues with us. I didn’t expect it to be like this. We couldn’t even arrange a dinner. How can you let our Zhizhang arrange you to rest assured? Work at the company?"

Another young woman's face changed slightly when she heard the words, and she also looked at Shen Ruoqing with some complaints, and said, "Yes, Ruoqing, I said before that I arranged it, and you said you can do it, and now it's all right, uncles and aunts are all angry."

"Qiu Yun, how can you say that? You heard it just now. It's not that Ruoqing didn't make a reservation, but it was taken by someone else. Even if you made the reservation, others wouldn't take it? "

When Shen Ruoqing's parents saw Wang Qiuyun say this about their daughter, they immediately became upset.

In the end, the man said: "Since this is the case, why don't we sit in the lobby as the front desk said, but I don't like to sit too far in the middle. location, let's go."

"Thank you, Shijo!"

Shen Ruoqing's parents finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Li Zhizhang say this.

So everyone looked towards the hall, and found that there were not many empty seats in the hall, and there were no ones near the windows, only a few places in the middle.

"Hey, there is still a seat there, there are only four people, and the food hasn't been served yet, should we go up and ask if we can change seats?"

Shen Ruoqing's parents suddenly saw Li Yunfeng's location.

"I think it's okay. There are only four of them. It shouldn't be difficult to change positions. If Ruoqing and I, two beauties, go up and talk about it, they will definitely agree."

Wang Qiuyun also saw this, and said with a smile.

"You two go up and ask, if it really doesn't work, even if we invite them."

Shen Ruoqing's father said.

"It's not good!"

Shen Ruoqing shook his head suddenly and said.

"What's wrong, don't you just go up and ask? It's not that they have to change positions!"

Shen Ruoqing's mother suddenly said with some displeasure.

"No, it's mainly because I know one of them, so it's not good to directly ask his friend to change places if he goes up like this."

Shen Ruoqing hesitated for a moment, then said.

"What, do you know each other? That's even better. Since we know each other, we are friends, and we need to help. If you don't go, I will go up and talk."

Shen's mother suddenly became excited, looked at her daughter and said.

"Which one is it? What's your relationship? I'll go up and ask."

Mother Shen continued.

"It's the younger man. We don't know each other very well, so we just talked a few words. It doesn't look good like this."

Shen Ruoqing objected.

"What's good? Since I'm an acquaintance, I have to help anyway. I'll go up and talk about it."

After Shen's mother finished speaking, she ignored her daughter and walked up directly.

Li Yunfeng's hearing is very good, and it's not very far away, so he naturally heard the conversations of these people.

Seeing Shen's mother walking towards him, she also smiled wryly, it was just a simple meal, and it was not peaceful to eat.

Seeing this, Shen Ruoqing followed directly, afraid that her mother would say something bad.

Father Shen and Wang Qiuyun greeted Li Zhizhang and walked over with his parents.

Soon, everyone arrived at Li Yunfeng's position.

"What are you doing standing here?"

The two brothers of the Zhang family didn't like the noisy environment here, so they asked when they saw someone stop in front of them.

Shen's mother glanced at the fourth elder, but she ignored them. She secretly thought, who are these two people, what age are they, and they still wear such old-fashioned clothes.

The two brothers of the Zhang family were wearing the warrior robes of the last century. In this modern city, they did look a bit old-fashioned.

But this is just a bit old-fashioned and rustic in the eyes of ordinary people. Anyone who is really discerning knows that these are actually custom-made clothes, which are expensive, and one piece costs tens of thousands.

Shen's mother said: "You are Ruoqing's friend, can you give us this seat, my Zhizhang nephew is not used to the stuffiness inside, he likes to sit by the window."

The two brothers of the Zhang family originally planned to reprimand these people, but seeing that these people knew Li Yunfeng, they didn't say anything, they just glanced at Li Yunfeng, and they wanted to ask Li Yunfeng for his opinion.

Before Li Yunfeng could speak, Xueying laughed: "Mentally retarded? Which mentally retarded person can't bear the depression? If you can't bear the depression, you can order food and squat outside to eat. Anyway, if you are mentally retarded, you don't have to be so particular about it."

Shen Ruoqing just wanted to come up and say something, afraid that her mother would say something reckless.

Just hearing Xue Ying's words, she was stunned.

But Shen's father and Shen's mother, as well as Wang Qiuyun and Li Zhizhang who followed behind, were all stunned for a moment.

The two brothers of the Zhang family also wiped off their sweat. Sure enough, Li Yunfeng's woman is different, and she doesn't have to be scruples about speaking.

They also secretly thought in their hearts that they would never provoke Xueying again in the future, this woman's character is too weird, she would kill their brother if they disagree with each other, and she will not show any sympathy when she speaks to others.

(End of this chapter)

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