Chapter 21
A new day begins.

Now that Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru have become colleagues, they naturally commute to get off work together. The two took the subway together, and Li Yunfeng still used his steel-like arms to protect Su Xiaoru.

Li Yunfeng appreciates Su Xiaoru's beautiful face and smells the faint scent of perfume on her body, while Su Xiaoru enjoys the sense of security that Li Yunfeng brings to herself. The two benefit from each other and each takes what they need. Of course, it would be great if they could go further .

Not long after, Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru arrived at the company. Li Yunfeng was an employee of Su Xiaoru's department, so he followed Su Xiaoru.

When they arrived at the office area, Su Xiaoru personally helped Li Yunfeng arrange a cubicle. The location was not bad, with the wall behind him, and no one paid attention.

The whole morning passed so smoothly. Li Yunfeng was a newcomer, so naturally he would not have too much work. He just got to know the work content first, and helped with a few simple documents. It was a very leisurely time.

At noon, Li Yunfeng went directly to the cafeteria with the main force to eat. Su Xiaoru told him before that, let him go to eat by himself at noon, and don't sit with her. This will not affect well, although secretly, no matter any company has some tricks, Everyone knows this, but it's not so good to put it directly on the bright side.

Li Yunfeng expressed his understanding and didn't care too much. Anyway, this is a good job, and he doesn't want to lose this job. The probationary period is five thousand five thousand a month, and he is very satisfied when he becomes a full-time employee.

Not too low, not too high.

The most important thing is that as long as you don't seek to make progress, you will be free, which is in line with Li Yunfeng's idea of ​​dawdling for the time being.

The seat by the window in the cafeteria was basically full at this time, but there was still a seat at the front, but it was empty, and no one sat there.

After Li Yunfeng finished cooking, he walked over and sat down.

After Li Yunfeng sat down, Li Yunfeng found that the people around him looked at him strangely.

Li Yunfeng was a little depressed, did he have flowers on his face?

Li Yunfeng was about to ask the people next to him what was going on, but suddenly he saw President Lin walking towards him with food.

Li Yunfeng suddenly understood, it turned out that this was the position of President Lin, no wonder no one was sitting here.

Li Yunfeng felt a little strange. He didn't expect President Lin to come to the cafeteria to eat. Generally, bosses and presidents rarely come to the cafeteria to eat, even though the food in this cafeteria is not bad.

Lin Qianmeng came here quickly, and it was a little strange to see a strange man sitting opposite.

Usually this seat is where Ye Feng sits with a cheeky face, unexpectedly Ye Feng didn't come for a day, and there is another person sitting here?

But it was just strange, Lin Qianmeng didn't have the frosty face as he imagined, and directly scolded Li Yunfeng to leave.

When Lin Qianmeng sat down, a delicate fragrance wafted from Lin Qianmeng's body.

Li Yunfeng is also strange, such a woman with a strange fragrance is really rare, sitting with President Lin and smelling the faint fragrance will improve his appetite a lot.

Li Yunfeng was different from other employees, he came here just to experience life, and he didn't have any sense of awe for the so-called president.

Li Yunfeng chattered here and there, and Lin Qianmeng would occasionally reply inconsequentially, but he was also easy-going.

As a result, Li Yunfeng has a better impression of this woman. She is beautiful, with a strange fragrance, a good figure, and skills. This is definitely the first choice for a wife.

Su Xiaoru in the distance saw that Li Yunfeng sat with Lin Qianmeng for no reason at this moment, and was also secretly annoyed. How could she have forgotten such a thing?

It's just a meal, nothing happened, but at least it can make President Lin remember himself, Li Yunfeng thinks it's very good, and it can lay a good foundation for the future relationship between the two.

After eating, Li Yunfeng went back to work, but the colleagues around him also looked at him with strange eyes.

Everyone secretly thought in their hearts, this person really doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, don't they know that he and President Lin are in the same sky?
It really is a toad wanting to eat swan meat!
In fact, everyone was acting out of jealousy. They had low self-esteem and dared not chase after the president, dared not talk to the president, and did not allow others to chase after him.

"If Ye Feng came to work today, I wonder if this kid will be beaten into a pig's head?" Everyone whispered to each other.

"I hope that when Ye Feng comes tomorrow, he can still chat and laugh with the president!"

Li Yunfeng's hearing is so good, after listening to it, he just smiled. If it wasn't for him, Ye Feng might be useless.

Li Yunfeng didn't pay any attention to it, just sat in his seat like this, and after getting familiar with the work, Li Yunfeng browsed the webpage and learned about the changes of the earth in the past five years through the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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