The return of the immortal world

Chapter 225 Kill Your Family

Chapter 225 Kill Your Family

After the guard was stunned, he reacted quickly, picked up the gun in his hand and pointed it at Li Yunfeng.

"Stop! Or we'll shoot."

The guards roared, their duty is to protect the people in the courtyard.

Li Yunfeng smiled faintly, turning a blind eye to the roar of the guards, and just walked straight ahead.


Since the young man in front of him doesn't listen to others, the guardian has nothing to say.

This is an aristocratic family in the capital, how could they be allowed to rush around, and even talk about killing people!
They have the right to kill Li Yunfeng just by killing him. Even if this person has mental problems, they can still kill him.

So the guards decisively hit Li Yunfeng's body without mercy.

It's just that after the gunshot, the footsteps of the person opposite didn't stop, and they still walked straight towards the gate.

However, the bullet that flew out strangely stopped an inch in front of the young man, unable to advance any further!

Then the young man stretched out his hand and grabbed the bullet suspended in the air.


The two people guarding the door were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

The guard who fired the gun was still pointing the gun at Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng's eyes were slightly cold, and with a wave of one hand, the bullet in his hand flew towards the guard like an aurora.

The guard didn't realize it until Li Yunfeng waved his hand. He was startled and retreated hastily.

It's just that it's too late!
He is unavoidable at this time!
Just suddenly, the bullet flying towards him seemed to disappear?
This made the guard a little stunned, why did he disappear?
He clearly saw the bullet flying towards him, and the speed was extremely fast, he thought he was going to die.

It's just that he was still thinking about where the bullet went, when suddenly there was another bang.


The guard felt that his hands were almost broken by the shock, and there was a sharp pain.

The gun in his hand exploded!

It was good that the bullet was flying towards him, but it didn't disappear or miss, but went straight into his muzzle, causing his gun to burst directly.

At this moment, the other person who was about to shoot also planned to shoot, but seeing this situation, how could he dare to shoot? At this time, he didn't care about the injured guard and just ran towards the courtyard.

This is simply not human, if he dared to shoot again, his hand would be useless.

So Li Yunfeng walked straight in.

It's just that when he just stepped into the gate of the courtyard, there was another row of people blocking him in front of him.

There were people who were the same as the guards outside the door, and there were also the personal bodyguards of the Yuan family, and they were all staring at Li Yunfeng at this moment.

Especially these black-clothed bodyguards, almost all of them have internal energy fluctuations. Obviously, after the Yuan family got in touch with Xuantianzong because of Yuan Wentai, the whole family's military defense has greatly improved.

But Li Yunfeng didn't do anything, his target wasn't these little guys, or even these martial practitioners.

Although these martial artists are strong in the eyes of ordinary people, they are not much stronger than ants in his eyes.

These martial artists are generally in the acquired state.

Li Yunfeng sneered, but his footsteps still did not stop.

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you come to Yuan's house to play wild?"

One of them, a middle-aged man with strong inner strength, stood up and looked at the man in front of him with serious eyes.

However, although his eyes were serious, the middle-aged man showed no fear.

Although this young man looked extraordinary, he escaped the bullet attack and appeared inside intact.

But no matter how extraordinary he is, he is still just a young man. Could it be that he is better than himself?

Avoiding bullets, not only this young man can do it, he can do it too!

Li Yunfeng was really not interested in talking to these young people, so he was going to walk over directly.

"What an arrogant boy, I want to see how capable you are!"

Seeing that Li Yunfeng ignored him, the middle-aged man said angrily.

At this time, these people didn't know that Li Yunfeng grabbed the bullet directly with his hands, after all, it was a bit shocking.

When they heard the gunshot, the guards at the door ran in, but Li Yunfeng was not injured.

So they just thought that Li Yunfeng was dodging with his body skills, Li Yunfeng followed the guard in, and the guard didn't have time to say anything.

After speaking, the angry middle-aged man slapped Li Yunfeng with all his strength and went away.


When Li Yunfeng walked to the middle of the compound, he suddenly roared, and everyone suddenly felt dizzy.

This middle-aged man also felt that it was no exception. The palm that was hitting Li Yunfeng suddenly seemed to be hit by a hurricane. It was very violent, and he couldn't break through a step forward.

Li Yunfeng took another step forward, just like a prehistoric monster descending, the earth trembled.

Following Li Yunfeng's step, everyone flew out like clouds and fog, and they all hit the surrounding courtyard walls fiercely.

The middle-aged man from Li Yunfeng was the first to bear the brunt. After hitting the courtyard wall, the castration did not stop. Even the courtyard wall was smashed, and the whole person was thrown directly outside the courtyard.

Suddenly there was a howl on the ground!
Li Yunfeng didn't even look at these people, and walked directly towards the front room.

As soon as Li Yunfeng entered the front room, several people came hurriedly from the backyard.

There are three people in total, two middle-aged and one young.

The middle-aged man walking in the middle was the head of the Yuan family, and another young man Li Yunfeng also knew was Yuan Wentai, Yuan Wenzhong's younger brother.

Li Yunfeng had never seen the remaining middle-aged man.

But Li Yunfeng felt a strong wave of inner energy from this middle-aged man!

Of course, the word strong is relative to others.

For Li Yunfeng, no matter how strong the so-called internal strength is, in his eyes it is just a child's play, not worth mentioning.

"Who are you, why did you come to my house to make trouble!"

Patriarch Yuan looked at the mess in the courtyard and was a little shocked, but more angry.

After all, his Yuan family is one of the big families in the capital, and one of the top families in China, how can he allow others to come here to be presumptuous?

"Who am I, I think you should know!"

Li Yunfeng looked at the Patriarch of the Yuan family and Yuan Wentai, and said calmly.

"The voice is a little familiar, and the figure is also a little familiar, but why is the face so strange?"

Li Yunfeng did not hide his voice. Yuan Wentai frowned when he heard it, and looked at Li Yunfeng with some doubts.

"You keep hiring killers to kill me, and even buried a person on the passenger plane with me for this. Don't you forget it so quickly? You really have a good memory!"

Li Yunfeng glanced coldly at the head of the Yuan family and Yuan Wentai, and then said with a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"So it was you, did you come to the capital to die? Last time you escaped, you don't have to go back this time!" The face of the Patriarch of the Yuan family changed slightly, unexpectedly Li Yunfeng knew that it was him who did it.

But it's not uncommon for them to guess right, after all, they have a grudge against Li Yunfeng, and it's normal for Li Yunfeng to suspect him.

After speaking, the Patriarch of the Yuan family backed away slightly. He knew from Phantom that killing Li Yunfeng required their top killers.

Although he didn't really believe it, it at least showed Li Yunfeng's strength.

However, although the head of the Yuan family was shocked, he was not afraid. The middle-aged man next to him was the current head of the Xuantian sect, and his cultivation was no worse than that of Han Qingyun.

This is the top powerhouse in the world of martial arts, no matter how strong Li Yunfeng is, he is at most as good as Wang Dongqing.

Moreover, their Yuan family is not a vegetarian, and it's not just a superficial defense.

No matter how strong Li Yunfeng was, his three-acre land in the capital would be doomed.

"Hmph, what do you want then?"

Because Wang Dongqing was by his side, the Patriarch of the Yuan family felt confident and said with a cold snort.

"Naturally kill your whole family!" Li Yunfeng said lightly.

After speaking, Li Yunfeng moved towards the Patriarch of Yuan's family without dragging his feet.

Patriarch Yuan's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly backed away. He has never practiced martial arts, but he also knows how powerful these martial arts practitioners are.

At this time, the middle-aged man who had not spoken all this time, that is, the current suzerain of Xuantian Sect, Wang Dongqing snorted coldly, and took Li Yunfeng's fist.

Wang Dongqing was the master of the sect, so he felt very ridiculous about this young man's arrogance at this time.

With him here, who would dare to kill the Yuan family?

Wang Dongqing still has such a little self-confidence, unless a top sect or a top family mobilizes collectively, it is possible.

"If you dare to prevent me from killing, I will kill you first!"

Li Yunfeng smiled coldly, ignored the retreating Patriarch of the Yuan family, and directly shot towards Wang Dongqing.

(End of this chapter)

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