Chapter 25 Captured
"People outside listen to me, get out of the way quickly, or your deputy chief will surely die!" The man in black yelled towards the outside in a somewhat frenzied way, he was a little crazy in the crisis of life and death.

The man in black knew that this matter could not be dragged on for too long, so he held Song Ying with one hand and walked out. At this moment, he touched Song Ying's acupuncture points, and Song Ying could not move at all. As long as the man in black felt the gunshot, he would He would use Song Ying as a human shield without hesitation.

At this time, the policemen who surrounded the man in black were also very anxious. The higher-ups issued a death order, and the man in black must be brought to justice. But now that Deputy Director Song is in his hands, it is impossible to ignore him.

"Is the sniper sure?" A captain of the city's armed police force asked.

"The sniper is sure about the accuracy, but the murderer's reaction is too fast, and the murderer is likely to be dodged by the murderer, and the murderer may even use Deputy Director Song as a meat shield to block bullets!" A policeman replied.

"I've never seen such a perverted person. Where did this person come from? Damn it!" the captain cursed fiercely.

"Huh?" Suddenly a person with a telescope made a sound in surprise, and wiped his eyes to look over again, thinking that he had seen it wrong.

"What's wrong?" The captain was a little nervous.

"An unidentified person suddenly appeared behind the man in black. I don't know when he appeared. I just saw it, and seeing the man in black, I didn't know there was anyone behind him!" The policeman with the binoculars passed several times. After confirming, he said.

"How is it possible!" The captain didn't believe it, he grabbed the binoculars and looked towards the man in black.

"Oh my god!" When the captain looked at the man in black with the binoculars, the mysterious man behind the man in black suddenly grinned at him, so frightened that the captain almost dropped the binoculars to the ground.

The captain stabilized his mind, looked again, and found that the man in black really didn't notice at all, and kept hysterically asking the police to get out of the way, while the mysterious man followed behind calmly.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, or I'll kill your deputy chief!" The man in black yelled when he walked Song Ying to the area heavily guarded by the police.

At this time, the man in black was also quite nervous. This was the last line of defense. From the looks of the police, it was obvious that he cared about Song Ying's life very much. He didn't dare to shoot at will. As long as he broke through this line of defense, he was confident of escaping.

But soon he found that although the policemen in front were still pointing their guns at him, they looked at him with strange faces. He even felt that some of the policemen's guns were not aimed at him, but slightly slanted downwards, feeling like It's about shooting the ground.

The man in black was a little puzzled, what happened to these police officers?Out of your mind?

"I'll count to three, you guys get out of the way, and I promise I won't hurt your deputy director!" The man in black said to the policeman, with cold sweat on his forehead. After all, so many guns were pointed at him and so close, if the policeman suddenly If he wants to burn jade and stone together, he may be finished.

The policemen were unmoved and just looked at him with very weird expressions.

"Okay, you're fine, you're forcing me!" the man in black said fiercely, with a flash of determination in his eyes.



"Hey, brother, don't count so fast, I haven't played enough!" Suddenly a voice came from behind the man in black.

"Who?" The man in black was startled, and hurriedly looked back.

It's just that before he saw the person behind him, he suddenly felt a numbness in his right arm, and then his arm was empty, and Song Ying had disappeared.

The man in black immediately broke out in cold sweat. Who the hell is this? No wonder the policemen kept staring at him strangely. It turned out that there was someone behind him, but he didn't know it.

"It's definitely a senior!" Thinking of this, the man in black didn't even have the courage to look back, so he rushed directly into the police pile. After all, this is the only way to survive. , that is hopeless.

These policemen were afraid of accidentally injuring the people behind them, so they waited until the man in black was about to rush in front of them, and then shot the man in black twice.

After the gunshot, the man in black paused, apparently he had been shot, but he continued to rush forward without hesitation at this time, and there was no other way to do it.

At this time, the distance was very close, and the policemen only had time to fire a shot, and the man in black rushed over.

Originally, the police were planning to stop the man in black with all their lives, but suddenly the expressions of these policemen became very strange again, because they saw the mysterious man behind, holding Song Ying in one hand, and then stuck to her with a stride. The man in black, the man in black still didn't notice, just ran forward crazily.

"Hey, brother, run faster, why are you so slow!" Another voice came from behind, scaring the man in black to death.

At the same time as the sound came, the man in black felt his whole body being slapped, and then his whole body was numb, and he fell directly to the ground, unable to move.

"It's done, it's really boring!" Li Yunfeng curled his lips and said, this mysterious person is naturally Li Yunfeng who has been hiding in the dark all the time, the third level of Qi refining, after all, his cultivation level is still too low to be his opponent at all.

At this time, Li Yunfeng came here after changing his appearance. After all, he didn't want his peaceful life to be affected.

"Hey, chick, do you want me to help you untie the acupoint!" Li Yunfeng suddenly turned his head and said to Deputy Director Song in his hand.

"Yeah." Song Ying couldn't move at this time, she hummed lightly, no wonder she couldn't move, it turned out to be acupuncture, many martial arts dramas have this kind of kung fu, I didn't believe it before, but I didn't expect it to be true .

Some of the policemen around were also sweating. They dared to call Deputy Director Song a chick. It seemed that she was the only one in the city.

Li Yunfeng quickly tapped Song Ying's back twice, and Song Ying regained consciousness immediately, and hurriedly got off Li Yunfeng's body.

"Thank you!" Song Ying watched Li Yunfeng straighten her body and said.

"It's okay, I just happened to pass by too!" Li Yunfeng smiled. He had changed his face a long time ago, and he was not worried about revealing his identity at this time.

"Can you avoid it for a while, I want to ask him a few questions alone! You don't need to be too far away, just move forward a little bit." Li Yunfeng suddenly said to Song Ying.

"Okay." Song Ying thought for a while and agreed.

After the policemen walked forward for a while, Li Yunfeng released the seal on the man in black.

Although the man in black recovered, he didn't dare to move. The man in front of him gave him an unfathomable feeling, as if the man could kill him with just a wave of his hand.

"Senior, please forgive me. I will never do evil again. I will be a good man. Please forgive me!" The man in black knelt down and kept kowtowing in order to survive.

"Answer a few questions for me first!" Li Yunfeng said impatiently as he watched the man in black kowtow.

"Senior, ask!" The man in black said cautiously. If the man in front of him is willing to save him, he believes that even if there are so many policemen outside, they will not be able to stop him.

"Where did you learn all your cultivation?" Li Yunfeng asked directly.

"I used to be a tomb robber. I once discovered a huge ancient tomb with my companions. After we entered, we found that we couldn't find a way out. Although there were no organs inside, it was very strange. People around us died inexplicably one by one. , and in the end only me was left."

"I was very scared at the time, thinking that I was going to die, but I didn't know why. I felt that death was coming several times, but I survived at the last moment. Finally, I found a secret room with a skeleton sitting cross-legged inside. There was an ancient book next to the skeleton, and there was a red pill. At that time, I felt that there was no hope of surviving, and I was very hungry, so I ate the pill.”

"At that time, I felt that my body was about to explode, and then I passed out. It took me a long time to wake up. At that time, I felt that my body was full of strength, and even a lot stronger. I started to read that ancient book when I was idle and bored, and then followed the instructions on the ancient book. Instructed to practice, the energy of the pill seemed to be continuously absorbed by the body under the guidance of the exercises, and it took about a month of practice to absorb it completely, and I was neither thirsty nor hungry, and then I became very powerful."

"After I practiced this ancient book and absorbed the pills, the ancient tomb is nothing unusual in my eyes. I walked out easily, and then I kept practicing until I reached today's cultivation level!" The man in black explained slowly.

"So that's the case. It seems that you also obtained the method of cultivation unintentionally!" Li Yunfeng nodded, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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