The return of the immortal world

Chapter 253 Embarrassment

Chapter 253 Embarrassment
However, Li Yunfeng didn't say much. After all, everyone has their own life trajectory, so there's no need for him to forcefully intervene, just let nature take its course.

And the most important thing is that he just feels that Meng Yang's girlfriend is very bad, and there is no evidence.

If you are doing well now, tell Meng Yang, your girlfriend is no good, you should stop dating her, maybe Meng Yang will turn against him immediately, isn't this just a joke?
But I just said to play together, and now I can't go back on it, so Li Yunfeng and the three followed Meng Yang to his girlfriend's place.

It happened that Li Yunfeng could also take this opportunity to see how this woman is. After all, Meng Yang is also his brother who has been bunk and bunk for four years. If he really sees something, he should remind him.

Taking a closer look, this woman's appearance is not bad, with a melon seed face and willow eyebrows, she can be regarded as a standard beauty.

"Xiaolu, this is Li Yunfeng, my college classmate, a classmate in the upper and lower bunks." Meng Yang walked to Xu Xiaolu's side and said.

On the way over, Meng Yang introduced Xu Xiaolu to Li Yunfeng and the others. Xu Xiaolu is also from Meng Yang's company and a clerk in one of their departments. She is two years younger than Meng Yang, which is quite appropriate.

Ordinarily, Xu Xiaolu is not bad-looking, so she should have had a boyfriend long ago, but she has been in the company for two years and has never had a boyfriend.

It's not that no one is chasing Xu Xiaolu. Many people in the same company have failed in chasing Xu Xiaolu.

Many people knew that Xu Xiaolu had a high vision, so the number of people chasing Xu Xiaolu gradually decreased.

But although few people chased after Xu Xiaolu, it didn't mean that a group of people in the office really gave up thinking about Xu Xiaolu.

On the contrary, Xu Xiaolu, in the eyes of the boys in the office, is a goddess-level figure.

Meng Yang was also one of them. He even wanted to chase Xu Xiaolu, but considering his own situation, he still didn't take action.

However, an unexpected incident brought the two of them together inexplicably. Thinking about it now, Meng Yang still feels a little unbelievable, as if it was a dream.

Before Meng Yang borrowed money everywhere because of his mother's illness, relatives and friends borrowed money all over the place, but the money was still far from enough.

So Meng Yang turned down his face and borrowed money from colleagues with better relations with the company, but most of them said that they had no money, and they needed to pay for the house, the car, and the children. money.

It's all come to this point, Meng Yang naturally won't say more, after all, these colleagues' reasons are really good.

But his mother's illness still needs to be cured, so Meng Yang had no choice but to borrow money from some unfamiliar colleagues, no matter how much it is, a thousand or a few hundred, that's fine.

Among them, Xu Xiaolu and Meng Yang naturally borrowed it brazenly.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiaolu, who had no close friendship with Meng Yang, actually lent two thousand to Meng Yang, which surprised Meng Yang a little.

Because the salary of ordinary clerks is not high, like Xu Xiaolu, it is only three or four thousand. Usually, this woman likes to dress up and go shopping to buy clothes. It is difficult for her to save money.

So Xu Xiaolu was able to lend two thousand to Meng Yang, and Meng Yang was also very touched at the time.

Later, because of Li Yunfeng's reasons, his mother's illness was also cured, and she also lent him 20 yuan, so Meng Yang was completely relaxed.

Because Li Yunfeng said that there is no need to rush to pay back his money, and Li Yunfeng has 50 billion people, so he will definitely not rush him.

So Meng Yang used the 20 yuan to repay all the money he borrowed, which naturally included Xu Xiaolu's money back then.

But when paying back the money, Xu Xiaolu was not very happy, as if something happened.

Meng Yang was also a little worried at the time.

So at that time Meng Yang mustered up his courage and asked Xu Xiaolu what happened and if he needed help.

At that time, Xu Xiaolu just shook her head, saying nothing, nothing to help.

After Xu Xiaolu said this, Meng Yang didn't know what to say, so he planned to go back. After all, women always have a few days of unhappy time every month.

But when he turned around, Xu Xiaolu stopped him suddenly, asking if he could go out with her to relax.

The beauty asked him to relax, and she was single, how could Meng Yang not agree.

The first time, it was a simple relaxation. I found a coffee shop and drank a cup of tea. Nothing happened, but Meng Yang obviously felt that the relationship between the two was much closer, and they were barely friends.

After that, Xu Xiaolu didn't look for him again, and it hasn't changed much from before.

At this time, Meng Yang was very contradictory. On the one hand, he felt that he was not worthy of Xu Xiaolu with his own conditions, but he couldn't stop recalling the beauty of their date and walk.

So after much thought, Meng Yang decided to take the initiative.

So on a certain day, Meng Yang plucked up his courage and invited Xu Xiaolu to dinner.

But unexpectedly, Xu Xiaolu really agreed, which made Meng Yang ecstatic. Before, many people wanted to invite Xu Xiaolu to dinner alone, but none of them succeeded.

This shows that I really have a chance!
After the first time, there will be the second time. After a few times, the two will develop into bed and become a genuine relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

However, what surprised Meng Yang was that the relationship between Xu Xiaolu and him had always been carried out in secret, and Xu Xiaolu made a special confession that Meng Yang was not allowed to mention it in the company.

But Meng Yang didn't really care about it, maybe Xu Xiaolu had been single for a long time, and she didn't want her colleagues in the company to know about it, so she would get better in the future.


When Meng Yang introduced Li Yunfeng to Xu Xiaolu, Xu Xiaolu looked up, looking absent-minded, wondering what she was thinking.


Meng Yang was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Xu Xiaolu to be so shameless. When introducing someone, she should at least stand up and say hello.

Could it be that those days came again?But it seems not!
Su Xiaoru is also a fine person. Judging by the appearance of his girlfriends, it is obvious that they are not very welcome.

So Su Xiaoru said directly: "Yunfeng, I'm also a little thirsty, why don't we go buy water."

"Okay." Li Yunfeng didn't know what Su Xiaoru meant. Since Meng Yang's girlfriend didn't intend to play with them, they would go their separate ways.

"Meng Yang, let's go over there to have a look and buy some water by the way. You guys can play by yourself and get together when you have time." Li Yunfeng continued.

"Okay, whenever I treat you, you and your sister-in-law will come over."

Naturally, Meng Yang also knew what Su Xiaoru and Li Yunfeng meant. Looking at what Xu Xiaolu meant, he didn't intend to keep Li Yunfeng and the others to play together. Seeing Xu Xiaolu's appearance, staying would only increase embarrassment.

Li Yunfeng nodded, and took Su Xiaoru and Ai Xiaoye to another place.

It's just that Li Yunfeng heard the conversation between the two just after walking not far away.

"Xiao Lu, what's the matter with you today, my buddy is here, and I'll introduce you, so don't pay any attention to me." Meng Yang asked.

"What's the reason? I'm not a national leader. Is it possible that I'm not happy and still greet them with a smile?" Xu Xiaolu said casually.

"You..." Meng Yang was speechless, it couldn't be that the real aunt came.

"Okay, Meng Yang, let me tell you something!" Xu Xiaolu looked at Meng Yang and said as if she had made up her mind.

"What's the matter?" Meng Yang looked at Xu Xiaolu strangely.

"It's nothing." Xu Xiaolu looked at Meng Yang with slightly dodge eyes, but she still didn't say anything in the end.

Meng Yang was also puzzled, but seeing that Xu Xiaolu was in a bad mood, he stopped asking.

However, Li Yunfeng, who had gradually walked away, became more and more suspicious of Xu Xiaolu. This woman must be abnormal, and she must be hiding something from Meng Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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