The return of the immortal world

Chapter 270 As Small As Dust 1

Chapter 270 Small as Dust
Meng Yang was also very excited in his heart. He didn't expect to be so close to the chairman, which made him unhappy.

Along the way, the chairman's secretary also roughly understood why Xia Mengyang was fired by Deputy General Manager Zhong.

When he learned that it was because of an ordinary woman, he was speechless.

Soon, Meng Yang arrived in front of the chairman's office.

Meng Yang also tidied up his clothes a little, then followed the chairman's secretary into the room a little nervously.

This is the chairman in charge of the Hundred Billion Group, the richest man in Jingnan.

After opening the door, a middle-aged man with a very dignified appearance was sitting behind a large desk. It was Chairman Jiang Jiang Ye.

At this moment, Jiang Ye was resting with his eyes closed.

The moment the chairman's secretary opened the door, Jiang Ye also opened his eyes.

Looking at Meng Yang, he found that this person was normal, without fluctuations in his cultivation, he was just an ordinary person.

But Jiang Ye didn't despise Meng Yang because of this. This man is the master's classmate for four years, and a close buddy of the upper and lower bunks.

Moreover, something happened to Meng Yang, and the master went there in person, which shows that this person is still very important in the master's heart.

He doesn't care whether Meng Yang is rich or powerful, as long as he knows that his master values ​​it.

The moment the door was opened, Jiang Ye also stood up and walked towards Meng Yang.

Seeing this, the chairman's secretary confirmed that Meng Yang had a great background, and was also secretly happy. Fortunately, he did not despise Meng Yang because of his ordinaryness.

"Hello, Mr. Meng, please sit down!" The chairman walked over, shook hands with Meng Yang very cordially, and then dragged Meng Yang to the reception table and arranged for Meng Yang to sit down.

The chairman was so enthusiastic, which made Meng Yang a little embarrassed.

Especially the chairman still held his hand like this, which made him feel a little chilly.

It wasn't until he sat down that the chairman let go of his hand, letting him feel relieved.

After the two sat down, the chairman's secretary helped them make tea. While making tea, he accidentally mentioned that Meng Yang was about to be fired by Deputy General Manager Zhong.

Although Deputy General Manager Zhong is indeed an important figure in the group, it is not worth mentioning in front of the chairman.

Regardless of the chairman's attitude, she must tell the chairman about this matter and let the chairman decide.

All she has to do is to be the eyes and ears of the chairman, and tell the chairman everything she hears and knows. This is her job.

After Secretary Feng explained the matter clearly, and the chairman asked Meng Yang to get the exact answer, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

After thinking for a while, a cold light flashed in Jiang Ye's eyes, and he looked at Secretary Feng.

Then he said, "Call Jiang Ying!"

"Call Brother Ying?" Secretary Feng was taken aback and called Jiang Ying, which meant that Zhong Zhi was about to die.

She thought that because of Zhong Zhi's position as deputy general manager, the chairman would choose to mediate, but she didn't expect it to be so ruthless, which shocked her from ear to ear!
"Yes!" Jiang Ye nodded lightly, once he made a decision, he would not show any mercy.

Seeing Secretary Feng's solemn expression, Meng Yang mentioned Brother Ying again. He thought he was going to be beaten up, and he was secretly happy. This bastard brought two strong men to beat him up this morning, but he didn't expect that When being beaten.

But he was also a little surprised in his heart. Is this the way big shots behave?
It was completely different from what he had imagined.

"Mr. Meng's department manager just told him to pack up and leave." Jiang Ye thought for a while and continued.

"Okay." Regarding this decision, Secretary Feng was not surprised at all. He had to deal with Deputy General Manager Zhong. The manager of this department just told him to leave, which was already very lucky.

"As for the person named Xu Xiaolu, Mr. Meng, what do you think we should do?" Regarding this, Jiang Ye did not intend to help Meng Yang decide.

"Speaking of it, he and I are just emotionally involved, and she hasn't committed any violations of law and discipline, so what should she do, let's do what she wants!" Meng Yang said with a sigh, he still has feelings for Xu Xiaolu Yes, after all, they just separated, but what Xu Xiaolu did made him very sick.

Although they won't target her specifically, there is no possibility of getting back together anymore.

"That's good!" Jiang Ye nodded.

At this time, Jiang Ye's handling of these people has been finalized, and the rest of Secretary Feng is to carry out.

"I have a question to ask you, do you think it's okay?" Meng Yang thought for a while, and finally decided to ask, is it because of Li Yunfeng that he still wants to find out the identity of this old classmate.

"Yes." Jiang Ye vaguely guessed what Meng Yang was going to ask, so he nodded.

"Chairman, is it because of Li Yunfeng that you are so polite to me? What is his identity?" Meng Yang also looked at Jiang Ye with some expectation in his eyes.

Jiang Ye thought about the tone of Li Yunfeng's call with him yesterday. He should agree that he helped Meng Yang, but since the master didn't tell him about his identity, Jiang Ye didn't intend to make it clear.

So Jiang Ye thought for a while: "Yes, you are Mr. Li's friend, and naturally you are also my friend. Besides, you have been treated unfairly. It is reasonable and compliant for me to deal with these two people, not entirely Because of Mr. Li."

"As for Mr. Li's identity, I can't say too clearly. I can only say that he is precious! Even I, in front of him, are as small as dust!" Jiang Ye said here, like the most pious person in the world. Believers in general.

"As small as dust?" Although Meng Yang had tried his best to overestimate this classmate, he was still in a daze at this moment. How noble is Li Yunfeng to make the chairman of a [-]-billion-level group like this?

Could it be the prince of the capital?

But even the prince of the capital, as the group boss of a large private enterprise, doesn't need to kneel and lick like this.

At this time, Meng Yang was getting more and more confused about his classmate, his buddy, and he realized that he really didn't understand him at all.

At this time, the 50 billion that Li Yunfeng said was earned from seeing a doctor, Meng Yang took Li Yunfeng as a fart.

After talking with Jiang Ye, Meng Yang returned to his desk, until he sat down, the shock in his heart was still lingering.

Xu Xiaolu, the manager of the department who has been paying close attention to Meng Yang, is a little confused when he sees Meng Yang's situation.

But when they saw this situation, they immediately felt that maybe the chairman didn't really value Meng Yang, but the chairman's secretary might have misunderstood the meaning of the chairman?
After all, a deputy general manager of the group and an ordinary employee at the bottom can know the result at a glance.

At this time, Xu Xiaolu and the department manager both breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Meng Yang with mocking expressions, ready to watch Meng Yang pack up his things and leave.

It's just that after Meng Yang sat down, he didn't seem to pack up his things and intend to leave at all.

The department manager was furious. This kid has been fired, why is he still sitting here and not leaving?

It also made him worry for nothing.

So the department manager approached Meng Yang aggressively, and said, "Why don't you pack up and go back?"

"Why should I go back?" Meng Yang looked at the manager like an idiot. It seemed that the chairman's order hadn't come down yet, and the manager could still twitch a few times.

"Because you were fired!" Seeing Meng Yang's appearance, the manager was very angry.

"To be precise, you were fired!" Meng Yang said speechlessly. Secretary Feng's work efficiency is a bit low.

"I was fired? Haha, are you out of your mind? If I had been fired, you would have been happy just now, not depressed. You thought I was stupid!" The manager burst out laughing.

"Did I feel depressed just now?" Meng Yang was speechless again, looking at the manager very sympathetically, because at this time Secretary Feng had already pushed open the door of the office area, and then walked in this way.

Secretary Feng was still holding a few A4 papers in his hand, presumably it was a letter of dismissal for the manager, and he should have come to ask the manager of this department to sign it!

(End of this chapter)

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