The return of the immortal world

Chapter 273 Statistics gone wrong?

Chapter 273 Statistics gone wrong?
Meng Yang is usually used to drinking beer and liquor, so he didn't drink any red wine.

Seeing Meng Yang drinking beer in big glasses, Li Yunfeng naturally didn't drink red wine, so Su Xiaoru was left to drink red wine alone.

As soon as she drank it, Su Xiaoru's eyes lit up, the taste of this wine was too good, too mellow.

Su Xiaoru subconsciously looked at the sign of the red wine bottle, her eyes shrank slightly.

It is obviously Lafite's logo on it, and the production time is still in 1982.

"Lafite in 82!" Su Xiaoru was secretly surprised, she drank hundreds of dollars in just one sip.

After drinking the half cup in my hand, it will be thousands of dollars.

Although Su Xiaoru was surprised, she didn't say it out loud. She also saw Li Yunfeng greeting someone just now, and it should be that person who brought him here.

Su Xiaoru vaguely knew Li Yunfeng's energy, so she didn't say anything.

This meal was also more enjoyable. After eating, there was still a lot of red wine, so Su Xiaoru found a bag and put the red wine in it. This is not ordinary wine, but it is all money, and most of the time Money can't buy it.

After the three of them finished eating, they were about to check out and go back.

At this moment, Meng Yang ran to pay the bill, but Li Yunfeng didn't rush, after all, Meng Yang had come to invite him, so it would be bad if he rushed to pay the bill.

What's more, Meng Yang is actually just going through the motions and doesn't need to pay.

It's just that they had just arrived at the front desk when they noticed that Xu Xiaolu and Zhong Zhi had also walked over.

Meng Yang didn't want to get too close to these people, so he waited for them to finish paying before he went over.

"You're smart!" Zhong Zhi saw that Meng Yang seemed to be afraid of him, and said to Meng Yang with a hint of sarcasm.

Seeing Zhong Zhi like this, Meng Yang wanted to go up and tear him up, but thinking that he had finally invited Li Yunfeng and Li Yunfeng's girlfriend to dinner, and had a quarrel before leaving, which really ruined his mood, so he endured it and said nothing .

Seeing Meng Yang like this, Xu Xiaolu also shook her head. You were quite fierce in the morning, but now you are like this.

Sure enough, this kid is a coward, and he only acted like a man in the morning when there was still a trace of alcohol left.

"Hello, sir, you spent a total of 320 this time. You are a regular customer here, sir, so [-] is free, and [-] is fine!" The cashier settled the bill, and then said to Zhong Zhi very sweetly .

"Well, it's not expensive." Zhong Zhi directly took out a bank card and asked the cashier to settle the payment.

What Zhong Zhi said was very pretentious, and it was obvious that he was speaking for Meng Yang to hear.

This time, Meng Yang was not punished, but instead he was promoted, and he might not be able to punish Meng Yang in the future.

Seeing that the two of them ate more than 6000 yuan for a meal, Xu Xiaolu clicked her tongue secretly. It seemed that she really did not follow the wrong person, Zhong Zhi is too rich.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaolu felt better.

When Meng Yang heard about Zhong Zhi's consumption, he was also secretly surprised. The two spent more than 6000. These rich people really don't take money as money, no wonder Xu Xiaolu dumped herself.

Not to mention anything else, Zhong Zhi was really generous.

The two of them didn't go out after paying the bill, and just stood aside, waiting for Meng Yang to pay.

When they saw this, they also looked at the table where Meng Yang was eating, and shook their heads. It seemed that the food and drink for the three of them hadn't exceeded a thousand.

Especially when she saw such a beautiful chick as Su Xiaoru, she was so stingy, and she had to take back all the bad red wine she could drink, and she felt even more contemptuous in her heart.

Seeing that Zhong Zhi and Xu Xiaolu were waiting for him to pay the bill, Meng Yang was also annoyed. These people are really sick!

But the bill still had to be settled, and Meng Yang endured his anger and came to the cashier.

"I guess they spend 999 yuan!" Zhong Zhi looked at the cashier with a smile on his lips.

"You are so boring!" Xu Xiaolu seldom eats such a luxurious meal, and she is also very happy at this time, and she also looks at Zhong Zhi with a smile.

"Guess how much they spent!" Zhong Zhi said with a smile, his face full of complacency.

"Forget it!" Xu Xiaolu was speechless.

"Just say a number, let's see who is right. If your guess is closer than mine, you can buy whatever you want tonight, and I will never frown!" Zhong Zhi said very boldly.

"Really?" Xu Xiaolu's eyes lit up, and she was a little happy in her heart. It seemed that she could kill Zhongzhi severely later.

"That's right, I, Zhong Zhi, have always kept my promises!" Zhong Zhi said.

"Then I'll guess 1099." Xu Xiaolu pursed her lips and smiled.

"You overestimate this person, I even think I overestimated." Zhong Zhi glanced at Meng Yang and shook his head.

Meng Yang was waiting for the checkout at the cashier. He didn't intend to argue with Meng Yang, but when he heard the conversation between the two, he felt extremely angry.

Isn't it just a little money?What's the big deal?

What's wrong with me having a meal?
Meng Yang turned his head and stared at Zhong Zhi viciously, feeling an urge to beat someone up.

Seeing this, Zhong Zhi felt a little guilty. He didn't bring any thugs or bodyguards with him today.

So Zhong Zhi subconsciously stepped back and left.

"Mister, you spent a total of 950 eight." Meng Yang just wanted to beat Zhong Zhi up, but at this moment, the statistics of the cashier behind him also came out, and it turned out that Meng Yang was taken aback.

"What? How much did I spend?"

Meng Yang was stunned, as if he vaguely heard the word Wan?
Could it be that he was too angry just now and had hallucinations?

"What did you just say? How much did he spend?"

Zhong Zhi was planning to leave just now, but when he suddenly heard the voice of the waiter at the cash register, he was so frightened that he almost fell down. There must be a problem with the system statistics. How could this boy Meng Yang order nearly [-] food and drinks?

"Little girl, did you make a mistake in your statistics? This young man sits in the hall, and he doesn't even have a private room. Your fee is too exaggerated!" The people around were also stunned, and then said.

"Then let me confirm again." The little girl at the front desk saw Zhong Zhi's face before, and a sly look flashed in her eyes, then she lowered her head and recalculated.

After a while, the little girl raised her head again, and said, "It's indeed eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight, I did the calculation right!"

"It's really 950 eight?" The people around were dumbfounded.

"How is this possible?" Zhong Zhi said loudly in disbelief, and he was stunned.

If Meng Yang really ordered so much money for food and drink, then his previous pretense and later cynicism would be a slap in the face.

"You can take a look at his food and drink list!" Xu Xiaolu stood aside, also full of disbelief, but she was still a little clear-headed, so she reminded Zhong Zhi.

"Yes, look at the list." The people around also reacted, and before Meng Yang came over, those people who didn't mind the lively crowd crowded over.

"There is a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite on the list, and the price is 880. Damn it!" Many people saw this scene almost at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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