The return of the immortal world

Chapter 279 Are There Really Immortals?

Chapter 279 Are There Really Immortals?
Li Yunfeng felt that he was flying stealthily enough that he should not be discovered, so Li Yunfeng decided to take a look first.

The three helicopters didn't notice Li Yunfeng, they hovered around the mountain for a while, and then flew away.

When one of the helicopters was circling, Li Yunfeng heard their conversation and understood the reason why the helicopter came here.

It turned out that a small-scale avalanche occurred here during the day, and five climbers disappeared during the avalanche, and they could not be contacted at all.

Judging by the outside world, it should have been buried by an avalanche, and should have died.

But regardless of whether it is dead or not, at least you have to look for it, so the local tourism bureau sent three helicopters to look for it.

Li Yunfeng was not surprised by this.

Seeing that the helicopter continued to search for other peaks, Li Yunfeng continued towards the mountainside.

Along the way, Li Yunfeng also sensed all the way, he needs to judge the final accurate location of the spirit mine through the senses of all directions along the way.

But as the feeling became clearer, Li Yunfeng's frown became deeper and deeper.

Because he found that the location of the spirit mine should be in the middle of the mountain, and the location is relatively deep.

If this is the case, with one's own cultivation base, although it takes a lot of effort to successfully reach the location of the spirit mine, the consumption will be very serious, and excessive consumption will also have a certain impact on tomorrow's actions.

Of course, there is no other way. In the unnamed mountain range in Hong City, he found some elixir. Among them was the elixir for refining and restoring spiritual power. Li Yunfeng could recover at least half of it if he took one.

But these elixirs are also extremely precious. If the spirit mine in the mountainside is too small, maybe it can't make up for his consumption of elixirs, then the gain outweighs the loss.

With Li Yunfeng's thinking, Li Yunfeng has come to the parallel position of the spirit mine.

Li Yunfeng was frowning and considering whether to consume a lot of spiritual power and blast a big hole.

It was just that there were bursts of sobs and sighs in my ears suddenly.

"Could it be those people who have almost been judged dead?" Li Yunfeng was a little surprised, and looked for the source of the crying sound seriously.

"It's in the middle of the mountain!" After Li Yunfeng sensed it for a while, he found that the voice came faintly from the middle of the mountain.

At this time, there is a long cave in the middle of the mountain covered with snow. At this time, three men and two women are huddled together and shivering.

Two of the women hugged each other and sobbed slightly, while the remaining three boys sighed from time to time.

"Are we really going to die here? There were helicopters circling around looking for us just now, but they didn't find us. It seems that they should have given up their search for this mountain." One of the women stopped sobbing slightly, and then said Said a girl who hugged him.

After the other girl heard this, she didn't reply, but she stopped sobbing, and looked out blankly, with a hint of despair flashing in her eyes.

"We're going to die, either from starvation or from freezing to death!" One of the boys also said in a crying voice.

"What's there to cry about? Since we like adventure and challenges, we should have thought of such a day before this!" One of the boys frowned and said, which was much more stable than the other four.

But judging from his slightly trembling body, he was actually a little scared.

But as the captain, he always has to behave differently from ordinary people.

"Everyone, get up, walk around, and take your mobile phone to see where there is a signal. As long as there is even a trace of signal on our mobile phone, we send a distress message and go out, or the mobile phone is accurately located, we will be saved." The captain stood. Standing up, he said to the four people sitting together.

"It's useless, so don't waste your efforts." One of the boys raised his eyelids a little, and then said, they tried many times, and it was futile to try again.

Seeing that everyone was still not moving, the captain felt a little helpless, so he had to walk around with his mobile phone.

"Why do you think there is such a deep cave in this snow-capped mountain? This cave is obviously old, could it be made by gods? This mountain is so steep that it is difficult for ancient people to climb up, let alone such a long hole. A cave?" Suddenly one of the men said on a whim
"At this time, you can still joke!" Everyone froze for a moment, a little speechless.

"I don't think it's all a joke!"

The captain took the mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and shone around the cave wall.

"This cave, according to my observation, has existed for at least 1000 years, or even longer." After hearing the boy's joke, the captain took it seriously and looked around.

"You really take it seriously, I'll just say it casually." The man was ashamed.

"No, I'm telling the truth. Have you forgotten what I studied in college? Geology, I have done some research on these. This cave was not formed naturally, but dug out, and the shape of the cave wall is also It was not dug out of ordinary iron products, but dug out by some method that we don't know." The captain looked at the cave wall seriously and said.

"No way, do you mean that there are really gods?" Everyone looked at the captain's analysis and said in a very speechless manner.

"It's hard for me to analyze this. Maybe the ancients had excavation techniques that we don't know about. In short, this cave is not ordinary. It must be why our mobile phones still have a signal outside, but inside, there is no signal at all. The reason."

"Cut, isn't it the same as saying nothing? After all, we are still going to die here!"

Having said this, everyone was silent again.

"I hope there really are gods!"

How about we pay homage to this cave?Maybe the gods are in the cave, and if we worship, the gods will come out?

After a period of silence, one of the women also said on a whim.

"It's not necessary, is it?" one of the men said a little speechlessly.

"So what if we try? We're all going to die anyway!"

"If you don't pray, then I will pray myself!" After speaking, the girl knelt down, knocked her head on the ground, and still muttered words, which should be words of prayer.

It's just that the moment the girl knocked her head down, there was a huge roar from the outside of the cave.

"Is there really a god?" Everyone was just looking at this kowtowing girl with a playful attitude, but now they were stunned by this scene!

(End of this chapter)

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