The return of the immortal world

Chapter 283 Formation Appears!

Chapter 283 Formation Appears!
The next day, Li Yunfeng, two people from the Beggar Gang, two people from the Kunlun Sect, and a temporary tour guide drove a total of two cars to the mountainous area.

The road in the snow area has nine turns and eighteen turns, and the walking is very slow.

Before tourists discovered the location of the Lingshi, they had already gone deep into the mountains.

At the beginning, there were all kinds of vehicles around, basically tourists' vehicles.

But after three hours, there was no way to move forward, so everyone had to stop and walk.

At this time, some cars stopped around one after another. Obviously, many people came here to travel, but compared with the beginning, only a few people went deep here.

The scenery in the snow area is very strange. There is still a lush coniferous forest belt below, but it is covered with snow halfway up the mountain, which can be regarded as a unique spectacle in the snow area.

After many people came here, they took out their cameras and mobile phones and started taking pictures. Some people also took the lead in walking to the trails in the mountains.

After the temporary tour guide arrived here, his mission was completed.

His task is to wait for them to come back after entering the mountains.

At this time, the beggar gang disciple led the way and walked in front.

The clothing of the beggars is no different from that of ordinary people.

After walking for more than an hour along the trail in the mountain, everyone stopped, apparently it was time.

At this time, apart from Li Yunfeng and his group of five, there were no other tourists. Obviously, this place was very remote, and not many people came here.

"Here it is!" said the Beggar Clan disciple.

"Aren't you mistaken? Here? It's very ordinary, it doesn't look like a place with any spirit stones!" Kunlun Zong Liu Hu looked around and said.

There are only some trees around, and it doesn't look like a wonderful place to produce spirit stones at all.

Wei Zitong was also frowning at this time, how does this look like a place where spirit stones are produced?

"Did the tourist point to the wrong place? You can see that there are no traces of being excavated nearby. Could it be that the spirit stone was lying in the middle of the road like this, and then was picked up by the tourist and taken away?" Wei Zitong said also very puzzled , eyes full of suspicion.

However, when Wei Zitong and Liu Hu were puzzled, Li Yunfeng and Lu Wantong were secretly observing the surroundings without speaking, their brows tensed and then loosened, as if they had discovered something.

"What did you find?" Wei Zitong also noticed the abnormality of the two of them, so he asked Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng's status in Wei Zitong's heart is much higher than that of Lu Wantong. It can even be said that he is the senior of Lu Wantong, so he is more casual with Kunlunzong.

And although Li Yunfeng is young, his ability is not much inferior to that of the ancient master, Wei Zitong really admires it.

"Brother, did you find something?" Liu Hu also asked Lu Wantong, and when he said that, he glanced at Wei Zitong dissatisfied.

Obviously this is their Kunlun Sect's home court, and the senior brother is an expert in this field, but Wei Zitong went to ask Li Yunfeng, which made him very upset.

Since you value this young man so much, why invite us here?
"This place is very unusual!" Li Yunfeng said solemnly.

For some reason, after he came here, he felt a palpitation, as if he was being watched by something.

But when he investigated carefully, he found nothing special, only a broken magic circle.

But it was such a broken magic circle, which gave him a very palpitating feeling. He didn't understand why a magic circle that had been abandoned for countless years made him feel so palpitating.
He has never felt this kind of feeling when he came to Earth, maybe after the magic circle, it is extremely dangerous!

Could it be that there is something unusual after the magic circle?

Li Yunfeng looked forward with both eyes. In the eyes of others, there was nothing ahead, but in his eyes, there were bursts of rune formations shining ahead.

"Hehe, you can see what's unusual just because of you? I didn't even see it!" Liu Hu said angrily when he saw Li Yunfeng's inscrutable look.

Li Yunfeng's face turned cold, and a trace of killing intent surged in his heart, but suddenly, Li Yunfeng smiled, thinking that he could use Liu Hu as a test.

So Li Yunfeng said: "I just feel a bit unusual intuitively, but I don't know the specifics. I must rely on Sect Master Lu!"

"Oh, you're self-aware, kid! But it's ridiculous to rely on intuition for this kind of thing." Liu Hu sneered.

"I found it. Right in front of us, there is a high-level magic circle. Fortunately, part of it was damaged, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find it!" Lu Wantong looked forward and said lightly.

Although his tone was calm, he still couldn't hide the complacency in his eyes.

"Maybe the spirit stone is behind this magic circle, and I really don't know how those tourists got the spirit stone." Lu Wantong said at this time also a little puzzled.

Even if the spirit stones are behind the formation, why did Hao Duanduan have several spirit stones outside?

This is where everyone is puzzled!
"Never mind him, but senior brother, your formation skills are really getting deeper and deeper. I didn't see it at all. You discovered it in such a short time!" Liu Hu was extremely disdainful of Li Yunfeng, but he was very disdainful of Lu Wantong. is worship.

"It's nothing, just be careful and serious, and you can feel that your formation skills are not much worse than mine, but you are too impetuous to calm down." Lu Wantong also nodded slightly when he heard Liu Hu's words, which was very helpful.

"Hey!" Liu Hu didn't care about what Lu Wantong said, but just laughed.

"Get out of the way, I'll make the formation visible, and then we'll work together to break through the formation!" Lu Wantong stepped back a little, and then said to Liu Hu.

"Okay." Liu Hu replied, and then walked aside.

At this time Liu Hu still did not forget to take a provocative look at Li Yunfeng, he was always brooding about the fact that Li Yunfeng was able to share one-third of the spirit stones.

Especially at this time, seeing that Wei Zitong and Li Yunfeng didn't exert much effort, but they had to split up half of them, it was even more uncomfortable.

But thinking of Wei Zitong's terrifying half-step extreme cultivation, he finally suppressed this thought.

At the same time, Lu Wantong first closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down, and then felt the slight fluctuation of the formation around him.

About a few minutes later, Lu Wantong made a sudden move, and quickly tapped eight times in front of him, coincident with the direction of the gossip, and followed the trend.


After the formation was revealed, there were several muffled sounds!

As Lu Wantong shot out at eight directions in the void, in front of Lu Wantong, there seemed to be a lake with ripples.

Formation appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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