The return of the immortal world

Chapter 287 Teleportation Array

Chapter 287 Teleportation Array
Lu Wantong sat slumped on the ground, coughing up blood frantically, and Wei Zitong hurried over.

Sensing Wei Zitong's physical condition, Wei Zitong also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although Lu Wantong looked seriously injured, he didn't hurt any important parts. However, the arm he slapped was permanently shattered, and it was impossible to connect it again.

At this moment, Lu Wantong also felt the condition of his arm, and aggrieved and angry emotions surged in his heart.

When did he suffer such humiliation as the number one suzerain in the world?
But thinking of the power of Li Yunfeng's finger, Lu Wantong crossed his arms and remained silent.

The difference is too big!
It was so big that no thought of revenge could arise in his heart at all.

"Li Xiaoyou, you are really..." Wei Zitong hesitated to speak, and finally just sighed.

Seeing Wei Zitong's expression, Li Yunfeng didn't explain, just walked towards the edge of the deep hole.

Before Li Yunfeng got there, a voice came from inside.

"Hey, I'm not dead yet!" The voice was Liu Hu's.

"What's going on?" Wei Zitong and Lu Wantong also looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

That was a bottomless pit, even if Liu Hu didn't die, how could he still hear his voice?

"Ouch, my head!" Liu Hu's voice came again from the deep hole.

After confirming that it was Liu Hu's voice, Wei Zitong and Lu Wantong hurriedly ran to the side of the deep cave.

"I'm just using his body to break the ground. I don't need a living sacrifice." Li Yunfeng said calmly when he saw the two people rushing over.

Wei Zi went to the bottom and took a look. The bottomless hole that was not bottomless before, where there was no movement even when a stone was thrown down, suddenly became bottomless at this moment, and it was not deep, no more than 50 meters deep by visual inspection!
At this time, Liu Hu's forehead was directly smashed into a big bag, and he looked towards his feet.

"Hey, isn't this the stone we threw down? Why did it just fall and hit my head?" Liu Hu picked up the stone that hit him on the head, held it in his hand, and said a little stunned.

Wei Zitong also heard Liu Hu's words at this time, and knew that Liu Hu's ouch before was because he was hit by a stone.

But how long has that stone been thrown down?
How come it's only now?
Wei Zitong didn't know anything about formations, so at this moment, he just opened his mouth wide in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing that Liu Hu was fine at this time, Lu Wantong was a little surprised, but more of annoyed and fearful.

At this moment, he somewhat understood that Li Yunfeng used Liu Hu as the internal strength needed to break the formation, and used Liu Hu to attack the formation.

This was the reason for his anger, because since Li Yunfeng could find a foothold, Liu Hu's body was actually not needed at all.

Using Liu Hu's body is entirely because of dissatisfaction with Liu Hu.

But this is also the reason why Lu Wantong is afraid of Li Yunfeng. It is just a simple kick, but he instantly finds the position in the formation and breaks through it perfectly. What a high level of cultivation and terrifying control is required ?
What kind of monster is this young man?

No wonder Wei Zitong has always been so polite to Li Yunfeng, it can even be said to be respectful?

What he and Liu Hu thought before was that Wei Zitong did it on purpose in order to seize most of the spirit stones.

But now he knew that Wei Zitong's respect for Li Yunfeng came from the heart.

Compared with Wei Zitong's cultivation base, Li Yunfeng's cultivation base is definitely not inferior in combat power, and more importantly, Li Yunfeng's attainments in formation are even more terrifying.

Lu Wantong stared at Li Yunfeng for a long time, seeing Li Yunfeng looking at him, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Li Yunfeng.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng ignored it, and just turned to look at Wei Zitong: "It's easy to say, the deep hole we saw before was actually entirely due to the formation, which made the eyes hallucinate."

"Illusion?" Wei Zitong frowned, understandably.

But he was still puzzled about why the stone had just landed.

So he asked, "What's the matter with the stone?"

"This involves the type of formation, but it is not complicated to say, this formation is not bad, it is a layered return formation."

"Looking at the literal meaning, it means infinite cascading and repeated repetitions. The moment we threw it down the deep hole, the stone fell into the formation. It seemed to be falling, but it was actually a process of falling and returning, and it continued. , so we don't hear the sound of the stone falling to the ground, because the stone never really falls to the bottom."

"Just now I found out the formation and broke through it. The effect of this formation's layering back and forth was gone, so the stone fell vertically. Liu Hu's luck was not very good, so he was smashed!" Li Yunfeng explained.

"So miraculous?"

Wei Zitong was taken aback by what he said. Although he understood, he was still a little surprised by the formation.

"Doesn't that mean that if a person falls, he will go up and down?" Wei Zitong asked.

"In fact, this is the case, but when a person really falls, he won't feel the ups and downs. He will feel that he has been falling until he dies, and he doesn't know that he is actually spinning around within a short distance." Li Yunfeng said .

"The formation is so terrifying!" Wei Zitong was so shocked that he was completely convinced by Li Yunfeng.

"What should we do next?" Wei Zitong was completely convinced by Li Yunfeng, and at this time he followed Li Yunfeng's lead.

Li Yunfeng stood on the edge of the big pit, looking down, various formation runes flashed in his eyes one by one.

Finally Li Yunfeng opened his mouth and said: "This is a teleportation array, the destination of the teleportation may be our destination!"

"Teleportation formation?" Wei Zitong seems to have no solution.

"I know this. The teleportation formation, as the name suggests, is used for teleportation. You can use this formation to teleport from one place to another in an instant!" After Lu Wantong heard what Li Yunfeng said, his eyes also radiated a fiery light.

This is the legendary teleportation array. He has never seen it before. He never thought that he would be lucky enough to see a teleportation array today. How could he not be surprised?
"Can you reach another location in an instant?" Wei Zitong felt as if he was listening to a scripture, and felt even more incomprehensible.

"Ah, what is this?" Liu Hu was cursing below, kicking around, suddenly a white round object was kicked out by him, causing him to step back immediately in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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