Chapter 293

"Junior Brother..." Lu Wantong was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he hurried to Liu Hu's body, looking at Liu Hu who was already dead and couldn't die anymore, with a trace of grief on his face.

"What is it?" Wei Zitong looked around, but he didn't find anything there, and he was extremely shocked.

"It's a ghost, it must be a ghost!" the Beggar Clan disciple said in a trembling voice, his eyes full of fear.

Although Wei Zitong didn't think it was a ghost, he didn't refute it. The thing that killed Liu Hu was not a ghost, but it was more terrifying than a ghost.

He also just felt a strong wind blowing slightly, and then Liu Hu fell down without any resistance at all. Wei Zitong thought it was difficult to do it with his cultivation base.

This shows that that thing is stronger than him. At this time, Wei Zitong is also on guard with all his heart. If he doesn't pay attention, he might follow in Liu Hu's footsteps.

"Sect Master Lu, people cannot be resurrected after death, so protect yourself, that thing is extremely terrifying, and I may not be the opponent!" Wei Zitong reminded when he saw Lu Wantong kneeling next to Liu Hu's body.

Being able to become the master of a sect, Lu Wantong is definitely not a simple person. Under Wei Zitong's reminder, he held back his sadness and stood up. All the protections around his body were turned on, and he looked around nervously and fearfully.

"Let's go back. If we stay here, we will all die." Lu Wantong's voice trembled, but his tone was unusually certain.

"Do you know something?" Wei Zitong looked at Lu Wantong suspiciously when he saw Lu Wantong's appearance.

"We shouldn't have come here at all. I shouldn't have come here greedily, causing my junior brother to lose his life in vain. I knew it, but I still came. I'm a sinner, and I'm sorry to you, junior brother!" Wei Zitong looked at Liu Hu's eyes also showed some regret.

"What do you know?" Wei Zitong frowned.

"This is a terrible place. The people who came here are basically dead, and none of them are alive. They all died here." Lu Wantong said solemnly.

"What terrible place?" Wei Zitong asked suspiciously.

Li Yunfeng also wanted to hear what Lu Wantong could say. It seemed that he was not the only one who knew that this place was extremely dangerous. Lu Wantong also had some information, but he was not as sure as himself.

"Don't ask, let's go, that horrible thing has already come out, and even more terrifying things will come. When that even more terrifying thing comes out, there is no way for us to survive again. What will happen to my junior brother? These white skeletons are what will happen to us."

As Lu Wantong spoke, he looked around, looking extremely frightened.

After finishing speaking, Lu Wantong didn't wait for everyone, and took the lead to return to the original road, intending to use the teleportation array to go back.

"What should we do? Should we go back like him, or continue on?" Wei Zitong asked Li Yunfeng.

"Go on, don't worry about him." Li Yunfeng's eyes flickered as he watched Lu Wantong leave. What was the more terrifying thing?
If Lu Wantong left alone at this time, he might die sooner.

Li Yunfeng and the others continued to move forward, but they didn't walk for long when suddenly a scream came from behind them.

The voice came from Lu Wantong.

Soon, there was no sound. Obviously, Lu Wantong left alone, being followed by the thing in the darkness.

"Is he dead?" Wei Zitong and the beggar gang disciple were a little shocked.

The majestic Kunlun duo died here so inexplicably?

Now Wei Zitong vaguely understands why there are piles of bones here.

"Yes." Li Yunfeng turned around and glanced behind him, said something lightly, and continued on his way.

"How big is this place? Why does it seem to have no end?" Wei Zitong also became more and more frightened as he walked, and he also wanted to retreat at this time.

"Soon." Li Yunfeng said, looking forward with burning eyes, where he clearly felt the strong fluctuation of spiritual energy.

However, this situation is a bit strange. Logically speaking, if the spiritual energy in front is so strong, it should be much more concentrated here, but in fact there is no change, as if the strong spiritual energy in that position is imprisoned by something and cannot be released.

"There seems to be a hill in front? Is it the place we are looking for?" Wei Zitong suddenly said in surprise after walking for a while.

"It should be!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Then let's go there quickly!" Wei Zitong was also a little excited, finally arriving.

"Okay!" Li Yunfeng looked at the hill in front of him, feeling something unusual in his heart. Is this a mountain within a mountain?

After about a few minutes, Li Yunfeng and the others approached the hill in the middle of the mountain.

The two walked around the hill, both Li Yunfeng and Wei Zitong were a little surprised.

"This hill is so strange. Why is the top so sharp? And it has such a sense of layering? It's like a sharp sword?" Wei Zitong said after walking around the hill.

This hill is about 100 meters high, but these are the height of the main body, and the sharp part at the top is actually close to [-] meters.

If you count the sharp part, the mountain is about 200 meters long.

The length of this hill is 600 meters. It is very strange and abrupt in this place where we don't know whether it is the mountainside or the underground.

"It's hollow inside, why leave such a hill alone, is it possible that the spirit stone we're looking for is in this hill?" Wei Zi asked.

"Just under this hill!"

Li Yunfeng looked at this hill fixedly, very puzzled, but the only thing he was sure of was that the spiritual pulse was indeed under this hill, and the spiritual power was directly under this hill, and its intensity reached an extreme.

It seems that the quality of this spirit vein ore is not bad.

"Then I'll let him dig to make sure?" Wei Zitong pointed to the beggar gang disciple next to him.

"Okay!" Li Yunfeng nodded.

"Excavate from the edge of the center!" Li Yunfeng said.

The Beggar Clan disciple nodded and approached the hill.

The beggar gang disciple took out a small shovel from his backpack and was about to work, but was suddenly stopped by Li Yunfeng.

"What's wrong?" the disciple asked a little strangely.

"I'll dig it later, first go and see what's in the pile next to the mountain wall in front." Li Yunfeng was suddenly attracted by a pile of slightly raised places.

"Isn't that just a pile of ordinary rocks?" Wei Zitong followed Li Yunfeng's gaze and looked over.

"It's not an ordinary mountain rock. I can feel the aura of the spirit weapon pattern." Li Yunfeng walked towards the pile of rocks while speaking.

"Is there another formation here?" Wei Zitong still believed in Li Yunfeng's judgment, so he followed him.

Seeing this, the beggar gang disciple followed Li Yunfeng and Wei Zitong's buttocks with a small shovel in his hand.

"Dig it out." Li Yunfeng pointed to this rock, which was only about one person tall. In the darkness, it was blocked by the top of the hill inside, so it was hard to find unless you looked carefully.

"Okay!" The disciple responded, and then dug down towards the pile of rocks.

"Dang." The disciple just slammed it down hard, and it seemed as if some metal had been hit, and there was a sound of metal joining.

"Continue!" This disciple was about to say something, but Li Yunfeng kept his eyes fixed and continued.

It's just that when this disciple waved his shovel and made a loud noise, even Li Yunfeng didn't notice that the hill behind them moved slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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