Chapter 322 Birthday
When the world of martial arts was in an uproar, Li Yunfeng traveled in the snow area for a few days, leisurely and contented!
It wasn't until his younger sister called him and told him to come back that he got on the plane and returned to Jingnan.

In the past few days, Li Yunfeng asked Wei Zitong to help the silver skeleton monster get an ID card.

Since you have to apply for an ID card, you must have a name. Although the silver skull at this time looks no different from a normal person because of the formation of the head.

But in fact, apart from the formation on the head, the limbs of the body are actually skeletons, only covered by black robes and leather gloves.

So Li Yunfeng simply chose a name based on the image of the silver skull.

It's called Jigu.

Ji is the surname on his jade pendant, Gu can be the bone of the skeleton, and it has the meaning of the ancients, but it is also an image.

When going through the security check, Li Yunfeng covered it up, and the silver skull passed smoothly.

As for Kunpeng, he was no weaker than Li Yunfeng. Such a powerful beast possessed all kinds of innate magic skills, so it was easy to avoid security checks.

That afternoon, Li Yunfeng got off the plane, and then drove to Jingnan University, waiting for the younger sister to come out of school.

The younger sister said that there was something very important and she had to wait for him to arrive before telling him, so Li Yunfeng came over.

After waiting for about half an hour, Li Yunxue saw Li Yunfeng's car from the school gate, and got in it.

"What's the matter? You're so happy?" Li Yunfeng asked with a smile when he saw the smile on the little girl's face.

"You'll find out later, go directly to Cuiyin District." Li Yunxue said.

Although Li Yunxue's tone was normal, she looked at Li Yunfeng strangely.

Li Yunfeng saw that the younger sister didn't say anything, and didn't ask, so he drove to Cuiyin Community.

When Li Yunfeng slowly drove away from Jingnan University, a rather handsome man in his 20s stared at Li Yunfeng's leaving vehicle with a very gloomy expression.

"Follow me, let's see where these two are going, I'm getting impatient for daring to pick on the woman I've chosen." The man said gloomily to a man next to him.

"Yes, Young Master Yang." The man next to him nodded and said.

"Li Yunxue, a bitch, usually looks cold and cheerless, but she never thought she'd hooked up with a man long ago, so she's still pretending to be innocent." The man named Young Master Yang said very displeased.

"That's right, this woman didn't know what to do, and she followed a poor boy who drove a broken car." Several people beside the man also echoed.

"Since I don't want to drink a toast, I'll wait for the penalty bar, and when Li Yunxue is tactful under me, let's see if she can still maintain her pure and snowy appearance."

Young Master Yang thought of this, and a lewd smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Cuiyin Community is very close to Jingnan University. Li Yunxue usually lives in Cuiyin Community if she does not live in the school. Now that Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru are not here, this is Li Yunxue's room alone.

After parking the car and going upstairs with my younger sister, Li Yunfeng walked to the door of the room and found someone cooking inside.

Li Yunfeng was a little strange, but his breath was still familiar.

Could it be Su Xiaoru?

Li Yunfeng was a little strange, didn't Su Xiaoru just go back?It's only been a few days since you came back?

After Li Yunfeng entered, he found that the kitchen was indeed Su Xiaoru.

"Xiaoru, why are you back?" Li Yunfeng asked suspiciously.

"Brother, do you think about it seriously?" Li Yunxue said from the side.

"Did you miss me?" Li Yunfeng said jokingly.

"Brother, are you stupid?"

Li Yunxue rolled her eyes.

Li Yunfeng suddenly saw a cake on the table with the words "Happy Birthday" engraved on it.

Li Yunfeng just remembered that today is his birthday.

"Finally remembered? You're so stupid, you're still a cultivator." Li Yunxue looked at Li Yunfeng with disdain and said.

Li Yunfeng was also a little speechless, he hadn't had a birthday in ten thousand years, so naturally he didn't remember a birthday specifically.

"Okay, stupid brother, today you are the birthday star, so you don't need to cook and wash the dishes, you go sit on the sofa and let sister Xiaoru and I take care of everything." Li Yunxue smiled and pushed Li Yunfeng to the side, Then he also got into the kitchen.

Li Yunfeng glanced at Su Xiaoru and the younger sister in the kitchen, and a warm current surged in his heart.

A birthday that has never been celebrated in ten thousand years, I didn't expect to have a chance to celebrate it, and it's fortunate that my younger sister still remembers it so clearly.

There is also Su Xiaoru, who obviously went to work in Zhonghai, but in the end she came back to celebrate his birthday with him.

Seeing Li Yunfeng's eyes, Su Xiaoru also smiled sweetly.

"It smells so good, what smells so good?" Suddenly a little golden bird came out of Li Yunfeng's collar pocket, drooling all over.

This thing has been sleeping in Li Yunfeng's pocket since getting on the plane, and it was only awakened by the fragrance at this time.

"Slap." Li Yunfeng saw that Kunpeng's saliva was about to stay on him, so he slapped him over with a slap.

"You dare to hit me, I will fight with you." Kunpeng grinned, and grabbed Li Yunfeng's face.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng slapped Kunpeng away again.

"Wow, what is this thing? It's so cute, how can it still talk? Is it a golden parrot?"

Li Yunxue heard someone talking in the hall, so she hurried out to take a look, and when she saw Kunpeng, she became excited.

In order to facilitate sleeping, Kunpeng has become the size of a baby's fist, covered with golden feathers, and there is no dislike for girls when they see it.

Li Yunxue grabbed Kunpeng.

It's just that although Kunpeng hasn't fully recovered, it's not something a mortal like Li Yunxue can catch.

"Haha, idiot."

Li Yunxue failed to catch Kunpeng several times, and Kunpeng laughed out loud.

At first, Li Yunxue just thought that the bird could speak a few words regularly, just like a parrot.

It turned out that the bird's speech was no different from that of a human, and it was shocked immediately.

"Brother, this is?" Li Yunxue asked in a daze.

"Hey, it seems to be Heipang's voice." Su Xiaoru from the kitchen naturally also heard the voice, walked outside in a little surprise, and said in his mouth.

"Don't yell, ahhh, I'm covered in gold, small and exquisite, I'm not called Heipang, I'm the great Kunpeng."

Kunpeng was about to go crazy, and Li Yunfeng helped him come up with this name.

"Okay, the meal should be ready, let's talk while eating." Seeing that Kunpeng was on the verge of going berserk, Li Yunfeng said hastily.

When he heard about eating, Kunpeng calmed down this time.

During the meal, when Su Xiaoru was sure that this little guy was the previous Hei Pang, she couldn't close her mouth in shock.

As for Li Yunxue, it felt like a fantasy.

They were even more surprised when they learned that this little thing was a mythical beast.

After eating the dinner cake, Li Yunfeng took his younger sister back to school. Both Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru graduated from here, and the three of them felt the night scene in the school.

As for Kunpeng, he stood on Li Yunfeng's shoulders, looking proudly facing the sky, saying that he used Li Yunfeng as a mount.

"This kid really has a way to heaven. If he doesn't go, there is no way to hell."

Under a shadow in the distance, a man looked at Li Yunfeng and smiled coldly.

 Thank you book friend Zheng for the reward of 776 book coins, and thank you 152******48 for the reward of 100 book coins again!

(End of this chapter)

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