The return of the immortal world

Chapter 335 Li Yunfeng changed sex?

Chapter 335 Li Yunfeng changed sex?

"Doctor Liang, are you right?"

Professor Wang looked at it subconsciously, with the same expression of disbelief. He noticed this young man very early on, and thought it was one of Liang Chao's students.

Seeing this young man's calm and relaxed look before, Professor Wang secretly admired him, not to mention anything else, his self-cultivation is much better than other students.

But seeing Liang Chao say let this young man have a try, isn't this a joke?
How high is this young man's level of Chinese medicine?

Although Professor Wang really wanted to raise his eyebrows, but thinking about relying on this young man, he immediately felt that going up again was just a humiliation.

"Yes, Mr. Li's level of Chinese medicine is very high, I think you can give it a try." Liang Chao said with great certainty.

"Hahaha, Doctor Liang, stop joking! I have a tight schedule, and I don't have so much time to spend here." Davis felt an inexplicable sense of humor, and laughed directly.

"Doctor Liang, forget it, I can't cure it, and Davis may not be able to cure it, so don't do this. This patient is in great pain. Let him remove the festered part, and he should feel better in a short time."

Professor Wang thought that Dr. Liang was afraid of losing face and wanted to disrupt Davis' treatment plan, so he said with a wry smile.

No one around Jingnan or Davis believed in Liang Chao.

It's fine if you're an old Chinese doctor, but if you just pull a young man, you say he's awesome?
Who believes?
"What I said is true!" Liang Chao was depressed, why did no one believe him?
"If you don't believe me, ask him yourself!" Liang Chao pointed at Li Yunfeng helplessly.

"You can really cure it?" Professor Wang saw Liang Chao pointing at Li Yunfeng solemnly, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Liang Chao majored in Western medicine and only dabbled in Chinese medicine a little, but he was able to research and come up with such an astonishing prescription, which made Liang Chao a celebrity in the field of Chinese medicine.

This time, the patient from Zhonghai came to Jingnan in the name of Liang Chao, but Liang Chao didn't know too much Chinese medicine, so he had to push it to Professor Wang, an authoritative Chinese medicine doctor in Zhonghai.

At the beginning, Professor Wang also asked where the prescription came from, but Liang Chao kept hemming and hawing, so Professor Wang didn't ask any more.

But at this moment, Professor Wang suddenly thought, could it be that this prescription was given to Liang Chao by the so-called expert behind this young man?

If this is the case, maybe this young man really has some tricks, after all, the prescription is really amazing.

Seeing that the old man really believed in the young man, Davis was not in a hurry to help the patient. He just looked at these people amusedly. Since these people still want to make a fool of themselves, they should make a fool of themselves.

"It can be cured!"

Li Yunfeng just said lightly, since the man's leg came in, he knew what was going on, and the treatment was just casual.


Seeing Li Yunfeng's confident expression, Professor Wang felt even more certain that this person should be the master disciple behind Liang Chao.

Maybe this one has a trick to win!

Everyone inside, including Liang Chao, pricked up their ears and listened.

Li Yunfeng's treatment method is something that others can't learn. I don't know what method it is this time?
Of course, what Liang Chao and Professor Wang are looking forward to is how Li Yunfeng will be treated.

The other people, even the students from Jingnan, all looked at Li Yunfeng with a face full of jokes.

They couldn't accept it, how could this young man solve a disease that so many seniors couldn't solve?

They don't believe it!

"Acupuncture treatment!" Li Yunfeng didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, just said lightly.

Professor Wang looked at Li Yunfeng expectantly, but when he heard the words acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, his face immediately collapsed.

Oh shit?

Acupuncture and moxibustion didn’t work for me just now, and you still use acupuncture and moxibustion now?

Is it possible that you can make a flower out of acupuncture?
The same is true for Liang Chao. He was looking forward to it, but he didn't know what amazing medical skills Li Yunfeng was going to show this time, which shocked everyone's eyes.

Does Acupuncture Really Work?
Liang Chao looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief. Professor Wang is a great expert in acupuncture and moxibustion. He is also an authority in the whole country!
Professor Wang has proved that acupuncture is ineffective for this condition, so you still come for acupuncture?

"Hahaha, I'm dying!" The students on Davis' side almost couldn't straighten up from laughter.

But seeing the pained look on the patient's face, they felt something was wrong, so they immediately held back their laughter.

Davis was about to say, OK, I'll give you acupuncture!

But the patient and the patient's wife directly exploded!
"Are you treating my husband as a guinea pig?" The middle-aged woman looked at these people with an ugly expression.

"Brat, you don't understand anything, get the hell out of here, you came out to deceive people at a young age, and you're still a master disciple, let me see you as a senior liar disciple!"

The middle-aged woman looked at her husband's pained expression, and cursed at Li Yunfeng.

"Dr. Davis, come here and help me treat it. I can't stand it. Don't listen to these people talking nonsense. Chinese medicine is useless. I still believe in Western medicine."

This patient is also in terribly painful pain, and he usually scolds with his temper, but at this time he just wants to get treatment as soon as possible, even if it can't be cured, it can be relieved.

The students from Davis on the opposite side sneered when they heard it.

Liang Chao wanted to explain something, but seeing Li Yunfeng's unmoved expression, he felt a little strange.

He knew that Li Yunfeng's temper was very explosive.

But the strange thing is that Li Yunfeng was very indifferent, not angry at all in the face of insults?
Could it be that Li Yunfeng has changed sex recently?

"Oh, forget it, patients are the most important, so the discussion between Chinese and Western medicine has to be arranged until the next time!"

Davis said with a pretentious sigh, but his tone was indescribably yin and yang.

Obviously, he thinks that in this competition between Chinese and Western medicine, Chinese medicine has suffered a crushing defeat, which makes him even more disdainful of Chinese medicine.

"Doctor, you must treat my husband well!" The middle-aged woman looked at this world-renowned doctor expectantly.

"Don't worry, although there is no 100% certainty that it will be completely cured, there is still a 70.00% certainty!" Davis said with a smile on his face, looking at the middle-aged woman.

"However, I usually don't take it lightly. My apprentice usually does it for me. Moreover, we will use a new type of medicine for this treatment. It has cost countless money to research this medicine, so the consultation fee..."

"Doctor Davis, as long as you cure my leg, you can charge whatever you want!"

Mr. Song was so tormented by this illness that he was almost out of shape. How could he care so much at this moment?
"One million consultation fee, rice yuan!" Davis said suddenly.

"What, 100 million yuan, go grab the money!" The middle-aged woman lost her temper when she heard that.

"Don't talk about it, I will pay 200 million consultation fees, as long as you can cure me, but if you can't cure me, I won't give you a penny!"

Mr. Song directly interrupted his wife's words, which was very grand.

Obviously, this person can let Liang Chao, Professor Wang, and the world's top surgeons jointly help him see a doctor, and he will not be an ordinary person.

"Okay, Mr. Song is refreshing, I will definitely cure you!" Davis was also very happy to see Mr. Song agreeing.

"Maybe Davis can really be cured!" Liang Chao was a little happy when he saw Davis opened his mouth like a lion, and sighed slightly.

It seems that this competition between Chinese and Western medicine is about to end in a fiasco for Chinese medicine.

"It's strange if it can be cured!" Li Yunfeng just said something softly when he heard Liang Chao's words next to him, and shook his head.

These problems cannot be cured by ordinary people like Davis.

"Can it be cured?"

Liang Chao was also stunned for a moment, seeing Li Yunfeng's calm look, and thinking about it, Li Yunfeng was not angry when he was insulted by that woman before, did Li Yunfeng have other plans?
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(End of this chapter)

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