The return of the immortal world

Chapter 348 Being Followed!

Chapter 348 Being Followed!
The elixir that can improve one's cultivation base, and there is solid evidence, Huang Honghai believes that these people, no matter whether they are juniors or seniors, cannot resist this temptation.

Everyone wants to grow rapidly and get higher, and Huang Honghai is no exception.

But he didn't have the ability to take revenge and seize the elixir, so he had to borrow a knife to kill someone!

"Have you ever told anyone else about this?" Zhou Yang looked at Huang Honghai seriously.

"No, I'm afraid that other forces are not strong enough, and it will be counterproductive, so I waited until the Martial Arts Conference, and then Li Yunfeng happened to come too, so I told you that!" Huang Honghai said.

"That's good." Zhou Yang nodded, and then said: "Well, you and I will go to meet the elders of our sect. We can't solve this matter, and we can only see the elders' arrangements."

"Okay!" Huang Honghai nodded.

Everyone felt that it was not too late, so they went to find the elders of Shimen together.

An hour later, all the elders of the sect gathered in a big room!

"I just checked. Li Yunfeng's room is next to Wei Zitong's. It's not easy for us to do anything!" An old man said with a frown.

"But this matter should be done sooner rather than later. What if others know about it and get there first?"

An old man who has been stuck in the mid-innate stage for more than ten years said eagerly.

"But if we go so rashly, we will definitely alarm Wei Zitong next to him. He is a generation of murderers. If he finds out, how can we get the elixir? Maybe it will anger him!" Someone said worriedly , apparently considered not eager.

"Hey, this kid is so lucky, he can open a room randomly, and he can live next door to Wei Zitong!"

"Who said no!"

"The Martial Arts Conference lasts for several days. Let's play it by ear. If we don't have a chance during this period, we can wait until the Martial Arts Conference is over. Killing someone at the Dragon Hotel really has too many opportunities to be exposed."

"That's right, killing people at Longteng Hotel is an open confrontation with the Long family. The Long family is too powerful. Even if the five of us unite, we may not be the opponent of the Long family."

"Well, everyone should keep their mouths shut and don't let it out. There won't be too many such miraculous medicines."

"Huang Honghai, just stay with Zhou Yang, live with Zhou Yang, don't walk around alone, understand?"

The suzerain of Zhou Yang sect looked at Huang Honghai with a hint of warning in his tone.

Huang Honghai had expected this situation a long time ago, and he had even thought about the worse situation, that is, he would be killed and silenced by the people of these sect families.

Just letting himself follow Zhou Yang and let Zhou Yang look at him like this already made Huang Honghai very satisfied.

So Huang Honghai nodded and agreed without even thinking about it. If these people can help him avenge, that's enough.

At this time, Huang Honghai's heart also flashed with joy, no matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as you have not reached the half-step extreme state, it is almost impossible to escape this catastrophe.


Li Yunfeng didn't know what these people were planning, even if he knew, he wouldn't care, they were just a bunch of jumping clowns, he could kill them at will.

The next day the Martial Arts Conference started, and Li Yunfeng came to the big square in the middle. At this time, the square was full of warriors, several times more than yesterday.

Around the square, there are stepped hard seats, but it has the sense of sight of watching a football match.

Many young people are preparing for the next competition intensively, looking forward to and nervous.

Li Yunfeng has seen this kind of scene a lot in the world of cultivating immortals, and he has long since lost the feeling.

Wei Zitong was dragged to the main stage by the head of the Long family early in the morning, Li Yunfeng didn't mind, he came here mainly for the Lingshi.

At the edge of the square at this time, the density of people was no worse than that around the square. There were men, women and children of all ages. The stalls formed a long queue with all kinds of things.

Li Yunfeng looked from the beginning to the end, but unfortunately, he didn't find any spirit stones.

Li Yunfeng was slightly disappointed, did he come in vain?

"Didn't you sense anything?" Li Yunfeng sent a voice transmission to Kunpeng, who is an expert in finding spiritual veins.

"Don't think that I can sense one or two small pieces of spirit stones. I can only sense spirit veins. There is a strong special fluctuation in the whole piece of spirit veins. I can feel it within a certain distance. But for the small ones, don't count on me!" Kunpeng said.

Li Yunfeng was slightly disappointed when he heard that.

The popularity of the trade fair is no less than that of the younger generation. Li Yunfeng only came to one of the trade fair seats. There is also one opposite to this trading place. There are also two trading places in the square outside the five buildings.

So Li Yunfeng immediately went to the opposite trading place.

In this place, Li Yunfeng turned around and found that it was similar to the last one, mainly some weapons, martial arts skills, and of course some flowers and plants, so-called elixir and spiritual flowers.

Li Yunfeng just smiled when he saw it. They were all plants that absorbed a little bit of the spiritual energy of the world.

Li Yunfeng walked around the two places in the arena, feeling very disappointed. He thought that even if there were no spirit stones, there would at least be elixir and spirit herbs.

After wandering around for so long, I didn't find anything.

Sure enough, the earth is really incomparably scarce. It is really lucky that I can find a small spiritual vein, and find a lot of elixir in the unnamed mountain range before.

There are still two trading places outside, Li Yunfeng almost wanted to give up, but in the end it passed. Anyway, there is nothing to do, and idleness is idleness.

Follow one of the exits, walk outside, and soon come to the third trading place.

The terrain here is much more open than the inside, and the place for trading stalls is more than double the size of the inside.

Li Yunfeng's eyes brightened slightly, saying that he could not get some goods here.

It's just that Li Yunfeng suddenly discovered that among the bustling crowd, there were always a few eyes staring at him.

Obviously, someone is following him!

Li Yunfeng frowned slightly, but because the density of the crowd here was too high, it was difficult to know who was staring at him even with divine sense.

And some people, just staring at the little golden bird on his shoulder so openly, are more likely to confuse his spiritual sense sensing ability.

In the end, Li Yunfeng gave up the induction, let him go, at least here, Li Yunfeng has not found anyone who can pose a threat to him, so what if you stare at me?
Li Yunfeng simply left it alone.

Not long after Li Yunfeng came out, he really found several hundred-year-old medicines in a stall.

Li Yunfeng's eyes brightened slightly, and he hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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