Chapter 351 One Punch, One Punch

The two were about to make a surprise attack while Li Yunfeng was speaking.

But suddenly his eyes caught sight of Zhang Xiang on the ground, and he was shocked.

Accidentally, I stepped on a dry branch.

At this moment, even Chen Lin and Chen Jing noticed the movement.

The two found that they couldn't make a surprise attack. Although they were a little annoyed, they didn't panic, and they still walked out.

After all, the advantage still lies with them.

"Young Master Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

The two hurried to Zhang Xiang's side. When they touched their breath, they were shocked. Zhang Xiang had been dead for a while!
"You are so brave, you dare to kill Young Master Zhang!" One of them said with a gloomy face.

"So what?" Li Yunfeng looked very indifferent, just looking at the two of them indifferently.

"How? Then you have to pay the price in blood!" The two men burst out with momentum, and there were substantive voices around their bodies. It was obvious that the two men were angry!

"These two are both innate masters!" Sisters Chen Lin and Chen Jing knew the cultivation of the two when they saw the strength of the two, and they were a little flustered!

"Brother Li, why didn't your entourage come!" Chen Jing felt a little desperate when she found that the man in black was not around.

"I pushed him away." Li Yunfeng said lightly.

"What, dismissed?" The two sisters were stunned, why are they dismissing the entourage so neatly?

Could it be that Brother Li also encountered some troubles and wanted to be alone?

"We are really doomed." The two sisters said in despair.

"Brother Li, you run away first. We will try our best to stop these two people. If it weren't for you, our end would be even worse today." Chen Lin leaned on Li Yunfeng and said in a low voice.

"Yes, death is better than being in Zhang Xiang's hands." Chen Jing also nodded.

Li Yunfeng looked at the two sisters unexpectedly, and his affection for the two sisters also soared rapidly, but he didn't move.

"Kill Young Master Zhang, you will surely die!" Two middle-aged men with rich experience, one behind the other, stopped the three of them, especially targeting Li Yunfeng.

"Actually, I think the four words of certain death can be given to you!" Li Yunfeng smiled lightly, without any look of fear.

Seeing Li Yunfeng's appearance, Chen Lin and Chen Jing opened their mouths to say something, but they didn't say anything in the end because they couldn't escape.

"Boy, in fact, it's not like you have no way out. If you entrust me with the cultivation-enhancing pill, spirit grass, and alchemy method, maybe I don't have to kill you today." The middle-aged man walked towards Li Yunfeng while talking.

Li Yunfeng wanted to step forward and slash these two people, but when he heard the two people talking about the pill, he was taken aback!
I didn't expect that these people came here for the elixir. How do these people know that they have the elixir to improve their cultivation?
Li Yunfeng looked at these two people very puzzled!
Seeing Li Yunfeng's puzzled expression, the middle-aged man on the opposite side gave a smug smile, and said, "The head of Qingcheng faction in western Sichuan, you know, right? It was his grandson Huang Honghai who told us about it!"

"Surrender, if you obey us, you still have a chance, but if you resist tenaciously, you will only die!"

The person on the opposite side said coldly, his face was full of confidence, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

"That depends on whether you have the ability!" Li Yunfeng said lightly with his hands behind his back.

"You don't have to drink a toast! Don't blame me for being rude." The middle-aged man on the opposite side snorted coldly and rushed forward.

The two shot at the same time, one was the main attacker, the other blocked the escape path, and waited for the opening before making a move.

"It's over, we are young, we are really going to die." The two sisters were extremely desperate.

At this moment, as soon as the innate master made a move, the surrounding fallen leaves also became swaying together, spinning around this person extremely fast.

Innate masters can release internal strength and external strength, make extraordinary shots, and have extraordinary momentum.

In the eyes of the two sisters, it is like a myth, invincible by human power.

But this is only the feeling of the two sisters Chen Lin and Chen Jing.

In Li Yunfeng's eyes, these two people are trash, and Li Yunfeng just stood here quietly, waiting for these two people to give away their heads.

"You run away."

The two sisters were very anxious. Seeing that Li Yunfeng was motionless, they thought he was too frightened to move.

When a congenital master strikes, there is innate strength roaring all over his body, as sharp as a blade, and his power is astonishing!

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng just smiled lightly.

When one of them approached him, Li Yunfeng's eyes suddenly became sharper. At this time, Li Yunfeng still punched out straight, exactly the same as when he dealt with Zhang Xiang before, unpretentious.

There was a sinister smile on the middle-aged man's face, two against one, he was full of confidence, he shot with all his strength, and bombarded Li Yunfeng away.

It's just that when he bombarded down, he seemed to hit a huge steel plate, and then in an instant, a huge force was transmitted from the opponent's fist.

Boom, this person was undoubtedly also punched by Li Yunfeng, and then fell to the ground convulsing and vomiting blood, his life came to an end.

But Li Yunfeng just stood there, without moving a step, and took it indifferently.


The two teachers and sisters who were very desperate just now, and another innate master, are all dull-eyed at this moment.

Especially the remaining innate master, who has no idea why this happened.

A young guy who kills a mid-innate master with one move?
How can this be?

But now the facts were happening before his eyes, and he couldn't allow him not to believe it.

This person was originally a cautious person, but now seeing that the other person lost his breath of life, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, not daring to charge up to Li Yunfeng again.

Seeing that this person didn't rush forward, Li Yunfeng felt a little helpless. To deal with this kind of person, he didn't need to use spells, so Li Yunfeng had no choice but to move.

In the face of Li Yunfeng's absolute strength, this person had no way of escaping. This time, Li Yunfeng stopped this person with just a few jumps.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunfeng was exactly the same as before, punching this person away.

After a loud noise, this person was directly blown away by Li Yunfeng. Like the previous person, he also trembled a few times on the ground and then became lifeless.

Chen Lin and Chen Jing also stared at Li Yunfeng dumbfounded.

Three people, including two innate masters, were beaten to death by Li Yunfeng one after another?
Two innate strong men, completely powerless to resist?

What is Li Yunfeng's cultivation?
How does this feel more powerful than his follower guards?
"Let's go back!"

Li Yunfeng dealt with the two annoying guys, and didn't intend to stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

Chen Lin and Chen Jing followed closely behind.

However, Li Yunfeng and Li Yunfeng were not as casual as before, and seemed a lot more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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