Chapter 361
Wei Zitong was surprised when he heard this person talking, and hurriedly looked at Li Yunfeng and said, "If this person is a member of the Tianhu Sect, he must not be killed."

"Haha, you rubbish, you're killing me. Your backer won't let you kill him, and he doesn't dare to do anything to me. How dare you kill me?"

Mu Jueben was already in despair, but unexpectedly, Wei Zitong came.

And as he guessed before, whether it is the Beggar Gang or the Long Family, they are all terrified of him by the Tianhu Sect.

Li Yunfeng is nothing but an ignorant and fearless person.

Seeing that this person still didn't realize his situation, Li Yunfeng was very speechless.

Like an idiot, he glanced back at Mu Jue, then gestured to Ji Gu, not bothering to say anything.

After Ji Gu got the accurate information, he took a direct step, bypassed Wei Zitong, and headed towards Mu Jue whose cultivation was all sealed.

"Wei Zitong, stop you, an ignorant junior."

Seeing that Li Yunfeng didn't even pay attention to Wei Zitong's words, Mu Jue was shocked, and hurriedly shouted at Wei Zitong.

Isn't this person Li Yunfeng's backer?Why don't you listen to the words of the backer?
Mu Jue didn't understand the current situation at all!

"Mr. Li, think twice, he is a member of Tianhu Sect!"

Wei Zitong was also very anxious. This anxiety was completely absent when he faced the head of the Long family before.

If the head of the Long family really refused to listen to the advice and went to trouble Li Yunfeng, then only the Long family would be unlucky in the end, so he naturally wasn't worried.

Li Yunfeng was unmoved, he had made up his mind.

"Mr. Li, should you think twice?"

Mu Jue was stunned when he heard Wei Zitong's address.

Why does this person seem to be Li Yunfeng's subordinate?
Even if it's not a subordinate?It seems that Li Yunfeng's status is higher?
Addressing a young man as Mister?This is clearly a sign of respect!
Thinking of this, Mu Jue suddenly felt a basin of ice water pouring down from his head!

It's over, he miscalculated, this person is not Li Yunfeng's backer at all!
When Mu Jue felt that his life was in danger, he panicked and shouted: "I was wrong, Li Yunfeng don't kill me, I will give you whatever you want!"

Seeing that Li Yunfeng didn't seem to hear, he was desperate and could only turn around and run away.

Mu Jue's cultivation base was sealed, and his speed was not much better than that of ordinary people. He ran out desperately, but Ji Gu came behind him in just a split second.

Suddenly, Ji Gu stretched out his right hand and thrust it straight into the center of Mu Jue's back.

With this blow, Mu Jue will die.

Since Ji Gu practiced the Nether Art, he no longer bites others' necks brutally, but absorbs them directly through kung fu, so naturally he won't jump on them and bite people.

Mu Jue felt the attack behind him, and all his souls died.

It's over now, I didn't expect that Mu Jue, a generation of arrogance, would die here!
Mu Jue was in despair for a while, regretting that he should have made a mistake in judgment!
Just suddenly, when Ji Gu's hand touched Mu Jue's body, at the moment when he was about to kill Mu Jue.

A burst of strong khaki-yellow light emerged from Mu Jue's body.

Ji Gu's hand couldn't move any further, and then, when the khaki-yellow light reached its peak, Ji Gu was directly thrown out.

The khaki-yellow light was extremely powerful, and its strength was astonishing. Ji Gu was ejected at a high speed, and hit the floor-to-ceiling windows of the house directly.

After hitting the solid floor-to-ceiling windows, the castration remains unabated!
There was a bang, and the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows was also shattered by the impact. Ji Gu fell straight down from the eighth floor of the hotel.

Li Yunfeng didn't pay attention to Ji Gu. He knew better than anyone else how hard Ji Gu's body was. It was almost impossible for people below the Jindan realm to break Ji Gu's body without attacking with all their strength.

Just fell from the eighth floor, totally fine!

Li Yunfeng turned around and looked at Mu Jue who was full of light, with a strange look on his face. The greater the power of this light, the greater the rebound power, which is really not easy.

Many troublemakers downstairs saw that the Long family hadn't responded at all, and they were preparing to go back to their respective houses.

Just suddenly, there was a loud noise from upstairs!
Everyone subconsciously looked up, and a black shadow was descending rapidly.

"Who jumped off the building?" Someone was in a daze!
"Bang!" Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise, and the black shadow fell to the ground very quickly, hitting the ground, and suddenly the marble floor was smashed into a big hole with a bang.

"Isn't this Li Yunfeng's follower?" Everyone was a little stunned.

"The Long family made a move?" Everyone was suddenly excited.

The two sisters, Chen Lin and Chen Jing, also rushed over in a hurry, their expressions changed drastically, and they were also very nervous.

It's just that when the two of them approached Ji Gu, Ji Gu moved suddenly, and then sat up like this, twisting a few times non-stop.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of clicking sounds sounded, which made people feel a little creepy!
And then, Ji Gu climbed out of the big hole he smashed out, and stood up again with a blank expression, ignoring the people around him, and went straight to the hotel gate again!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this, who are these people?

You smashed the hard floor like this, but you have nothing to do with yourself?

"How's Brother Li?" Chen Jing cried anxiously.

It's just that Ji Gu never paid attention to anyone except Li Yunfeng, and walked in straight without stopping.

Seeing this, everyone became enthusiastic and wanted to know what happened, so they all flocked in.

However, there were too many people, and in the end none of them went up, and they were all kicked out by the hotel security personnel.

But everyone didn't leave anymore, and they all looked up with great concern, wanting to know what happened above.

in the room.

All of Li Yunfeng's attention was on Mu Jue, who was still shining brightly at this moment.

Mu Jue also turned around at this time, looking at Ji Gu who was thrown out, he was also stunned for a while, and he couldn't imagine why it was so!

When he looked down at a jade pendant on his chest, he suddenly laughed, isn't this the jade pendant that Master gave him at his coming-of-age ceremony?
At that time, he still thought that the suzerain master was stingy, so he gave such a small thing as a coming-of-age gift.

But the suzerain's gift, the whole sect envied it, not because it was precious, but only for this honor, so Mu Jue naturally wore it for a long time.

I didn't expect to save his life today!
Mu Jue was ecstatic.

Sure enough, the suzerain has favored the two brothers since they were young, and focused on training them. The items they donated cannot be ordinary products!
I didn't expect it to be a life-saving thing!
But Mu Jue didn't dare to be arrogant any more, he turned around and fled in a hurry. Without absolute strength, he can't last long if he only relies on the passively triggered life-saving magic weapon!

Wei Zitong was also stunned for a while, the light and power emitted by the jade pendant were really powerful!

He was even more afraid of the mysterious Tianhu Sect.

But Li Yunfeng didn't pay attention to these things. Seeing that Mu Jue was about to escape, Li Yunfeng didn't hesitate, and stopped in front of Mu Jue with a dodge!
In this world, there are really not many things that Li Yunfeng is afraid of!

And at the same time, a small island in the heart of the Xijiang Lake thousands of miles away!

Tianhu sect.

Still the middle-aged man!
At this point he is no longer fishing!
Instead, sit suspended above a small lake in the center of the island!

The middle-aged man closed his eyes tightly and breathed in rhythmic fluctuations. Every breath seemed to trigger changes in the world, making bursts of sonic booms, and faintly the sound of tigers roaring and dragons moaning.

It's real breath like a dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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