The return of the immortal world

Chapter 416 Killing the Phantom!

Chapter 416 Killing the Phantom!
There were also three people sitting under the Scarlet Throne, two men and one woman. They were all very surprised to hear such a change!
One of the women is Xueying, if Li Yunfeng is here, he must know her!

Xue Ying was originally expressionless, but when she heard this, her expression changed slightly.

The other two were also very surprised when they heard the words, and looked at the leader of the phantom sitting at the top in disbelief!
This person is Xueying's adoptive father, the actual leader of Phantom, and the head of the five Phantom killers!
The world's third-ranked super killer!
Known as the Blood Buddha!

Kill countless people!Treat human life as worthless!

Although Xueying had been trained in Yinbu for a while, most of them were taught by his adoptive father.

"Xueying, what do you think?" Xuefutu looked at Xueying and said, but there was a strange light in his eyes.

"It can be said that the least likely person for our Phantom to die is the blood-killed senior. I really don't know who killed him, who has such a great ability?"

When Xue Ying said this, she was extremely puzzled.

"I don't know? Are you sure you don't know!" Xuefutu suddenly stood up, staring at Xueying and said.

"Father, what do you mean? Ying'er doesn't understand!" Xue Ying's heart trembled slightly, but her surface was still very calm.

"Boss, what is this?" The other two killers looked at Xuefutu and suddenly stared at Xueying, a little puzzled.

"Xueying, my good daughter, don't say that bloody death has nothing to do with you!" Xuefutu stood up and walked slowly thinking about Xueying.

"What does it have to do with me!" Xueying's face changed slightly, trying to keep herself calm.

"Don't you admit it?" Xuefutu suddenly took a stride and pointed at Xueying's body.

Xueying didn't dodge, and couldn't dodge, her whole body felt weak for a while!
"Father Zhinu Mo Ruo, although you are not my own, I raised you since childhood, do you really think you can hide your little thoughts from me?" Xuefutu looked at Xueying with a mocking face.

Xueying didn't reply, just snorted coldly.

She knew that once Xuefutu made a move, she would have no way out.

"During this time, you have been investigating Xuesha through various means, do you think I really don't know anything about it?" Xuefutu said with a cold smile.

"As expected, he is my adoptive father, and I have never kept anything from you!" Xue Ying shook her head without arguing.

"During the period of investigating Xuesha, something happened to Xuesha. If you say that it has nothing to do with you, I don't believe it!" Xuefutu said lightly.

"To tell you the truth, although I'm investigating Xuesha, I don't have the intention of killing Xuesha. I just want to find out the hidden part through blood killing. The death of Xuesha has nothing to do with me!" Xueying said very calmly. Said.

"nothing dealing with you?"

Xuefutu stared at Xueying, frowning, a little puzzled.

Xueying's death has nothing to do with Xueying, so who does it have to do with?
"Perhaps when you performed the task, you offended someone you couldn't afford to offend, so you were killed by them, it's as simple as that!" Xue Ying laughed.

Xuefutu stared at Xueying for a long time, and finally just sighed slightly!
"Whether Xuesha's death has anything to do with you or not, since you have betrayed, your life will come to an end!" Xuefutu looked at Xueying with some confusion.

Hearing the words, Xueying just smiled lightly.

She no longer cared about life or death.

She died, and Li Yunfeng.

Ridiculous, these killers hide in the dark and are only interested in assassination.

They still don't know that they have provoked a peerless enemy!
A strong man who can kill the extreme realm!
Li Yunfeng!
With him here, and Ye Feng who hates the phantom so much, it is only a matter of time before the phantom dies, and she will die when she dies!

"Come here, pull Xueying out, you will be hacked into pieces!" Xuefutu looked at Xueying indifferently and said.

"As long as the phantom can be destroyed, so what? One day, the phantom will completely disappear in this world, maybe this day is not far away!"

Xueying was pulled out by two people who came in outside, and said with a wild smile.

"Wishful thinking, my phantom has the support of Yinbu, all the killer organizations in the world are destroyed, and my phantom will not perish either!" Xuefutu snorted coldly, turned around and no longer looked at Xueying!
"Have you seen Xueying's fate? If you have a different intention, your fate will be the same!" Xuefutu turned to look at the other two killers!
The two killers shivered coldly, and said in unison: "We will never betray Phantom!"

"It's good to know!" Xuefutu said coldly.


At the same time, Li Yunfeng led Ye Feng directly towards Dongshan Island in Yukong!
Dongshan Island is like a hill in the sea, undeveloped, and the whole island has only a little light.

Li Yunfeng led Ye Feng to a stop at a high point, and let out his divine thoughts.

When Li Yunfeng's spiritual sense reached the back of the mountain, a sneer flashed at the corner of Li Yunfeng's mouth, there was a hollow area there!
Obviously, this is where the headquarters of the Phantom is located.

Built on this small island with no development value, no wonder it is difficult for ordinary people to find the Phantom Headquarters.

To be precise, Dongshan Island no longer belongs to Zhonghai. Perhaps the Phantom Headquarters in the eyes of many people is actually just a national contact point!

When the two came to the back of the mountain, Li Yunfeng knew that the headquarters of Phantom Shadow was in the middle of the mountain, so he stretched out his spiritual thoughts and continued to search for the entrance.

On the entire island, under the scanning of Li Yunfeng's divine sense, there was almost nothing to hide. It took Li Yunfeng only ten minutes to find the entrance that was almost impossible to find in the eyes of ordinary people.

It's just that when his divine sense touched the underground palace, his expression changed slightly!

At this moment, he saw an extremely cruel scene!
A woman was suspended above an underground palace square, and below, there was a man with a knife who swung the knife down at the woman from time to time.

The man's sword technique is extremely accurate, it looks fierce, but it is not fatal at all!
The woman was extremely strong, and under this knife, she only let out a muffled groan, and there was no scream from the beginning to the end.

Li Yunfeng's complexion changed slightly, no accident, maybe Xueying's death was like this because of the bloody death!

Li Yunfeng hurried to the entrance, but the entrance was full of infrared scanning, so it was airtight, Li Yunfeng couldn't control much, the golden sword in his hand took shape, and blasted the entrance in just an instant!


When Li Yunfeng just arrived here, there were bursts of alarms in the underground palace!

The man wielding the knife and the three major killers, everyone in the underground palace moved instantly, ready to fight!

How many years has it been since no one came to their Phantom HQ?
"Who dares to play wild with my Phantom!"

At this time, the Phantom leader saw the entrance alloy gate blasted by a sword, and his face was a little dignified, but he did not show timidity!
 ps: Thanks to Little Mushroom for the 999 tip, thanks to the professor for the 300 tip, thanks to Beichen for the 200 tip, and thanks for the 100 book coin tip that I love you to chase.

(End of this chapter)

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