The return of the immortal world

Chapter 446 Dragon Spear!

Chapter 446 Dragon Spear!

Before this, Zhang He had always been curious about where the golden bird on Li Yunfeng's body had gone. At this moment, the golden bird suddenly appeared and uttered words, scaring him into confusion!
Sure enough, beside Li Yunfeng, there were no ordinary things, even a golden bird could talk.

At this time, Zhang He saw Li Yunfeng and the golden bird, both of them were looking inside solemnly, and also looked inside curiously, but he didn't feel anything!

But he doesn't care, he really wants to feel something, he is also a super character like Li Yunfeng!

But obviously, this is impossible!

He came here with the intention of making soy sauce this time!
At this time, as they went deeper, some yellow talisman papers were scattered on the ground. Obviously, Zhang He's blood escape talisman was picked up here.

These talisman papers are all made of the same material, but the patterns on them are different, and the proportions are also different in depth, which determines the effects of these talisman papers.

Li Yunfeng picked up a piece casually, and he found that the talisman paper had lost a lot of its effectiveness due to its age, and none of its power remained.

Li Yunfeng just looked at it casually, and gave Zhang He these talisman papers. These talisman papers were of no use to him.

But as it went deeper, the aura became more intense, and after Kunpeng said a word at the beginning, he remained silent all the time!
"It's right here!" Kunpeng said again, his eyes fixed on the spot in front of him.

Li Yunfeng also stopped!
"There's nothing!" Zhang He looked, but saw nothing, and it became more and more mysterious!

At this moment, Kunpeng suddenly exploded, and his whole body was good at facing the wind, and his body was several feet long.
After that, Kunpeng neighed into the sky, and finally spat out a golden rune, heading towards the space in front of him.

When the golden light rushed over, the entire cave trembled violently!
On the ground that was originally empty, suddenly, for a moment, black light shone!

Part of the golden runes emitted by Kunpeng was directly obliterated by the black light, while the other part was directly bounced back.

When the cave stopped shaking, the black light gradually disappeared!

A heart-shattering scene appeared in front of my eyes!
A Taoist in Tsing Yi was firmly nailed to the ground by a black and irregular black dragon spear made of dragon bone.

At this time, the Taoist in Tsing Yi still opened his eyes wide with anger, with a look of unwillingness on his face!
Seeing this weird scene, Zhang He felt his scalp bursting. They had never seen this scene before they came here!
Although the man's eyes were wide open, it was obvious that he had been dead for a long time!
Such a dead man, with such angry eyes, seemed to be staring at them all the time, which made him feel a chill behind him!
"A dragon gun made of black keel bones!"

Li Yunfeng looked at the black dragon gun in front of him, his eyes sparkled!

This is made of dragon bones. Before the Spinosaurus King, he found a few spiritual artifacts even at the Nascent Soul level. He was not very interested, but the dragon gun in front of him made his eyes shine!
However, Li Yunfeng could faintly see through the outside of the black dragon gun and see inside, as if there was an unyielding soul roaring!
That is a kind of madness, and a kind of sorrow!

This is a kind of sadness that does not want to be cast into a weapon, but becomes a weapon in the end, and even the dragon soul is refined into the gun body in the end!

Kunpeng's eyes showed sadness!

Although this Dragon Spear, which was refined into a divine weapon, has nothing to do with him, and is even hostile.

But seeing the incomparably noble real dragon and divine beast, it was inevitable to die in the end, and was refined into a magic weapon for others to use. He was a little at a loss, wondering if he would end up like this in the future!
Although the real dragon Kunpeng is a super divine beast, any one of them can basically be invincible at the same level, but when it has not grown up, it is easy to fall.

Because they are full of treasures, especially the kind of beasts that no one shelters, they are easy to be hunted and killed by other creatures!

The dragon spear made of the black dragon bone in front of me, although I don't know the specific cultivation level before his death, but it must not have reached the peak, otherwise, who can kill the black dragon and refine him into a magic weapon?
Although Li Yunfeng didn't know where the dragon spear came from, he could feel that the dragon spear didn't seem to belong to the earth.

Moreover, the Dragon Spear is in a sealed state, and many abilities cannot be displayed.

Maybe this dragon gun, except for the first generation master who refined it, most people are afraid that they will not be able to control this dragon gun!
Li Yunfeng took a deep breath, walked directly to the side of the dragon gun, and grabbed the black gun with one hand!
At this moment, Li Yunfeng felt a sense of desolation!

In an endless void, the body of the black dragon covers the sky and the sun, swallowing the essence of day and night to practice!
With every breath of the black dragon, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the momentum was huge!

This kind of life lasted for a long time, the body of the black dragon became bigger and bigger, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

But suddenly one day, there was a slight humming sound.

"Hey, a peerless black dragon, rare to see in a million years, why not catch it and refine it into a dragon gun, and give it to my great-great-grandson as a coming-of-age gift!"

The man laughed loudly, and suddenly, a huge hand appeared from above the black dragon.

In the palm, there seems to be a galaxy flowing, wherever the palm passes, the sun, moon and stars are all exploded!

Even the black dragon, which seemed to block out the sky and block out the sun before, seemed extremely small under this palm!
The black dragon hissed to the sky, full of anger!
He is far from reaching the peak, but the old man is the most peak person in the starry sky!

He is no match, the black dragon flees wildly!

Heilong has all kinds of talents and magical skills, but in the face of the absolute gap, he is no match!
In the end, the huge black dragon was caught in his hands like a small loach!

Even if the black dragon struggles, it cannot escape.

Then, the black dragon was pulled out, the dragon's spine was pulled out from the black dragon's body, and the dragon soul was also refined out of the body!

In the endless void, the blood of the black dragon poured down the sky!

At this moment, it was as if the sky was crying.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be a moment, or an era!
In this endless sea of ​​black blood, a dragon gun that seemed to be able to cut through the starry sky was born!


The person who had never shown his face smiled lightly.

The dragon gun shrinks rapidly!

In this void, there is only endless sadness.

The screen turns.

A black dragon gun that had shrunk countless times came from the endless void. On the dragon gun, there was even a trail of blood, which fell into the vast ocean, causing a huge storm!
The black dragon gun finally fell into the sea!
The screen turns again!

A Taoist in Tsing Yi walked through the sea, saw a black spear on the bottom of the sea, and brought it back to the cave.

That cave, by the looks of it, is the current cave.

The old man stared at the dragon gun and remained silent for a long time. He obviously knew the danger of the dragon gun, but finally he admitted the master with a drop of blood. He couldn't bear the temptation of this peerless magic weapon. He longed to become the master of this peerless magic weapon!

But in the end, when the old man recognized his master, he was pierced by the dragon gun from his chest, exuding endless blackness, and the old man was nailed to the ground, dying with regret!

At the moment of his death!
"You do not deserve!"

The spirit of the dragon gun, that is, the soul of the black dragon, roared.

These were the last words he heard!

(End of this chapter)

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