Chapter 451
The black dragon roared, and the dragon spear pierced the sky!
At this moment, Li Yunfeng raised his dragon spear and slashed at the huge warship ahead!

A black glow that seemed to be able to penetrate the sky and the earth shot straight out from the gun body, so mighty and mighty, it seemed that even the stars in the sky could be chopped down!
At this moment, there was no wind and waves on the originally calm sea!

The huge waves of tens of feet caused by the Black Dragon Spear were so overwhelming that the warship on the opposite side looked like a rootless duckweed at this moment, as if it was about to be overturned by the huge waves at any time!
The people on the boat looked at the huge waves around them, and the black glow of the sun coming forward!
Everyone is crying!

"God Amaterasu, come and save your people! Subdue this devil!"

There are devout believers, kneeling on the ground, calling their legendary sun goddess!

When one person knelt down, everyone bowed down one after another.

At this moment, under Li Yunfeng's devastating attack, they didn't have any thoughts of resistance, and all their thoughts were pinned on their gods!
At this moment, no matter if they think the person in front of them is a god, a demon, or a demon!
They believed that only God Amaterasu could subdue this person in front of them!
However, God Amaterasu obviously couldn't hear their prayers!

The black light of the dragon gun accurately hit the warship!

This is the light that destroys the world, and it cannot be resisted by mortals!
Unlike the huge waves in front of him, where the black light destroys the world, Zhang He is near the fast wheel, and the sea is calm!
At this moment, the position of the fast wheel and the position of the warship in front seem to be in a different world!
Zhang He looked at Li Yunfeng, who looked like an ancient demon god reincarnated in the sky, and the panic-stricken Japanese warship!

At this moment, there was only shock in his heart. Can one person really shake the current regular army?

Before this, he really couldn't imagine it!

But today, someone really did it, and it wasn't difficult, it was in that absolutely crushing state!
At this moment, the black light really fell!
The aura of extermination directly cut the huge warship made of steel into two halves.

After the warship was cut off from the middle, the whole sea water suddenly boiled!

The warship that was cut into two sides rumbled sideways at this moment, gradually sinking.

The waves were still beating, and the Japanese soldiers who fell into the water wanted to swim away from the warship!

However, when the warship sank, the huge water current attracted them, so that they were gradually submerged by the sea in despair!
Captain Ono was still the luckiest person. At the commanding platform, his eyes were dull, and he turned a blind eye to the screams of struggling underwater!
At this moment, his final thought was just talking to himself: "How could this happen? How could this happen?"

But no matter how lucky he was, after all, he was sunk by the powerful suction while getting off the warship, and he had no strength to struggle!

In the face of absolute power, there is no distinction between officers and ordinary soldiers. Under Li Yunfeng's gun, these people can only be buried in the sea and become dead souls in the sea!


At the same time, at the Naval Headquarters of the Japanese Empire, everyone was watching the images transmitted by the satellite, and everyone was dead silent!

At this time, an officer with a gloomy face came in from the outside and shouted at the people in the command room: "What's going on?"

He just received the news that an expensive warship and more than 100 lives just disappeared. How could he not be furious?
"My lord commander, the thing is like this. Recently we discovered that a Chinese express ship broke into the waters of our country. We wanted the people on this fast ship to accept our interrogation, but the people on this fast ship insisted that they were warriors. Unruly, we suppressed him with all aspects of artillery fire, and then this person fled in embarrassment..."

A commander of the headquarters hastily explained the cause and effect of the matter.

"Baga, suppressed by artillery fire? Is this suppressed by your artillery fire? The warships were destroyed, and more than 100 naval troops were killed. How did you suppress it? And escaped in embarrassment? You can't even escape in embarrassment! "

As soon as the commander heard the report, his mouth became angry immediately. The warships were all sunk, and you still said that they fled in embarrassment?
"It's like this. At the beginning, the man ran away in embarrassment, and then a man appeared from the bottom of the sea, and it became what it is now!" The commander said with some embarrassment.

"A man emerged from the bottom of the sea?" the commander frowned.

"Give me the satellite imaging video." The commander said.

"Commander, this is a recorded video, and the video is transmitted in real time next to it!" The commander walked to a large screen, and at this time two videos appeared on it!
The commander came over and first glanced at the real-time transmission video.

At this moment, the warship had almost sunk, and a man was standing in the air, his face was blurred for a while.

But even so, you can still feel the aura of fighting against the sky in this person!

The man held a Black Dragon Spear in one hand and put the other behind his back. The clothes on his body were rattling by the sea breeze!

At this moment, the man seemed to have sensed something, and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, two golden glows burst out from the man's blurred face and shot straight into the sky!
All the Commanders, especially the Commander, who were watching the real-time transmission video, were closest to the display screen at this time, and saw two golden lights rising into the sky, as if they were coming towards him!

The commander screamed and almost fell to the ground in fright!
Fortunately, some subordinate officers around were quick-sighted and supported the Commander, so it wasn't too embarrassing!
"This is definitely not human!"

Someone screamed!

The Commander was also quite frightened, what the hell is this?

From the eyes, can you shoot golden light?

Everyone looked at the real-time display screen again. At this moment, the man looked at the satellite camera, and raised the black gun in his hand again.

"What is he going to do?" The Commander looked at the display screen with some puzzlement!
"Looks like there's another submarine that hasn't been destroyed yet!"

Someone hesitated, then said.


The commander froze for a moment!
"Here!" The man pointed to a red dot under the sea surface on the display screen, which was the location of the submarine!

The submarine didn't dare to move not far from the warship, for fear that it would be discovered if it moved!

"Quick, get the submarine out of there, he's been spotted!" The commander's expression changed slightly!

The same is true for the others. They thought the submarine was hidden well and were not discovered. Now it seems that the point of this man's gun is pointed at the submarine, isn't it?
They still remember the stunning blow from the tip of the spear to this day!

"Since they have been discovered, it's over, even if it's useless!" The commander didn't think the submarine could escape!

When the man raised the tip of his gun, he glanced at the sky again, as if mocking them!
At the same time, the Black Dragon Spear in his hand slashed down again!

After the shocking roar, the submarine directly exploded from below the surface of the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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