The return of the immortal world

Chapter 455 Absolute Sword Immortal!

Chapter 455 Absolute Sword Immortal!
"Hey, that's not right, this black spot doesn't seem to be a human being!"

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed martial artist looked at the black spot that was approaching quickly from high in the sky, a little puzzled!

"not human?"

Everyone was stunned, and they all looked at the sky again!
Looking at it this way, it seems that it really doesn't look like a human being!

"Why do I vaguely hear the sound of the helicopter?" Someone looked at the sky suspiciously, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes!
"I heard it too!" Someone looked at the sky, dumbfounded!
The sound of the helicopter seems to be coming from that increasingly clear black spot?
"Damn it, the shit came here in the air, this is obviously by helicopter!" Someone exclaimed!

Warriors have better eyesight than ordinary people, and they are all staring at the black spot that is getting closer and closer. This is really a helicopter!
Everyone was waiting for Li Yunfeng to come here, but it turned out that Li Yunfeng came by helicopter just like ordinary people?

"I don't think it should be Li Yunfeng, it might be the private helicopter of some powerful force!" someone said.


Someone nodded, Li Yunfeng was about to come by helicopter, that didn't fit his image too much!
When everyone heard this, they looked forward to it again!

Ordinary tourists listened to the conversations of these warriors at this time, and they all looked confused, and some of them were muttering in low voices.

"Why do I feel like coaxing people?"

"I think so too. They came from the air all of a sudden, and the helicopter all of a sudden. It feels like they don't even know what's going on!"

Someone looked at the bustling crowd around him very speechlessly!
This is not a group of people who have suffered from the second disease come here to gather for a meeting!

Just when warriors and ordinary people are discussing fiercely!
Standing on the top of the mountain at this time, Zhang Lin, who had been closing his eyes all the time, also opened his eyes at this time, looking into the distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth!
"Murderous, strong murderous, I like it, come here by helicopter, is it because you are afraid of being exhausted, and you are not sure about me?"

At this time, Zhang Lin looked at the helicopter that was getting closer, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth. At this time, his face became more confident!

"It's really Li Yunfeng?"

Several elderly people who were closer heard Zhang Lin talking to herself, and their faces changed slightly.

These people are all seniors in the martial arts world. Although they don't like the bloodthirsty Li Yunfeng, Li Yunfeng's bloodthirsty is only aimed at those who are against him!
And as long as it wasn't the kind of provocative Li Yunfeng over and over again, Li Yunfeng wouldn't go to destroy everyone!

On the contrary, Zhang Lin is different. He has a eccentric personality and is prone to be violent. He obviously has no deep hatred, but he is prone to killing!
Comparing the two, these senior experts and those warriors who watched the battle actually hoped that Li Yunfeng would win!
Before that, they thought that Li Yunfeng was more likely to win!
During the Martial Arts Conference, Li Yunfeng's calm and decisive ability to deal with affairs made them particularly memorable. It gave people the feeling that Li Yunfeng seemed very stable!

On the contrary, although Zhang Lin was standing on the top of the cliff at this time, he seemed steady and unmoving like a mountain.

But in the eyes of these seniors, Zhang Lin is nothing more than an arrogance born of excessive arrogance on the basis of tyrannical strength!

And Li Yunfeng's calmness and stability came from a natural aura from the inside out!
At this time, these seniors saw Zhang Lin saying that there was a strong murderous attack, and they also explained why Li Yunfeng came here by helicopter!
There are very few people in the world who dare to exude a strong murderous aura towards Zhang Lin. At this moment, it is almost certain that this is Li Yunfeng!
But this made their complexions change slightly!
Seeing what Zhang Lin said, although Li Yunfeng has a deep killing intent, it is obvious that Li Yunfeng is really not sure this time!

You must know that Li Yunfeng had a real extreme powerhouse against the five major forces in the Martial Dao Conference back then, but he didn't show any fear, and he was always full of confidence!

At this moment, Li Yunfeng was so cautious, which made them extremely worried!

If Li Yunfeng is defeated, is it true that the world of martial arts is really Zhang Lin's world, and I don't know if the Dragon Department will take care of it?
Or can it be managed?
Zhang Lin's words spread, and everyone was horrified!
That person who was like a god at the Martial Arts Conference was really not sure how to deal with Zhang Lin who suddenly appeared?

Especially some of the young girls, Li Yunfeng's peerless demeanor at the Martial Dao Conference, they can't forget Li Yunfeng's demeanor even now!
But now!

Is that godlike figure really going to be defeated by this brutal young man in front of him?

Yuan Qiurong was also dumbfounded at this time, is Li Yunfeng really not sure how to deal with Zhang Lin?
Yuan Qiurong was originally the person who knew Zhang Lin's ability most intuitively, but at this moment, he was even more worried!

At this time, the man Yuan Qiurong was looking forward to with all his heart, Yuan Qiurong only wanted him to leave!


The roar of the helicopter is very close!
At this time, the people on the top of Zhongnan Mountain were only a few hundred meters away!

But at this time, Zhang Lin and those sharp-eyed seniors frowned!
At this moment, they were standing at a high point, almost parallel to the helicopter's line of sight!
At this time they saw two people on the helicopter!

One is the driver!
Isn't the other person Li Yunfeng?

Everyone was stunned!

The other person turned out to be a white-haired old man?
"It's not Li Yunfeng, but a white-haired old man?" An old man standing on the top of the mountain said dumbfounded.

Everyone was stunned when they heard that.

"What? It's not Li Yunfeng, but a white-haired old man?"

"Even I can actually feel the murderous aura on this old man. How could it not be Li Yunfeng? Ordinary people have no grievances or enmities with this person. Even if they come here for fame and want to challenge, they don't need to have a murderous aura, right?"

"I don't understand the situation? Could it be that a certain senior in the hidden world couldn't understand this person's brutal behavior and wanted to kill this person himself?"

"This person looks familiar!" said an old senior.

"I have this feeling too!" A horrified look flashed in another old man's eyes at this moment!

Suddenly, among the crowd watching from below, an old man also flew up.

Looking at his aura, this person is no worse than the old men on the top of the mountain!
"Brother Wang!" Several old men saw that the person who came was the Supreme Elder of Quanzhen Sect, Wang Xuanlang!
Wang Xuanlang nodded, and glanced at Zhang Lin not far away, his face was full of hatred!

But he just glanced at it casually!
He came to the top because he felt an extremely familiar breath!

At this time, he was even more excited!

At this moment, Wang Xuanlang's eyes were looking straight ahead!

Although the face of the old man in the helicopter has changed a lot, he can clearly recognize that this is his master!

Wang Xuanlang knelt down directly, tears pouring down his face!

At this moment, the helicopter finally arrived at the top of the mountain.

An old man with white beard and hair jumped off the helicopter and stood on the top of another cliff!
The old man held a long sword in his hand, and looked at the young man standing with his hands behind his back, his eyes were full of murderous intent!
The old man seemed to have thousands of sword qi vertically and horizontally, full of murderous intent!
"So strong!"

At this time, several people leaning on the old man, including Wang Xuanlang who was kneeling, could feel the old man's soaring murderous aura, as well as the invincible sword aura that seemed to be carved into the bones of the old man!
"Excellent Sword Immortal!" The eyes of several old men were wide open, and they finally recognized this old man!
(End of this chapter)

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