The return of the immortal world

Chapter 473 Halberd vs. Spear

Chapter 473 Halberd vs. Spear (Sixth!)

However, Li Yunxue was not in the mood to argue with Hu Lin at this time. Looking at the scene of the main peak of Guangming Peak, she was very anxious in her heart!
Under the binoculars, she saw that her elder brother was about to be blown off the cliff by another man in bronze armor!

This was the first time Li Yunxue saw her elder brother gaining the upper hand in a single duel, so she was very anxious at this moment!
At this time, seeing that Li Yunxue was not bickering with her, Hu Lin also seemed very bored, so she took a short break and picked up the binoculars.

She wants to see if there is really the kind of person Xu Wei said in the world who can fly without the aid of anything, and who can also break mountains with a single shot!
It's just that when she picked up the binoculars and looked ahead, her whole body froze!
Although he only met Li Yunxue's elder brother once, and was slapped by Li Yunxue's elder brother.

It's been a while, and now she thinks alone, she may not be able to remember what Li Yunfeng looks like!
But, seeing her goodbye this time, she immediately saw that person's figure and side profile, that is, the man who slapped herself!
But at this time, she was not angry, but really shocked and inexplicable!

This man who was described by Xu Wei as a god is actually Li Yunxue's eldest brother!

Thinking of what Xu Wei said, Hu Lin's back immediately shuddered. Back then, when she was talking nonsense, Brother Li Yunxue only slapped herself, which was light!

But at this moment, it seems that Li Yunxue's elder brother is in a bad situation?About to be defeated?
At this time, Hu Lin didn't have any vicious intentions. Her nature was not bad, but she was jealous, and she always had an inexplicable sense of arrogance and superiority!

So when he saw this, his face turned pale!

And at this moment, Li Yunfeng's foot was half on the cliff!
At this moment, in the eyes of ordinary people, Li Yunfeng was already in danger!
But in the eyes of the two immortal cultivators, they just fought from the ground to the air. At this moment, Mu Ling was a little upset. He didn't think he could knock Li Yunfeng off the cliff!

But Li Yunxue was in a hurry, and called out loudly: "Brother, be careful!"

Li Yunfeng was preparing to fight back when he suddenly heard a familiar voice, it seemed to be a little girl?

At this time, he was in the time when Jiuyou's soul was penetrating the heaven and the earth. Although the mountain peak was a little far away from here, ordinary people couldn't hear the sound, but Li Yunfeng did hear it clearly!
So Li Yunfeng subconsciously separated a trace of divine thoughts, and went there!

After this exploration, Li Yunfeng was really speechless, is this really a little girl?

Li Yunfeng felt a little baffled, why did the little girl come here?
These things, Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye will definitely not tell the younger sister, and looking at her small team, it is obviously a group of ordinary people.

Li Yunfeng was a little strange, for a while, his mind was a little distracted!

And what made him frown a little was that the little girl didn't even wear the protective jade on her body, and she didn't know why!

Because if the little girl was wearing a protective jade pendant, at such a close distance, he would definitely be able to sense it in an instant.

But just now, I didn't feel it at all.

Mu Ling, who had been struggling to attack, suddenly saw that Li Yunfeng's reaction was much slower, and even revealed a big flaw.

At this moment, Mu Ling was overjoyed. Could it be that Li Yunfeng finally couldn't hold on under his strong attack?
Mu Ling himself is also a fighting genius, otherwise it would be impossible to fight like this with Li Yunfeng!
So Mu Ling seized the opportunity and hit Li Yunfeng directly!
At this time, Li Yunfeng felt Mu Ling's fierce blow, and his face changed slightly!

It's just that Mu Ling already had the slightest advantage, and Li Yunfeng opened up a hole. It's too late to stop him now!

At this moment, Li Yunfeng was kicked out because of Li Yunxue's big brother, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, this time he was really hurt!
"Big brother!"

Li Yunxue on the opposite side seemed to be determined not to give up calling her elder brother to death.

Li Yunxue continued to cry, if it wasn't for Hu Lin and a few classmates who were pulling her along, Li Yunxue would have almost jumped down the mountain!

However, Li Yunfeng was affected once, and it was impossible to be affected a second time. The moment he was knocked out, he sent the sound transmission directly to Li Yunxue!
"Little sister, I'm the big brother, don't bark, it's not like you don't know that I can fly, don't mess with my mind."

Li Yunfeng quickly sent a voice transmission to the younger sister!
Li Yunxue was crying when suddenly a voice sounded in her head, she was so scared that she stopped crying!
"Why don't you cry?" Hu Lin asked in surprise.

Li Yunxue didn't answer, but just stared at the sky nervously with a telescope. Sure enough, just like what the elder brother said, it is impossible for the elder brother to fall into the cliff!
At this time, after being knocked into the air for a certain distance, the eldest brother stopped his figure and hung in the air!

Seeing that Li Yunxue didn't speak, Hu Lin just stared at the sky with a telescope, and looked again!
Just looking at it, I was shocked, these people can really fly?

At this moment, several of Li Yunxue's classmates opened their eyes wide open!


"Li Yunfeng is really going to lose, he is injured!" Everyone said when they saw the blood on the corner of Li Yunfeng's mouth.

Some of them, who had already seen Li Yunfeng's way, were a little puzzled at this moment. They were waiting for Li Yunfeng to counterattack, but they were still knocked into the air?

What the hell?

Could it be that they misunderstood Li Yunfeng's defeat?

Is a generation of Tianjiao really about to perish?
At this moment, Li Yunfeng's energy and blood were also surging, but in just a split second, he teased him a little bit, and his whole body returned to normal again!

Although Mu Ling caused a little damage to Li Yunfeng, he didn't continue to rely on his powerful physical strength to attack!
Only he himself knows, if it wasn't for Li Yunfeng's sudden distraction because of something, he would almost be defeated by the reversal!
Once Li Yunfeng seizes the opportunity, he is not as strong as Li Yunfeng in resisting blows!

Especially after Li Yunfeng received a severe blow from himself, it turned out that his blood was churning for a while, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to defeat Li Yunfeng by relying on his body and armor!
Moreover, the uninterrupted attacks one after another, as the main attacker, he couldn't bear it at this time, and the consumption was too great.

Although he seemed to be completely in the driver's seat and everyone thought he would win, he was already secretly crying in his heart!
This person is really not simple, even with the addition of his armor, he can't crush the opponent!

Mu Ling also adjusted his breath for a while, then looked at Li Yunfeng who was standing in the sky, thought for a while, a light flashed in his hand, and a huge bronze halberd appeared.

The halberd seemed to be integrated with the battle armor on his body. After appearing in his hand, the battle armor and the bronze halberd echoed each other!

"Long halberd? It's really a match for chess!"

Li Yunfeng saw that the other party's magical weapon turned out to be a long halberd, so he also smiled slightly, but the smile was a little weird!

Relying on the strength of the battle armor, it's okay to fight with me physically, but if it's a magic weapon, especially when the opponent's consumption is still so high, how many tricks can the opponent hold against me?
Li Yunfeng smiled lightly, and a light flashed in his hand, and an uneven black spear also flashed in his hand in an instant!
"Finally used the long spear. Is the power of breaking the mountain with a single shot still there today?" Everyone was secretly looking forward to it!
The martial artist is looking forward to it, but Li Yunxue's classmates, especially Hu Lin, are dumbfounded at this moment!

It's all about being able to fly, but how can such a big weapon appear out of thin air in the hands of the two of them?
Are these two really immortals?

(End of this chapter)

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