Chapter 48
Song Ying was sitting in her office at this time, watching a video that appeared on the computer screen on the desk in front of her, which was the scene by the Yangtze River today.

Because the place where the monster appeared was not under her jurisdiction, she was not directly involved in this case.

The first appearance of a man and a woman shocked her quite a bit, especially the woman in the video, whose skill is so high that her body is like a swallow, she is as graceful as a dragon, and her sword is like a rainbow. A skill that a woman can possess?
How does this woman's skill compare with the mysterious man she met at first?

Where did these highly skilled people come from? Why were they rarely heard of or met before?
When the woman in the picture couldn't resist the monster and was about to die at the feet of the monster, Song Ying's heart was also pulled hard.

But when the woman was about to die, a man suddenly appeared in the screen, which surprised her, she didn't expect it to be him again!

Although this person was wearing a windbreaker, a trace of his figure could still be seen vaguely. He appeared in Jingnan at the same time, and at the same time possessed special skills. She had seen this person before, so naturally she recognized this person immediately!

When the man held the monster's big foot with one hand, she widened her eyes even more. This man seemed to have no limit, even the so-called monster was no match for him?
Afterwards, this man solved the battle cleanly, leaving her speechless. This is simply inhuman. Such a powerful monster, which is difficult to be damaged by pistol bullets, was killed just like that.

Who is this man?A god who walks in the world?Song Ying was a little lost in thought.

The barren hills in the western suburbs of Jingnan City.

"First clone, Dharma protector!" Li Yunfeng sensed that the first clone was nearby, so he shouted loudly to the surroundings.

As the voice fell, a skeleton came out with a click, found a place around Li Yunfeng and sat down cross-legged, only the flame in the head was beating slightly.

At this time, Yuan Qiurong, who was in Li Yunfeng's arms, looked a little pale, obviously seriously injured.

Listening to Li Yunfeng's words, Yuan Qiurong felt a little strange. What is the first clone?
When the white skeleton came out with a click, her mouth immediately became O-shaped, with an unbelievable expression on her mouth, and the skeleton could walk by itself. Is she a ghost?
Li Yunfeng saw that the first clone sat down, and after guarding the surroundings, he gently put Yuan Qiurong down, letting her back gently lean against a big tree.

"You're seriously injured, I'll help you heal first!" Li Yunfeng said to Yuan Qiurong.

"Thank you, Brother Li." Yuan Qiurong didn't show any hypocrisy, and directly agreed. Their Xiuwu family does have a method of internal strength to heal injuries, and the effect is not bad.

"You're welcome, you're seriously injured, and it's reasonable to recover for a while, but just now that monster actually formed a demon pill, which surprised me, so after refining this demon pill for you, Your injury is basically healed, and it is possible to improve your cultivation to a higher level!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Monster beast, demon pill?" Yuan Qiurong was a little confused. According to ancient books, these monsters should be called strange beasts, and what is the demon pill?She has never heard of it.

"The strange beast you mentioned is a monster, but it produced a demon pill, so I call it a monster!" Li Yunfeng explained.

"Is this the demon pill in your hand?" Yuan Qiurong asked as he looked at the blood-red pill in Li Yunfeng's hand.

"Yes, you swallow this demon pill, and I will refine it for you. You should be able to improve." Li Yunfeng handed the demon pill to Yuan Qiurong.

Seeing this, Yuan Qiurong hesitated, not because she didn't trust Li Yunfeng, but because she was afraid to accept such a precious thing.

Li Yunfeng saw Yuan Qiurong's thoughts and said with a smile: "This demon pill is very precious to you, but it has no effect on me."

When Yuan Qiurong heard it, she didn't doubt it was true, because the other party completely crushed the strange beast, which meant that the strength was not at the same level. Naturally, the demon pill was not of much use to him, but she didn't really think that the demon pill was not precious because of it. .

However, seeing that the other party did not lie at all, she did not hesitate, and directly took the demon pill, keeping the kindness in her heart and repaying it in the future.

After Yuan Qiurong took the blood-red demon pill, she put it in her mouth and swallowed it forcefully, and the demon pill entered her belly.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a surge of heat in her abdomen, spreading towards her whole body.

"Operate the exercises you usually practice!" Li Yunfeng reminded.

Yuan Qiurong didn't speak, and followed Li Yunfeng's instructions to run the kung fu, guiding these energies towards the meridians of the whole body.

"Straighten your hands, I'll help you heal!" Li Yunfeng said again after Yuan Qiurong practiced the exercises for a while.

Yuan Qiurong directly touched his hands, and Li Yunfeng also sat down at this time, buttocking his palms together.

Using the Yin-Yang Chaos Art, Li Yunfeng absorbed the more violent energy in the Yaodan to himself, leaving only the gentle energy in Yuan Qiurong's body.

Then Li Yunfeng used the opponent's hands to turn the blood energy of the Yaodan towards Yuan Qiurong's injured chest.

At this moment, Yuan Qiurong only felt a burst of relief in the injured heart and lungs.

After about 10 minutes, Yuan Qiurong's refreshing feeling gradually subsided, and the heart and lungs did not feel injured at all.

"Innate middle stage."

After the healing was over, Yuan Qiurong practiced the kung fu again, and she found that as the injury healed, her cultivation had really improved to a higher level.

Even if I was prepared in my heart, it was still extremely shocking.

Who the hell is this? With just a little help, she easily broke through to the mid-innate stage, and now she is already stronger than many of the older generations.

"Thank you, Brother Li!" Yuan Qiurong stood up and tried a clasping ceremony.

"Miss Yuan, you're welcome!" Li Yunfeng said with a chuckle, this is his greatest pursuit on Earth.

"What are Miss Yuan's plans now?" Li Yunfeng asked.

"After I broke through the innate realm, I became the master of the Goddess Palace. Because I have been practicing in the palace since I was a child, I feel that I can't take care of many affairs in the palace. Then go back and really take over the Goddess Palace." Yuan Qiurong said.

"Are there many sects like yours?" Li Yunfeng was quite interested in these hidden sects, so he asked.

Yuan Qiurong looked at Li Yunfeng, and combined with Li Yunfeng's previous statement that he had acquired the inheritance by accident, he knew that Li Yunfeng might not know about the martial arts sect and family, so he briefly talked about it.

Through what Yuan Qiurong said, Li Yunfeng had a little understanding of the Xiuwu family on Earth.

Many martial arts schools in TV dramas do exist, such as Quanzhen Sect, Wudang School, Shaolin School, Emei School, etc. These schools not only appear in martial arts dramas, but in fact have existed since ancient times. The author only borrowed the name of the sect at the beginning.

And now these sects still exist. For example, Wang Daochong's Quanzhen Sect was also at the forefront of the Xiuwu sect.

Of course, there are also some sects that Li Yunfeng has never heard of, such as the Goddess Palace where Yuan Qiurong is, and some other sects.

In addition to these sects, there are also some martial arts families. The strength of these families is not inferior to the sects at all, and many families even have a longer history than most sects.

The earliest Xiuwu family has even been passed down for thousands of years, and has existed since before Qin and Han Dynasties.

There is also a reason why martial arts practitioners are unknown now. Since the Qing Dynasty entered the Central Plains, many adherents of the former dynasty wanted to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty.

Naturally, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty would not tolerate these people who opposed the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty, so they brutally suppressed them.

However, the suppression was not very smooth. The folks were fine, and there were no disturbances. However, the large number of martial arts masters made those in power a lot of trouble. It is obviously unrealistic to eliminate the countless martial arts masters in the Central Plains.

The reason why the great Yuan Dynasty disappeared in less than a hundred years was largely due to the influence of these martial arts families and sects.

Therefore, the Emperor Shengzu of the Qing Dynasty at that time was a little afraid of these martial arts sects, so he thought of a way to use martial arts people to deal with martial arts people.

The emperor first lured some masters of the martial arts world to assassinate some disobedient sects with huge profits, which caused years of disputes in the martial arts world, and then secretly supported some martial arts sects to grow stronger and confronted some top martial arts families.

In this way, the Xiuwu family beat each other to death, causing a catastrophe in the martial arts that lasted for a long time, and finally one ebb and flow, Emperor Kangxi took advantage of the weak period of the Xiuwu family sect to suppress it in one fell swoop.

Since then, these Jianghu sects and families have been seriously injured. Coupled with the continuous suppression by those in power for hundreds of years, they have not been able to form a real scale.

After the demise of the Qing Dynasty, China was in a long period of war and chaos. The Xiuwu family sect only developed a little bit, and it never formed a scale.

It wasn't until the past few decades that the country became unified, more stable, and more open, and the Xiuwu family and sect took the opportunity to develop slowly, and there were also signs of recovery to their former glory.

So the world's ignorance of these sects and families is related to the concealment of these sects and their decline for hundreds of years.

(End of this chapter)

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