Chapter 505

In this cave, this weird situation lasted for three whole days before it ended!

Three days later, the two seemed to have switched identities!
The body of the old man who looked like a skeleton was no longer withered, and the old skin on his body was nourished by the full of energy and blood, and it was full of vitality again, and the whole person looked very plump.

Although it still looks old, it seems like returning to 60 years old from a hundred years old, and it is 40 years younger in an instant!

And that young and beautiful woman was sitting cross-legged in the cave, her head drooping powerlessly, her black hair turned white!

The skin on the woman's body was originally radiant and lustrous, and she was a stunning beauty!

But now looking at the woman's exposed arm skin and face, it is extremely scary!

There was no trace of blood on the exposed arm, only the desolate white bones were wrapped in dry old skin!

As for the face, it was even more so. From a distance, it looked like a terrifying skull with white hair!
Only the eyeballs in the eyes still have some luster, but they are almost invisible!
At this moment, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of the woman's temples!
The old man grabbed the woman's long white hair and lifted her head up!
Seeing the woman's face like a hundred-year-old woman, a trace of disgust flashed in the old man's eyes!
"I hate seeing this dry face the most, it's a symbol of death!"

The old man looked at the woman's face and muttered to himself!

Immediately afterwards, the old man stretched out a finger and touched the woman's nose.

After a few seconds, the old man made sure that the woman was no longer breathing, so he let go of the woman.

Without the support of the old man, the woman fell to the ground!

After confirming the death of the woman, the old man raised his hands and used the exercises in his body.

After feeling the majestic energy like a vast ocean, he couldn't help but roar to the sky, and the whole cave seemed to shake with the roar!

"Ancestor, what's wrong?"

There was a sound from outside, and then a young man ran into the cave!

It's just that when he saw the appearance of the ancestor, he was stunned. Is this still the ancestor?
What shocked him even more was that the woman with the withered and terrifying face on the ground was the Young Madam?

"Young Madam practiced madness, and died unfortunately. Since you are here, please bury Young Madam in the back mountain! Oh, what a pity!"

The person known as the ancestor said with a slight sigh, but there was no trace of regret on his face!
Seeing that the boy was still staring at him dumbfounded, the old man was also extremely proud!
"As for me? Patriarch, I have just completed my magical skills, and I feel like I have been several decades younger!"

The old man laughed and said, when the old man was laughing, there seemed to be an invisible sound wave impact, which brought the boy back to his senses.

"Yes, old man!"

The boy didn't believe what the old ancestor said at all.

If someone died in a cultivating obsession, as the young wife, he would have to be buried with honor!

And isn't the young lady in front of you exactly the same as those people who were sucked clean by the young lady before?

Obviously, the young lady was sucked dry by the ancestor!

So the boy is not afraid when he sees the appearance of the young lady. He is here to carry these corpses that have been sucked clean!
It's just that this time it's not those innocent ordinary people from all over the world, but the young lady herself who has become a professional blood sucker!
The boy took a look at the appearance of the young lady, and sighed slightly in his heart!

Young Madam, when you sucked the blood of others, did you ever think about being sucked by others one day?

Seeing this, the boy didn't think too much about it, he directly lifted the withered body on the ground onto his shoulders, carried it away, and walked towards the thousand people's pit in the back mountain!
When the boy came to the back mountain with the young lady, the back mountain was very gloomy, and most people would feel biting cold when they came here!

Birds and beasts dare not stay here!
Even this young man who professionally carried corpses had some tremors in his calves!
But at this moment, the boy still held back the fear in his heart, and walked to a large pit that was almost filled!

This is a thousand-man grave!

This is not a lie, but there are really thousands of bones buried inside!

These are all people who were sucked to death by the young lady, and there are people all over the world!

The boy trembled his legs, dug a little bit, pushed the young lady down, and then wanted to leave in a hurry!

It's just that as soon as he turned around, he felt that one of his feet was being pulled by a hand from the soil!
The little servant almost fainted from fright, and hurriedly kicked his legs!

It's just that before he exerted any strength, he felt that the blood in his body was rapidly draining, and suddenly he felt a burst of weakness in his body!
It's the young lady!

There was a burst of despair in the boy's heart. In the hands of the young lady, there has never been a living person!
The cruelty of the young lady is no less than that of the ancestor!

But a few minutes later, he found that the loss of blood had stopped.

At this time, although his face was pale and his whole body was sluggish, he did not die!

At the same time, the hand that grabbed his foot also let go!
Although the boy was weak all over, he still ran forward with all his strength!
But before he ran ten meters, he realized that he was sucked by something and couldn't run anymore!
Immediately afterwards, the boy's body was quickly sucked back by the suction force!
After the young servant's body stopped, the young servant knew that he could not escape, he knew the terror of the young lady!

Although he never saw that it was the young lady from the beginning to the end, he was extremely sure!
So the young man hurriedly turned around and knelt down, and hurriedly said: "Young Madam, please forgive me, I will never tell anything about you!"

The boy didn't even dare to look directly at the young lady, but the clothes of the man standing in front of him were the clothes of the young lady.

It has been confirmed that it is the Young Madam!
"Why did I ever say to kill you? If I kill you, do you think I will survive?" A hoarse and dry voice came from the opposite side!

"Yes, yes, young madam, what do you want me to do? I will help you if I can do it!" How dare the young man feel confident just because of what young madam said.

"You don't need to do anything for me, you just need to go back safely and don't let that old thing see anything! Naturally, I can't say I'm alive!"

The young lady said lightly.

"Yes, yes, I will keep it a secret for the young lady, don't worry!" said the boy!
"Well, I'm very relieved, because I have restricted you in your body. The old man's blood-drinking magical skill is just a method of sucking blood. Don't expect him to help you untie it!" The young lady said lightly. .

The boy thumped in his heart, and quickly nodded in agreement!

He has been moving corpses for a long time, and he knows that the degree of terror of the young lady is no less than that of the ancestor!

He didn't doubt what the young lady said!

(End of this chapter)

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