Chapter 510 Killing!
At this time, the murderous aura on Li Yunfeng's body was heavier than ever!

He was really irritated by the Sakata family!

Enemies in the past hardly said anything to directly kill those close to them.

Even the Jiang family at the beginning, because of the death of the patriarch's son, the primary purpose of arresting Su Xiaoru and the younger sister was to threaten and lure him to kill himself!

He himself is also for the sake of not hurting his family.

Lin Qianmeng stood aside, feeling the murderous aura on Li Yunfeng's body, as well as a biting coldness!

Li Yunfeng had never seen such a side in front of him.

At this moment, Li Yunfeng raised a hand, and icicles condensed out of his hand, which were sinking and floating in Li Yunfeng's hands at this moment.

At this moment, because of the condensation of the icicles, the temperature in the room became even colder.

The person on the opposite side also trembled when he saw Li Yunfeng's miraculous method, but he couldn't even move!
Lin Qianmeng could be considered to have truly seen the magical means of the cultivator.

After the ice pick in Li Yunfeng's hand condensed, he didn't hesitate to push it lightly, and all the dozen or so icicles in the air pierced the Japanese man's body.

The Wa people screamed, and their mouths were full of blood!

When the blood was about to overflow from the corner of his mouth, the icicles stuck on the body of the Japanese spread wildly to the surroundings.

Just for a moment, the Wa people seemed to be frozen.

The screams of the Japanese people were also frozen!
The Japanese people have completely become an ice sculpture!
At this moment, because of the formation of ice sculptures, the room became even colder!
Li Yunfeng stepped forward, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and lightly patted the ice sculpture, and suddenly the whole body of this person burst into cracks!

Immediately afterwards, the voice became louder and louder.

till the end!
The entire ice sculpture was directly turned into powder, and completely disappeared from this world!

"This is cultivating immortals, and this is killing people! Are you optimistic?"

At this time, Li Yunfeng looked at the powder on the ground, turned to look at Lin Qianmeng who was a little weak-legged and asked.

It took Lin Qianmeng a long time to reflect and nodded.

She glanced at Li Yunfeng with some confusion, is this his world?
Everywhere is fighting, everywhere is vendetta?

And when Li Yunfeng's murderous aura was awe-inspiring, the same scene happened in many places.

However, because of the body protection jade, these Japanese people were caught off guard. When they were studying how to crack the body protection jade, they were killed one by one by many masters in China!

These Japanese warriors have almost no power to resist!
You know, they are just members of a family in the Wa country, but Li Yunfeng dispatched almost the top experts in China!
Sit down!

This battle was over almost before it even started!
These people can escape Longbu Fayan, but they can't escape Li Yunfeng's words!

As for the Japanese warrior who followed Li Yunfeng at the beginning, how could he possibly survive on Li Yunfeng's territory?
He was directly killed on the street by the personality of the increasingly powerful Jiang family.

When the Sakata family of the Japanese country learned about this, the head of the Sakata clan was also silent for a while!
Li Yunfeng's influence is too terrifying, right?
However, when Patriarch Sakata conveyed the matter to Patriarch Sakata, the other party still dismissed it!
Patriarch Sakata has only one sentence!

"Wait for him to lead the death!"

Patriarch Sakata breathed a sigh of relief when he knew that the ancestor was still full of confidence.

Li Yunfeng's influence in the world of martial arts has reached a terrifying level!

On that day, after the autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves, all the Japanese people who had mixed into China were exterminated.

Li Yunfeng asked Jiang Ye to help book a ticket for the day, and Li Yunfeng boarded the plane to Japan alone!

On the plane, the people sitting next to him and across from him asked Li Yunfeng if he was going on a trip or studying abroad?

Li Yunfeng didn't hide anything, only two words!
Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this, but they didn't say anything to Li Yunfeng, after all, the other party obviously didn't want to talk.

However, a person not far away heard a familiar voice, but looked behind him with some doubts.

But when this person saw Li Yunfeng's appearance, he trembled.

And the person opposite this person also laughed when he heard Li Yunfeng's words.

"Is this person insane? On the plane, he said he was going to Japan to kill people? If the staff on the plane heard it, would he be taken away as a terrorist?"

The person opposite is a man.

"That's right, that's right." A woman next to the man also pursed her lips and smiled.Nodding in agreement.

"Shut up for me!"

The woman stood up straight away and roared at the two of them.

That woman wasn't afraid of Li Yunfeng at first, but when she thought of what happened to Li Yunfeng back then, she couldn't help being in awe from the bottom of her heart.

But at this time, when she heard her two friends say such things about Mr. Li, she was a little stunned!

Are these two looking for death?

The woman's voice was extremely angry, and naturally it was very loud. Everyone in the first class cabin heard it. At this time, their eyes all focused on Huang Yajie's side, and Li Yunfeng naturally heard it too.

Li Yunfeng was slightly surprised, isn't this Huang Yajie?
Huang Yajie saw Li Yunfeng looking towards this side, and suddenly her whole body shivered for a while.

The woman next to Huang Yajie and the man opposite were also a little dazed at this moment, and they were stunned for a while.

Then he said: "Yajie, what's wrong with you? Did I say anything wrong? That person is indeed a brain-dead person. If he is not a brain-dead person, he is a terrorist. Such a person must be taken away."


Seeing that her cousin didn't know what to do, Huang Yajie immediately slapped her cousin.

"Yajie, are you crazy?" Xie Ting covered his face and looked at Huang Yajie in disbelief.

"If you say one more word, believe it or not, when you return to China, I'll tell you to pack up and leave immediately?"

Huang Yajie stared at Xie Ting viciously and said, her face was frosty.

Xie Ting wanted to continue to reason and ask Huang Yajie why he hit him, but after hearing Huang Yajie's words, he immediately shut up!
He works as a manager of a branch under the Huang family. Relying on the big tree of the Huang family, he earns millions of dollars a year. If he is really going to be fired, he will never find such a good job again.

With his knowledge and ability, he is considered to be able to earn one hundred thousand a year after leaving the Huang family. He still has this self-knowledge.

"Yajie, what's the matter with you?" The woman next to her asked weakly, seeing Huang Yajie's fierce look.

She originally agreed with Xie Ting's words, but seeing Huang Yajie like this, how could she dare to say more.

This woman is Huang Yajie's best friend and the daughter of a large company in Zhong Hai. Although she is not as good as the Huang family, she doesn't have to flatter Huang Yajie like Xie Ting.

Seeing that the two finally stopped slandering Mr. Li, Huang Yajie breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted her makeup, took a deep breath, and walked towards Li Yunfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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