Chapter 52 Tragic (third update, please recommend)

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. They can't be innate masters. If they were innate masters, how could we have easily captured them?" The head of the Jiang family immediately denied this possibility.

But what are these two women if they are not innate masters?What is the yellow light that just emerged?He couldn't figure it out.

Because there is no magical weapon that can automatically defend in the world of martial arts, even if some people have enough cultivation, the world that martial artists come into contact with is too small, it is impossible to sense the traces of the heaven and earth, let alone engrave the Dao of heaven and earth. It is unimaginable for martial arts practitioners to enter some magic weapon materials.

"Second, you go!" The head of the Jiang family looked at the two dazed women with some suspicion. It seemed that the two women didn't know what was going on. Could it be because of Li Yunfeng?
Thinking of this, the head of the Jiang family tensed up, and hurriedly looked at the remains of the vehicle not far away, but there was not a complete body except for the broken limbs and arms.

"Okay!" Although the second child was also a little surprised, but he has always been simple-minded, since the eldest brother told him to go, he will go.

The second child of the Jiang family directly used all his strength to attack Su Xiaoru who was among them.

"Sister Xiaoru!" Li Yunxue yelled. Although they were a little shocked by the scene just now, she still couldn't help being nervous when she saw a stronger-looking person attacking.

Su Xiaoru tightly held the jade in front of her chest. At this time, the jade was still heating up, emitting a yellow light.

After all, Su Xiaoru is thirty, and her mind is more stable and mature. Combined with the scene of Li Yunfeng rescuing him, and thinking that when Li Yunfeng gave them jade, she must wear it with her, she thought maybe Li Yunfeng specially made this to protect them.

So at this time, although the man in front of her attacked her, she was very scared, but she forced herself to open her eyes. She wanted to see if it was because of the jade, so that others could not attack her.

"Boom!" When the fist of the second child of the Jiang family was about to hit Su Xiaoru, a strong yellow light emerged from the jade in Su Xiaoru's hand again, blocking the fist of the second child of the Jiang family.

This time, the second child of the Jiang family was ejected more than ten meters away. It seemed that the greater the attack power, the stronger the rebound. The second child of the Jiang family also felt a surge of energy and blood in his body at this time, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. injured!
"It's the jade in their hands!" The head of the Jiang family said in a deep voice, a gleam of horror flashed in his eyes.

"Where did the jade on your body come from?" The head of the Jiang family felt that things were getting more and more difficult, and asked in a deep voice.

"Why did I tell you! Aren't you going to kill us? Kill us if you have the ability!" Li Yunxue said bitterly to the head of the Jiang family.

"Don't think that I really can't kill you!" The head of the Jiang family said sullenly, looking at the jade on their chests with some fear.

"Is it Li Yunfeng who gave it to you?" The head of the Jiang family asked again.

Li Yunxue snorted and didn't speak, and Su Xiaoru did the same, but judging from their expressions, it should be all right.

"I didn't expect that Li Yunfeng's cultivation was far beyond our imagination!" The head of the Jiang family also looked at the vehicle debris not far away with some horror. If there were no explosives, would they have become dead bodies?Thinking of this, the head of the Jiang family was drenched.

Su Xiaoru looked at the burning vehicle in front of her with some sadness, and then walked directly to that side, and Li Yunxue followed after seeing it.

"Stop them!" The head of the Jiang family said to the two men in black.

Although the man in black was a little afraid of the yellow light emitting from them, it was impossible not to obey the patriarch's order, so he had no choice but to walk towards the two of them.

Surprisingly, this time they managed to capture Su Xiaoru and Li Yunfeng without being bounced off by the yellow light.

"Could it be that the yellow light has a limit on the number of times it can be used?" The head of the Jiang family was slightly delighted.

"Tear off the jade objects hanging around their necks!" The head of the Jiang family said again.

Seeing that they hadn't been bounced back, the two men became more courageous, so they wanted to pull directly, but at this moment, the yellow light lit up again, and they felt a huge shock when they grabbed the arms of the two women , bouncing them out again.

The head of the Jiang family looked at it thoughtfully, and he seemed to understand a little bit. If they had murderous intentions towards the woman, or had more violent behavior, these two jade stones would protect the lord, but if they just caught them, Jade will not be excited.

"Catch them and bring them back to the clan. Don't do anything else!" The head of the Jiang family thought for a while, and finally said to the two men in black.

Although the two men in black were very reluctant, they went up anyway, just as the head of the Jiang family had guessed, but Yushi didn't respond to that.

Seeing this, the head of the Jiang family was breathing heavily. These are two treasures. If they could be owned by their family, wouldn't they save two lives!

"Let's go!" The head of the Jiang family didn't have any intention of killing these two women at this time. What he was thinking about now was how to get the jade treasure. As for whether the two women died or not, it was no longer important.

"I'm not leaving!" Su Xiaoru and Li Yunxue struggled, but at this moment Yushi was completely silent, and even the heat went down.

"Hmph, don't you leave if you don't want to leave? Don't think that you really can't die. There are many ways to kill you, throwing you off a cliff, burning you on fire, flooding you, and the simpler way is starving you to death!"

The third child of the Jiang family was a more insidious person. He could see the problems that the head of the Jiang family could see, and he immediately came up with many ways to make them die.

"They say they won't leave, so they won't leave!" Suddenly a voice came from the side of the exploded vehicle.

Everyone looked back and saw a man covered in blood crawling up from behind a discarded rear cover of the car that was blown apart. It exploded, but the whole piece lay there horizontally, and Li Yunfeng was lying behind the back cover.

"You..., how could you not die? Even the strong in the late stage of congenital Dzogchen can't be spared!" The head of the Jiang family looked at Li Yunfeng who was covered in blood in disbelief, and pointed at Li Yunfeng.

"And they will never die!" Li Yunfeng climbed up from the burning waste residue, ignoring the words of the head of the Jiang family, and said to himself.

"Brother!" Li Yunxue looked at Li Yunfeng who stood up, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Yunfeng!" Su Xiaoru's eyes were also slightly red. If Li Yunfeng didn't stand up at this time, but lay there, no one would think that Li Yunfeng was a living person.

At this time, he was seriously injured, and it was a trivial matter that his whole body was covered with blood. What was more serious was that his left arm was almost shattered by the explosion. At this time, it was just hanging on his body, completely unable to exert force, and several bones were exposed, which was very tragic.

What was even more frightening was that a hole had exploded in his chest, and he could even faintly see his heart beating, and several ribs were clearly visible.

When Li Yunfeng walked towards the crowd, he was also limping. Except for Su Xiaoru and Li Yunxue who felt distressed, the rest of the people felt cold all over. Who the hell is this?Can you live like this?Is this a monster?
At this time, although Li Yunfeng seemed to have no fighting power at all, this tragic aura made everyone retreat and dare not go forward.

"It's so ridiculous to shake a big tree!" Even though Li Yunfeng was seriously injured, seeing the so-called Jiang family face him in such a state, a surge of pride surged in his heart.

Even if it hurts, so what!

Killing you is still enough!

(End of this chapter)

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