The return of the immortal world

Chapter 535 Shocking the World!

Chapter 535 Shocking the World!

Wa Guo originally thought that Li Yunfeng would definitely die under his new type of missile. After the missile was launched, he didn't continue to keep it secret.

So when Li Yunfeng calmly walked out of the flames of the explosion, and then slaughtered more than [-] people from the Japan Self-Defense Force, many countries got the news immediately!
Even such a powerful missile can't deal with Li Yunfeng, can it really be that only nuclear missiles can be used?

America, Japan, China!
These countries that have received information first-hand, whether they have hatred or no hatred, or the unrelated United States.

are silent!

With nuclear missiles?

Is that possible?

Wars between countries are useless, let alone personal grievances with a certain country and a certain person!
It is impossible to use nuclear missiles.

But without nuclear missiles, what should be used to deal with this person?
It seems that there is no?
Thinking of this, it's all a little scary.

Especially in Huaxia, fortunately, the country has always adopted a policy of gentleness and non-intervention towards warriors.

Otherwise, if the method is too strong, there will be an extra peerless enemy!

But fortunately, the relationship between Li Yunfeng and Longbu is said to be good.

However, when Huaxia was afraid, at the same time, he was very happy to have such a person who reached the sky.

In particular, the supernatural beings of the American people often come to China to act wildly by relying on their weirdness and magical means.

Although Longbu is not afraid, as the saying goes, there are only those who can be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days.

With someone as powerful as Li Yunfeng, although they may be weak internally, externally, they are definitely a powerful deterrent.

After Li Yunfeng slaughtered all 500 people, he walked out in such a big way, and headed towards the sea.

In a short period of time, without the support of Mi Guo, Wa would no longer dare to do anything!
This kind of person is too scary!

As for the joke that Li Yunfeng would never get out of the Japanese country, how dare they say it now?
In the end, Wa country could only protest strongly.

What can Wa country do now besides venting its anger?
After all, they even moved out the missiles.

As a special agency of China, Longbu naturally got the news first-hand.

At this time, the members of the Dragon Department had just finished talking, and they were in a gloomy state. The faces of everyone were very solemn and extremely heavy.

In the dragon hall, there was even more silence, and the sound of breathing and heartbeat could be heard clearly.

Suddenly, an intelligence agent entered from the outside, and walked in with some excitement.

Everyone felt that someone was coming, knowing that there must be news, they sighed slightly, and the one who should come still had to come.

Although they didn't take the initiative to inquire about the news, when the person in charge of the news got the latest news, he would definitely have to report to them in the end!

So when this person walked in, everyone's faces became more serious, and the older ones and the head of the Dragon Department did not look up at this person's expression at all.

The younger generation saw it, but seeing that the elders didn't speak, it was hard for them to speak.

The intelligence agent was very happy at first, but seeing such a strange aura, he was too scared to speak.

What are these high-level officials of the Dragon Department discussing, and the atmosphere is so heavy?

Seeing that the intelligence agents came in and did not speak, Luo Hong felt 100% that Li Yunfeng was dead, and there should be no bones left.

However, as the head of the Dragon Department, he still has the responsibilities he should have, so he raised his head and said in a deep voice, "Is Li Yunfeng already gone?"

"Go?" The secret agent was stunned for a moment, but there was a slight ring, thinking that the minister should have gotten the news.

So he nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Li has already gone."

When everyone heard this, it was indeed the case, and they immediately wanted to wave their hands to let this person go out.

But before they waved, the man continued.

"It is said that after he intercepted the missile with one shot, he walked out of the explosion unscathed, and then killed all the five hundred self-defense forces of the Japanese country, and swaggered to the beach. At this time, he should already be on his way back, that is, the specific location has been I no longer know."

When the intelligence agent said this, he was also very excited.


When Luo Hong heard the intelligence officer's first words, he secretly thought that it was true. No matter how manpower was against the sky, it would not be able to defeat such a powerful missile.

But what he said after that made him stunned.

One shot to intercept missiles?
Walked out of the explosion unscathed?
Kill all the five hundred self-defense forces of the Japanese country?
Still swaggering out to sea?
Already on your way back?

One after another, these shocking pieces of information hit his brain nerves, making him feel like his blood was surging.

But thinking of this person's first sentence, he was also a little annoyed, and almost missed such important news.

"Do you know what it means to go?"

Although Luo Hong was extremely excited, he still felt that he had to be more stable, so he asked in a low voice.

"Eh..." This person also felt that his understanding seemed to be a little wrong, and some dared not speak.

But feeling the atmosphere in the Dragon Hall, he still whispered.

"It seems to mean coming."

"Come on, sister, you can get out now!" Luo Hong couldn't hold back in the end, and burst out laughing.

The intelligence officer was a little puzzled.

"Does it really mean to come?"

The intelligence personnel did not understand the meaning of the minister until the end.

But he didn't care, as long as the information was delivered.

As soon as this person left, the people in the Dragon Hall completely boiled over.

Missiles can be intercepted, but they can't deal with Li Yunfeng, maybe they can't deal with Shinto people!

The eyes of Luo Hong and the elders were shining brightly.

In their eyes, they saw a glimmer of hope again!
But everyone was shocked, where did this peerless evildoer come from!
Because of the arrogance of the Wa Kingdom, the news was not blocked at all, and it spread rapidly like the autumn wind.

Many warriors had already sentenced Li Yunfeng to death, but they were shocked to hear that the missile had broken and returned.

Everyone subconsciously didn't believe it, even some of Li Yunfeng's friends in the martial arts world were like this.

Although they really wanted Li Yunfeng to live, all the missiles went down, and even a small video of the explosion was sent into the country. The power is simply incomparable!

Nobody thought anyone could survive such an explosion.

But when everyone saw that even the Japanese official had admitted it, they were all shocked!
Really survived the explosion?

And by the way, 500 Japanese Self-Defense Forces were destroyed?

Everyone was stunned!

At this moment, the whole world was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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