The return of the immortal world

Chapter 537 Hull wreckage!

Chapter 537 Hull wreckage!

Besides, they have entered the deep sea now, so how can there be any hidden reefs?
Reefs generally exist in offshore locations or near islands, but there are no islands nearby?
How did it hit the rocks?
The people on the cruise ship were already a little scared, but suddenly the hull shook violently, and some people turned pale with fright.

Is the cruise ship really going to have an accident?

Even the woman in the cheongsam, who hadn't thought anything would happen, stood still, as if she had thought of something, and felt a little frightened by the sudden shaking of the hull.

This is obviously in the deep sea, how could it hit the rocks so well?
"what is the problem?"

At this time, some people, looking at the staff passing by, grabbed a waiter on a cruise ship.

All of a sudden, a group of people stared at him.

They're just out for a cruise, and they don't want to die, and there's a lot of money left unspent.

"I do not know either!"

The waiter was a little scared himself, but being stared at by this group of people, he was even more flustered and almost cried.


Suddenly a middle-aged man stepped out from the cabin, he was the captain of the cruise ship.

"You are the captain, please explain. You said you were fine before, so why is something happening now?"

Everyone was staring at the captain who came out of the cabin.

"We just checked. It wasn't a rock strike. It was just a wreck of a small boat that was swept by an undercurrent on the seabed. It's okay."

The captain saw that everyone was quiet, so he explained.

At first, he also thought he had hit a rock, and was startled.

So I hurriedly sent someone to investigate, and found that it was just an undercurrent in the sea mixed with a little wreckage of the hull, which did not cause any special damage to the hull.

"Didn't it hit the rocks?"


It's okay if you don't explain it, but once you explain it, everyone will be even more shocked.

The wreckage of the ship appeared nearby. Isn't that the weird incident before is 100% sure to be true?
"Don't worry, there are undercurrents around here recently, small boats are indeed prone to accidents, but medium and large cruise ships like ours are completely unaffected."

The captain's expression was very relaxed at this moment, as long as it wasn't something hitting the rocks, it was just some small undercurrents, which wouldn't do any harm to a cruise ship like theirs.

And because of this matter, it made him more at ease. After all, before this, he was also a little worried about the ship's hull capsizing and disappearing caused by some ghosts and gods.

If there are ghosts and gods, people don't care if you are a big boat or a small boat.

Seeing that everyone still didn't believe it, but at least he calmed down, so the captain patiently explained to everyone.

Seeing that what the captain said was well-founded, everyone gradually felt at ease.

Especially after confirming that it was not the deep sea demons, ghosts and gods that caused the ship to disappear, but the undercurrent, there was no need to be afraid.

Seeing the captain's explanation, the woman secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she still secretly despised those young masters.

Look at how you behave, you are not as calm as a little girl like me.

Although she also had a moment of fear, at least she didn't yell.

At this time, the woman's eyes returned to Li Yunfeng.

Because of the hand that Li Yunfeng showed unintentionally, he became even more curious about this man.

This man's skill is too good, right?

It is said that it is hard to get rid of water, and the same is true for wine.

It has been scattered outside, and it can be retracted again. How fast is this reaction ability and hand speed?

And more importantly, when the man was receiving the wine glass and wine, his eyes were not looking at this side, but at the endless sea.

This woman just wanted to say hello to Li Yunfeng!

What also made her a little admired was that the man didn't care at all after the ship's hull shook violently.

Whatever useless people's cries and yells, he didn't move, and even when the captain explained, she didn't know if the man was listening.

This fearless look alone killed 90.00% of the people on board, including herself.

So after the captain finished speaking, the woman came to Li Yunfeng's side again.

Li Yunfeng looked pensive, glanced at the woman, and then handed the wine glass to the woman.

"Your wine! Be careful next time!"

Li Yunfeng looked at the woman and said.

"Thank you, big brother."

The woman pursed her lips and chuckled, and when she took the wine glass, she didn't know whether it was intentional or not, she touched Li Yunfeng's hand with her fingers.

Li Yunfeng was a little speechless, but he didn't care, as long as he didn't suffer any disadvantages.

In fact, when the captain came out, Li Yunfeng knew it was not a hidden reef.

The wreckage of the boat was indeed an undercurrent in the sea. After it was rolled up, it quickly hit the bottom of the cruise ship, which made the hull slightly sunken, no big problem.

But Li Yunfeng's opinion is different from that of the captain.

Because there is really nothing wrong with the undercurrent, which may cause the boat to capsize, but it is absolutely useless for this kind of cruise ship.

However, the wreckage of the ship was a bit weird, because Li Yunfeng felt that there were rune magic attacks and traces on the ship.

Although the traces are already very shallow, but because Li Yunfeng sensed it seriously at the first time, he still felt it.

However, Li Yunfeng didn't pay too much attention to it. Looking at the traces of the rune spell attack, he didn't even reach the foundation establishment, so he didn't care too much.

After all, he never thought that he was the only immortal cultivator in this world.

"Brother, my name is Zhan Ruoqing, you may have seen me before!"

The woman sat down, looked familiar, and took a shallow sip of the wine glass she had just taken, regardless of Li Yunfeng.

While drinking, his eyes were fixed on Li Yunfeng, his red lips were lightly pursed, and then his tongue was stretched out, licking the red wine on his lips, showing a coquettish attitude.

Luo Fei next to her looked at Zhan Ruoqing's appearance, and stared at the woman even more.

Seeing this, Zhan Ruoqing didn't care, she just smiled lightly.

Li Yunfeng is also speechless, why did I meet you?
But Li Yunfeng still looked at it seriously, maybe he really saw it?
After looking at it for a while, Li Yunfeng opened his mouth and said lightly, "I haven't seen it before."

"What about you? You should have seen me! Although I have a bad reputation, you must have seen me!"

Seeing that Li Yunfeng hadn't seen her, Zhan Ruoqing was a little anxious, and hurriedly turned to look at Luo Fei.

She is both a singer and an actress.

But later it became more and more difficult for singers to make money, so they transformed into actors.

It's just that kind of supporting role for thousands of years, and it's usually the third or fourth female. The best time is to be the second female in a bloody drama with a very small investment scale.

(End of this chapter)

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