Chapter 54
"Hey! It hurts!"

Li Yunfeng opened his eyes and looked around curiously. If he didn't feel the still barren aura around him, Li Yunfeng would have thought that he had returned to the world of cultivating immortals. The buildings here are similar to those in the world of cultivating immortals, full of ancient flavor.

"My lord, you're awake!" A servant girl saw that Li Yunfeng had woken up, and said in a panic, looking into Li Yunfeng's eyes with a hint of fear.

Li Yunfeng looked at the maid in front of him looking at him with fearful eyes, feeling a little depressed, and touched his face, does he look scary now?

It shouldn't be, now that I have lost my arms and legs, shouldn't the other party have sympathetic eyes?
"En!" Li Yunfeng responded, moving his body, ready to get up.

"My lord, I'll help you up!" The servant girl endured her fear and walked towards Li Yunfeng. Although she said that she wanted to help Li Yunfeng up, her legs were shaking and she didn't dare to approach Li Yunfeng.

"No need, I'll just get up by myself!" Li Yunfeng rolled his eyes, what was it that made this little maid so afraid of him?
"Yes, my lord!" The little maid hurriedly backed away with her head lowered, as if Li Yunfeng was a super evil star at this time.

Li Yunfeng smiled helplessly, sat up on the bed and recuperated his breath. The internal injuries of his body were basically healed. His body was formed by the blood of the devil emperor, and his recovery ability was abnormal. At this time, he only had his hands and feet. There are still some obstacles, but it won't take long to recover.

Li Yunfeng opened the door and walked outside.

Looking around, there are lush greenery everywhere, birds chirping and insects chirping in the mountains and forests, it looks very quiet, and the air is not as turbid as in the city, it is very fresh.

Li Yunfeng took a deep breath, feeling very comfortable, and the wounds in his body seemed to heal a little at this moment.

Looking around, there are courtyards of different sizes, and his own courtyard is the largest among them.

There were also two little girls standing at the door. Seeing Li Yunfeng coming out, they looked at Li Yunfeng with some fear, then lowered their heads and said hello, young master.

A guard at the courtyard gate saw Li Yunfeng coming out, bowed to Li Yunfeng, and then ran away. The patriarch had explained that the young master inside would immediately notify him when he woke up.

Li Yunfeng is really a little baffled now, he just killed a few people, do these people need to be so afraid, do they have few lives in the hands of the Xiuwu family?
Not long after, Jiang Xuan hurried over, saw Li Yunfeng, and knelt down.

"Master, you are awake. I have already prepared meals for you. Do you have any other requests?" Jiang Xuan said very respectfully.

Li Yunfeng touched his stomach, feeling a little hungry, and nodded.

"You don't need to kneel down when you see me in the future, and you absolutely can't call me master in front of outsiders. As for what to call me, you can do whatever you want!" Li Yunfeng instructed.

"Yes, master!" Jiang Xuan nodded.

"Take me around first!" Li Yunfeng said, in fact, he mainly wanted to ask these maids why they were afraid of him.

"Okay, master." Jiang Xuan walked to Li Yunfeng's side, and said very respectfully.

Under the guidance of Jiang Xuan, Li Yunfeng looked around. The Jiang family was built in the mountains of a county next to Jingnan City. The environment is very beautiful. Li Yunfeng was also amazed. He didn't expect that there could be such antique buildings in the modern city. group.

Through the conversation with Jiang Xuan, Li Yunfeng finally knew why these maids were so afraid of him.

Because of his serious injury, he was in a coma for half a month. Since Li Yunfeng's life was not in danger, Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru went back first.

Half a month ago, Li Yunfeng was brought back by Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye. When Jiang Chen's mother, Jiang Xuan's wife, learned that Li Yunfeng was the murderer of her son, she rushed forward and wanted to kill her son. Li Yunfeng.

As a result, Jiang Xuan slapped him to vomit blood, and warned his wife not to mess around.

But Jiang Xuan's wife doesn't care so much, Jiang Xuan's wife's family is also a martial arts family, and the power is not weaker than Jiang's family, so Jiang Xuan's wife is relentless.

Jiang Xuan's wife is extremely protective of the calf. The reason why Jiang Chen is so arrogant and arrogant is actually mostly the result of his mother being too fond of her.

Jiang Xuan's wife naturally refused to give up, and finally angered Jiang Xuan, Jiang Xuan directly killed his wife, and then gave up, and told the people in the clan not to show any disrespect to Li Yunfeng, otherwise the consequences would be the same as his wife.

Even his wife was killed by the patriarch because of this injured young man, and everyone looked at Li Yunfeng with submissive eyes.

Li Yunfeng stared at Jiang Xuan, then looked at his body that had not completely healed, and felt that his injury was not bad. This kind of person is really too ruthless, and he is much more decisive than many demons in the world of cultivating immortals. .

If he hadn't been extremely powerful, if he was replaced by another innate late-stage strongman in the martial arts world, it was very likely that he would be successfully killed by Jiang Xuan.

If Jiang Xuan hadn't already signed a blood contract with himself, he would never let Jiang Xuan go. As long as this kind of person survives, even if he has a strong cultivation base, he must be very careful.

But once the blood contract is signed, this worry will no longer exist. The blood contract is the connection between the soul and the body. Once signed, unless Li Yunfeng cancels it on his own initiative, even if Jiang Xuan has a higher cultivation level than him, it is impossible to crack it. .

After eating, under Jiang Xuan's arrangement, Li Yunfeng took an extended version of Lincoln down the mountain. Before leaving, Jiang Xuan gave Li Yunfeng a key. In the urban area of ​​Jingnan City, he also had a It is a luxurious villa, if Li Yunfeng needs it, he can go there directly, there are all servants and housekeepers.

For such an arrangement, Li Yunfeng is quite satisfied.

Moreover, Li Yunfeng also knew that the Jiang Group was now in charge of Jiang Ye, which was why Jiang Ye hadn't shown up since he woke up.

When Li Yunfeng returned to Jingnan City, she went straight back to Cuiyin Community, and seeing that there was no one in the house, she went to the villa Jiang Xuan gave her.

When riding in the car, it was unavoidable to be misunderstood by a driver, Li Yunfeng did not explain, but when Li Yunfeng got off the car, a security guard at the gate of the villa saw Li Yunfeng, ran over in a hurry, nodded and bowed, and shocked the taxi driver One face, do rich people like to pretend to be low-key these days?
Naturally, Li Yunfeng didn't care about these things. When he saw a huge single luxury villa close to the city center in front of him, he was also moved with emotion. The fortunes in life are really amazing!

No matter which world you are in, you can't get rid of the respect of strength. In the face of absolute strength, he killed Jiang Xuan's son, but the other party recognized him as the master, killed his own wife, and arranged a house for him. Luxury villas.

(End of this chapter)

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