Chapter 551 Haze
But after thinking about it, they understood.

The other 24 people who entered the group, even if they are not martial practitioners themselves, must have a deep connection with martial arts practitioners.

Nie Jingyun's family is not only a top martial arts force, but also located in the financial center of Zhonghai.

The Nie's Group is somewhat similar to the Jiang Group. The profits of all the groups are almost all family property.

How to distribute it is almost the patriarch's decision.

The Nie Group is several times larger than the Jiang Group, so it is understandable that they are so rich.

Moreover, the so-called non-disclosure of wealth is completely untenable to him.

Even if Li Yunfeng asked him to donate all the funds, I am afraid that Nie Jingyun would not hesitate at all.

Compared with the hope of longevity, what is money?
It's just that Li Yunfeng said before that he is not interested in money, and when Li Yunfeng finally needs money, how can he not handle it well?
He secretly made up his mind, how could 50 billion be enough?
The family should keep 50 billion as a daily reserve, and the rest should be given to Mr. Li's girlfriend.

With the credits from last time, maybe the opportunity to transform into an immortal will come.

Thinking of this, Nie Jingyun was extremely excited.

After Li Yunfeng exclaimed, he walked to the side again, casually chatting with these big shots with Lin Qianmeng.

But chatting and chatting, happened to have a little new discovery.

Because half of these bigwigs are concentrated in Zhonghai, and one of the bigwigs is involved in some fashion business.

Seeing that Lin Qianmeng had expressed some doubts about her and Li Yunfeng, this person hurriedly searched. After this investigation, he really found something unusual.

Xu Zhengxing, the boss of Zhengxing Group, and the boss of Tiansheng Fashion, as well as a senior executive of Yuanlai Fashion, have been in frequent contact within this month.

Not surprisingly, this person should be Song Huilong.

"Xu Zhengxing?"

Lin Qianmeng stared at this person's name in confusion.

This person's industry and fashion have nothing to do with each other. This person and Song Huilong didn't know each other before, so why did they get together?

However, when these bigwigs continued to investigate Xu Zhengxing in depth, everyone discovered his motive for dealing with Yuanlai Fashion.

Xu Zhengxing's son once had conflicts with a man named Li Yunfeng or Li Mufeng.

However, the source of the conflict is still the person who came to fashion.

It was Li Yunfeng's other girlfriend, Su Xiaoru.

At this time, how can everyone not know.

Xu Zhengxing sold many of his assets to cash out, and many businesses under the group even stopped operating.

Now the facts are obvious, it is Xu Zhengxing who paid the money to persuade the two major investment companies.

When Li Yunfeng learned the truth, he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that it was the father of a young man who was shot dead by him at will.

However, this man had offended two of his own women at the same time. Judging by his habit, he would arrange for a car to hit someone if he disagreed with him. There should be a lot of lives under his hands.

This kind of person will not have any burden to kill Li Yunfeng.

"In this way, it will be much easier to handle."

Lin Qian dreamed for a while and said to Li Yunfeng.

"How to say?"

Li Yunfeng randomly picked up a bunch of grapes from the small table in front of him and put them in his mouth.

"Xu Zhengxing has already made the other shareholders of his group dissatisfied because of the massive sale of the mortgaged assets. I think if this is the case, with hundreds of billions of funds here, it is too easy to turn defeat into victory."

Lin Qianmeng said confidently.

Even if the opponent's Zhengxing Group is more than ten times larger than his own Yuanlai Fashion.

But with 1000 billion Huaxia coins, even if the opponent's company is bigger, she is confident of turning defeat into victory.

"Okay, you do it!"

Li Yunfeng nodded.

Lin Qianmeng nodded in response, and continued to understand the company's equity structure of these people.

Lin Qianmeng did stay up late at night because of collecting and getting familiar with the information.

But the next day, Lin Qianmeng still woke up very early.

When the next morning, the company called to urge Lin Qianmeng to hold the meeting of the board of directors, Lin Qianmeng directly postponed the board meeting to two o'clock in the afternoon on the grounds that she was in the hospital.

Seeing Lin Qianmeng using such an excuse to prevaricate, they were stunned for a moment, and bursts of laughter came from the opposite side.

Obviously, Song Huilong pressed the speakerphone.

Lin Qianmeng didn't care, just sneered and hung up the phone.


Yuanlai fashion, in the meeting room.

At this time, seeing Lin Qianmeng hung up the phone and looked at each other, everyone burst into laughter.

Especially Zhou Tiansheng of Tiansheng Group, Xu Zhengxing of Zhengxing Group, and Song Huilong, the vice president of the company.

The faces of the three masterminds were even more smug.

And some of Lin Qianmeng's cronies saw the appearance of the three people at this time, they didn't know that these people were here to make trouble, and they were very worried.

Looking at it like this, the company's two largest investment companies other than Lin Qianmeng have all fallen to Song Huilong's side.

"Since the board meeting is going to be postponed until the afternoon, let's postpone it, everyone, why not visit our company in advance!"

As the vice president, Song Huilong can basically be regarded as the owner of this place. He stood up, ignored the gloomy look on the face of Lin Qianmeng's confidant, and said to Xu Zhengxing and others on his own.

"it is good."

A large number of people followed with smiles on their faces.

"What's going on?" Some shareholders didn't follow, and these people sat here with very gloomy faces.

Most of the people here were temporarily notified that the board meeting was about to be held.

"When I came in, Vice President Song and that person from Zhengxing Group's natural clothes came. What they were discussing was the content of today's board meeting. It seemed that they wanted to remove President Lin from his position." One of them hesitated. for a moment, and then said.


Although everyone had expected it in their hearts, they were still shocked when they got the accurate news.

"What is Song Huilong's ability to be able to tie up two major investment companies and China Overseas Zhengxing Group at the same time?" Some people were very puzzled.

"Maybe they already have absolute control. When I came in, they ignored it. It seemed that it was related to President Lin's boyfriend. Listening to their conversation, it seems that Li Yunfeng offended the chairman of Zhengxing Group." The man continued.

"Li Yunfeng?"

Everyone is not unfamiliar with this name. It has long been rumored that President Lin and Li Yunfeng are related, but they did not expect that they are really boyfriend and girlfriend.

They also knew that Li Yunfeng's identity was not simple, and he seemed to have some relationship with Jiang's group.

But what's the use of this?

In the case of the other party's absolute holding, it is impossible to turn the tables.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces were filled with gloom.

At the same time, Lin Qianmeng controlled a large amount of funds, and with the assistance of all the big shots, he issued orders one after another.

While Song Huilong and others were very proud, the direction of things was changing drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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