The return of the immortal world

Chapter 576 You Shouldn't Come

Chapter 576 You Shouldn't Come

At this time Li Yunfeng was really curious, in the entire China, he was almost invincible.

The winged bird man on the opposite side also admits that he is No.1 in East Asia.

But the other party didn't agree that he could be ranked [-]th in the battle list. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be replacing him.

Li Yunfeng observed a little bit, this person is really strong, stronger than the few half-step Extreme Realm powerhouses he has seen in Huaxia, including the ones in front of him.

Maybe Juejian Immortal can be stronger than this person.

"What is the battle list?"

Li Yunfeng asked very puzzled.

The Chinese warriors were not surprised to see that Li Yunfeng didn't know the battle list, so they quickly explained to Li Yunfeng.

Only now did Li Yunfeng understand a little bit. He really thought that there were 390 nine people on earth outside of China who were stronger than him, so it would be a bit fucked up.

The list of feelings requires record, especially the ranking of the record of fighting against the people on the list.

In fact, it is a bit similar to a challenge competition. If you want to be on the list, you have to challenge the person on the list. If you defeat this person, you can replace this person's ranking.

When everyone talked about this, Li Yunfeng also felt a little boring.

He really thought that there are 390 nine people on earth who are stronger than himself!

If this is the case, it would be a bit of a big deal, the earth of the same scale is not necessarily worse than that of the world of cultivating immortals.

After Li Yunfeng understood it clearly, he had no interest in this battle list at all, let alone making a move.

In fact, he came here mainly to confirm whether the beast that broke through was caused by the Celestial Immortal Tree. Now that it is confirmed, it is time to leave.

Seeing Li Yunfeng ignoring them, the Western powerhouses such as the electric girl Kalisi and the four-winged dark angel were furious and wanted to shoot Li Yunfeng who turned and left.

It's just that when they had this plan, they felt a commotion behind them. A giant snake more than 20 meters long was spitting out snake letters and looking at everyone.

"Kalis, these beasts are not easy. I'm afraid it's hard to deal with them alone. Why don't we work together to kill this giant snake first?"

The four-winged dark angel, although looking at Li Yunfeng who left, there was anger in his eyes, but he finally knew what he came here for.

Hunt strange beasts and find strange trees.

"it is good."

Seeing that Li Yunfeng turned his head and left, Kelly felt that this person was a bit misnamed.

After glancing at Li Yunfeng who left, he turned his gaze back to the giant snake behind him.

The three fierce beasts that have appeared so far, in terms of shock and size, are the 20-meter giant snake in front of them.

At this time, the giant snake raised its body and spit out the letter. The dark golden pupils shone with a faint light, which made people palpitate.

Among these Western powerhouses, I am afraid that Kalisi and the four-winged Dark Angel are the strongest.

Seeing that these two powerful men were staring at the beast in front of them, everyone also left here in groups of three or two.

So everyone dispersed again to look for the little tree that could run.

Callis and the four-winged angel are indeed superpowers. The two powerhouses teamed up and completely suppressed the giant snake in front of them. Both of them were very surprised.

Just when they wanted to completely trap the giant snake to death, there were bursts of screams from a distance.

The faces of the two of them suddenly looked a little ugly. Is it the beast that killed the super-enhanced man?

At this moment, the Huaxia warriors have become a lot smarter today because of what happened yesterday, and they know that it is the safest to stay by Li Yunfeng's side.

Therefore, most of the people who died at this time were powerful people in the western world.

Not long after, even a few people whose fame and combat power were not inferior to Kalis and the four-winged dark angels fell.

At this time, the few western powerhouses who were trembling with the other three fierce beasts were a little restless at this moment.

Especially the bright four-winged angels, who originally had the upper hand, but now they are retreating steadily.

At the end, the bright four-winged angel made a feint and fled with wings flapping.

Kelly and the four-winged dark angel felt that it was difficult for them to deal with the giant snake in a short time. Seeing that the bright four-winged angel had escaped, they also fled directly.

On the contrary, the iron giant was still shouting happily at this moment, and he was inextricably fighting with the giant bison, causing the mountains and forests to shake.

Seeing a group of people following behind him, Li Yunfeng was speechless.

If you're afraid, don't come in. If you come in, why don't you go hunting for treasure and travel with him?

If these people simply followed him, it wouldn't matter. If such a mighty group of people followed him and hoped that the Celestial Immortal Tree would come out, it would be hell.

So Li Yunfeng turned around and stared at everyone.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, why is Mr. Li staring at them like this?

But they turned around and looked around, feeling a little embarrassed. Is this going to war?
"This is not where you should come, go out, if you don't go out, you may never be able to get out!"

In the end, Li Yunfeng just said something lightly, then turned and left.

Many people were thinking about Mr. Li's words, and there were waves of screams in their ears. In the end, almost half of them left the dense forest again.

Because most of the four fierce beasts were entangled by those westerners, they were relatively safe in a short time.

The remaining people still couldn't resist the temptation of being number one in the world and immortality after all.

Hearing what Mr. Li said before, there was a ferocious beast that was directly promoted from the realm of Qi refining to the realm of foundation building, and everyone was even more moved.

The previous person was promoted to a small realm, but this beast was promoted to a large realm. How could everyone not be moved?

Many people even doubted that the beast promoted to Foundation Establishment could be the giant spider?

Because when everyone saw the giant spider chasing the fairy fruit tree very closely, it just happened that the giant spider didn't show up in the past two days, so everyone couldn't help but doubt it.

At this time, Li Yunfeng returned to the previous position, frowning very fiercely, and the fairy tree was too cautious that day, so he didn't show his face at all.

If it goes on like this, how long will it take?

When Li Yunfeng was contemplating, suddenly a panicked voice came from nearby.

"Let's get out, this is really not the place for us to stay. After the dark four-winged angel was separated from the electric girl Kalis, it was swallowed by the hidden beast. Just like the super-enhanced man, only A pool of blood!"

"What? The dark four-winged angels are so powerful, they are all dead?"

"These Westerners think they are extremely powerful. After entering the dense forest, aren't they the same as us? It would be best to die!" Someone also sneered.

The people around were shocked and somewhat relieved, but after getting the news, many people went out again.

When Li Yunfeng heard this, he just smiled lightly, as he had expected it.

Although these Western powerhouses gave up hunting the beasts for a short time, it is impossible for them to give up the Celestial Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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