The return of the immortal world

Chapter 587 Do You Let Me Go or Not?

Chapter 587 Do You Let Me Go or Not?

When the Lao people were very excited and wanted to pull Li Yunfeng out and take him back to give merit to the general, Li Yunfeng who was lying motionless on the ground opened his eyes directly.

The man was startled by Li Yunfeng's sudden bounce, and hurriedly backed away.

Not enough for the next moment, but was still caught by Li Yunfeng.

The Lao fighter jets in the sky also noticed the abnormal situation below, and hurriedly turned their fighter planes, trying to stop Li Yunfeng.

It's just that Li Yunfeng caught a living Lao, how could he stay here foolishly.

Li Yunfeng directly carried the Laotian, and quickly escaped into the dense forest again.

When he found a quiet mountain forest for a short period of time, Li Yunfeng directly used the enchantment technique, he wanted to see who instigated these people to deal with him.

In the end, it turned out to be a surprise, what kind of Lao kingdom, General Lingyang, wanted to deal with him?
Let them kill Li Yunfeng at all costs!
These are the words of the General!
As for why they killed them, they didn't know, they just obeyed anyway.

Li Yunfeng felt that there must be something strange behind this, did he inadvertently offend this general of the Lao Kingdom?

But in the end he couldn't figure it out, so Li Yunfeng didn't think any more, and slapped the Laotian to death.

At this time, various roars of fighter bombers in the sky can be heard endlessly.

In fact, doing so is not without benefits. Li Yunfeng saw many animals along the way, including ordinary animals and even other almost ominous beasts.

They were all bombed out.

Since these beasts can be blown out, what about the Celestial Immortal Tree?
It is very likely that it was also blown out. In this case, Li Yunfeng actually has a chance to catch this fairy tree.

But if these bombs accidentally injure the Celestial Immortal Tree, it will be over!
This is also the reason why Li Yunfeng must stop the fighter jets, but at this time he can't stop them, so he has no choice but to accept it calmly, and like most human beings, he hides and walks in the dense forest.

During the journey of hiding in the jungle, Li Yunfeng even saw the legendary giant spider. At this time, the spider was no longer the legendary four or five meters long, but nearly ten meters long!

Looking at the fluctuations of this spider, it is obvious that it is already in the foundation building state!

At this time, Li Yunfeng could still faintly smell the aura of the fairy fruit on the spider. The fierce beast that broke through to the foundation-building realm was already confirmed to be the giant spider in front of him.

This spider is not bad, it was just bombed by two fighter jets in turn and suffered a little injury, but in the end it destroyed the two fighter jets through the almost infinitely long silk spinning!

Feeling that another fighter jet was approaching not far away at this time, the giant spider just stopped for a moment when it passed by Li Yunfeng, and turned into the dense forest again in a blink of an eye.

Obviously, these fighter jets still pose a great threat to it.

Just suddenly, Li Yunfeng discovered that more than a dozen fighter jets in the sky had given up their investigation of the dense forest below for a short time!
Instead, they all accelerated and flew forward quickly.

And the giant spider that had been cautiously hidden in the dense forest just now suddenly rioted, no longer concealed its figure, and ran forward frantically.

"Same direction?"

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng seemed to think of something, could it be that the Celestial Immortal Tree was really blown out?

At this time Li Yunfeng was a little excited, but also very worried.

He didn't use violent methods because he was worried that the Heavenly Immortal Tree would be directly turned into an immortal seed if it was injured!
Li Yunfeng followed the giant spider closely and headed forward.

Just walking, Li Yunfeng discovered that this direction turned out to be the position where he had set up the formation before.

Li Yunfeng was extremely happy, could it be that the Celestial Immortal Tree was frightened into his formation?

Li Yunfeng was extremely excited when he thought of this, if the Celestial Tree really entered the formation, then it is almost certain that the Celestial Tree is his!

The formation that I have spent time arranging is not something that these people can break through in a short time.

Even if it is a powerful fighter, if there is no trick, it will take at least half a day of non-stop bombing.

At this moment, in order to confirm whether it was true or not, Li Yunfeng directly displayed extreme speed.

Even after he got there, he could still rely on the defensive power of the formation to counterattack gradually. No matter how many fighters there were, they couldn't do him any harm.

The dense forest is huge, and at Li Yunfeng's speed, it took half an hour to reach the sleepy formation.

When he came here, it was already full of people, and many people were bombarding the formation in front of him, but it was useless.

Under the powerful attack force, this formation only moved a few times like water ripples, and then returned to normal.

After passing through the trap, Li Yunfeng saw on the spirit vein he placed, a magical small tree not more than one meter high, rooted on the spirit vein at this time, swaying.

Under the branches and leaves of this small tree, there is a red almost transparent fruit, about the size of a baby's fist, which makes people salivate!
But in the next instant, Li Yunfeng's expression changed.

From the front, the Tianxian tree is no different from the one seen in the previous pictures and videos.

But behind the Celestial Immortal Tree, there is a large area of ​​withered branches and leaves, which is very scary.

Now Li Yunfeng finally knew that he had been sitting on the tree for several days without coming out, but in the end he was blown up here!
Obviously, just as he had feared, the Celestial Immortal Tree was really injured by the indiscriminate bombing.

Perhaps the Celestial Immortal Fruit Tree realized that if it withered like this, it would die in a very different way. Although it wasn't really dead, he was still a little scared.

But it vaguely feels like something is stabilizing it.

That is the small spiritual vein that Li Yunfeng placed in the dense forest formation. Only a large amount of spiritual power can help it stabilize and wither away from happening again.

The spirit vein Celestial Immortal Tree has already sensed it, but it knows that someone wants to catch it, so it just won't come out.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng wiped off his cold sweat slightly. Without this spiritual vein, the Celestial Immortal Tree would have been destroyed.

Many people are attacking the formation, or trying to break the formation.

"Li Yunfeng? Take out that sacred tree for me, and I'll let your friend go!"

Li Yunfeng was too focused on the Celestial Immortal Tree in front of him just now, but now he heard a very annoying voice speaking again, so he turned his head and looked over.

This voice is none other than a four-winged angel!

At this time, the four-winged angel looked at Li Yunfeng very proudly, and he was using the tip of his raised white wings against Fang Yu's neck.

Fang Yu couldn't move, and was extremely frightened at this moment.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng took a look, but smiled coldly, with no expression on his face, and then slowly walked towards the four-winged angel!

"You let her go, I will keep your whole body today!"

"If you don't let me go, I'll tear your body into pieces!"

"Do you want to let it go or not?" Li Yunfeng's voice sounded like a hell in the Nine Serenities, making people shudder!

Who is threatening whom?
The four-winged angel was a little confused!

The people around were also completely stunned, why did it feel like the hostage was in Li Yunfeng's hands, and then Li Yunfeng threatened the four-winged angel?
Feeling completely reversed?

The four-winged angel stared at Li Yunfeng with disbelief in his eyes.

Before that, in order to deal with Li Yunfeng, he went to get to know Li Yunfeng specifically.

Didn't those Chinese warriors say that Li Yunfeng valued love and righteousness?

Do you value your friends very much?
Did you get scammed?
(End of this chapter)

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