The return of the immortal world

Chapter 597 He is still a god chapter!

Chapter 597 He is still a myth!
Boom boom boom!
Immediately afterwards, there were several explosions and roars!

This time, five fighter jets were destroyed high above the sky!

In fact, this time, Li Yunfeng still unleashed the Seven Swords, but because this time it was no longer a surprise attack, these extremely fast fighters were not vegetarians.

These fighting chickens hurriedly dodged in an instant.

Therefore, the Seven Divine Swords and the two Divine Swords were narrowly avoided.

Li Yunfeng has long seen the sensing ability and flexibility of these combat jitters, so he doesn't care.

If the formation of these fighters continues to be maintained like this, he can rely on the cover of the formation to attack continuously.

Although it is not possible to keep hitting all the fighting cocks every time, but slowly, these fighting cocks will definitely suffer heavy losses.

But if in order to prevent being extremely scattered by Li Yunfeng, it would be even more ridiculous, Li Yunfeng can choose to disperse the pursuit directly.

Even Li Yunfeng didn't need to pursue, because once dispersed, he could lead his people and leave in a swaggering manner.

Then these battle chickens can no longer pose a threat to him.

In just a few moments, twelve fighter jets were shot down in the sky, and the loss almost reached one-tenth!

At this time, everyone was inexplicably horrified, it was simply too terrifying!

Twelve of them were shot down in a few seconds, so wouldn't it be possible to shoot down all of these fighter jets within a minute?

This is simply not human. With such a powerful fighter, it is very difficult for a fighter to shoot down one!
But the opponent shot down twelve at once!
Of course, this is just out of their lust.

If it could be solved in one minute, Li Yunfeng would not choose any surprise attack. The controllers of these combat jitters are not dead, but elites!
Even if these fighting chickens are lined up in the air, and I use the golden sword to kill all these fighting chickens, my spiritual power will be almost exhausted!

But at this time, although the momentum of the air battle ji being shot down was huge, Master Yala's focus was not on this.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how is it possible?"

At this time, Master Yala was chattering.

"Master Yala, what's going on? We blocked the entrance of the formation so tightly. Unless he broke the formation himself, how could he come out?"

At this time, Kalis was also extremely puzzled. Master Yala had sworn to tell them these things.

But even though the gate of the formation was blocked tightly, Li Yunfeng came out out of nowhere.

At this moment, seeing Master Yala rambling, he must have known something.

"This formation may be the legendary multi-door formation!"

Master Yala heard Kalis's question, and tried to calm himself down at this time.

"Multi-door array?"

Kelly couldn't understand it at all.

"You Westerners don't have any research on formations, and you don't understand even if you tell them. You just need to know that this formation is extremely delicate. Li Yunfeng can enter and exit from multiple positions in this formation! It's not a single gate."

Speaking of this, Master Yala was also a little dry mouthed!

This is the master's unique skill, the master taught him various incomparably exquisite formations.

But only for this multi-door formation, the master did not reveal it at all. In the future, he will only wear his own disciples. He is going to be old and has no qualifications yet.

This person's formation skills seem to be not inferior to his master, and he also has multiple formations, which can even compete with his master!

The most important thing is this person's cultivation. Even the master is not sure about winning, and it is likely that both sides will suffer, so the master just let himself drive the Lao army to kill this person!

But now, the opponent can rely on multi-door formations, no matter how powerful these fighting jibs are, it is difficult to deal with Li Yunfeng.

It made him swollen with worry.

If the master is here, maybe he can find out the gates of the multi-door array!

Unfortunately the owner is not there.

"What? There are other gates?"

Kelly was also taken aback when she heard that.

"Then what should we do now? If there are multiple gates, we won't be able to stop him at all. We won't be able to stand him coming a few times outside the formation!"

After hearing Yala's words, Kelly's face changed drastically, and she immediately thought of the key point of the problem.

"The only way now is to have someone restrain this person on the periphery of the formation, and then rely on the combat ji in the air to kill him! Or directly destroy the protective power of the formation, so that he has no attachment power, and at this time alone Relying on combat ji is definitely not enough!"

Master Yala thought for a while, then said.

"Li Yunfeng is an unpredictable person. According to our preliminary estimates, at least the top [-] players in the battle list, we are all in, and we may not necessarily be opponents, but with the help of Master Yala, we will be better!"

Callis thought that Master Yala had just glanced at the Angel of Light before, and that the Angel of Light looked crazy. Kelly still had some fear and confidence in Master Yala.

"Now, that's the only way to go. For the sake of the master, even if it is a sacrifice, I will not hesitate!"

At this moment, Yala looked at Li Yunfeng who was tossing and turning around the formation, and a flash of determination flashed in her eyes!

Kelly was taken aback when she heard that, but Yala was already heading towards the formation at this time, obviously she didn't intend to talk more.

Kelly's eyes flickered at this time, Master Yala was already known as the world's number one head-down master, but there was another master!
At this time, Kelly secretly thought, to be the master of Yala, at least she can be ranked in the top [-] in the battle list, and even compete with Li Yunfeng?

Thinking of this, Kelly suddenly had some doubts. Yala dispatched the Lao army to swear to kill Li Yunfeng. Was it because Li Yunfeng had a grudge against his master?

Thinking of this, Kelly became somewhat clear.

Immediately afterwards, Kalis greeted all the powerful Westerners, including the Son of the Wind, the Angel of Light, and others. There were about a dozen of them, each with different abilities.

With such a lineup, combined together, even if they really meet the top [-] characters in the battle list, although they cannot win by fighting, it is possible to contain them.

These people all came with missions, and after a little hesitation, they agreed.


At the same time, Li Yunfeng continued to walk on the edge of the formation, and the golden sword shone through the world!
The momentum of one man crushing more than 100 fighter jets!
The Chinese warriors around looked at the battle chickens that were shot down and exploded in the air, and they also screamed!
However, one of the combat ji was very dissatisfied when he saw the scene below!

If I can't kill that monster-like existence, can't I kill you?
Immediately, this person faced the crowd below, and an aviation cannon came directly, and the people below had no time to dodge, and all of them were killed and injured immediately!
At this moment, the people below did not dare to shout.

After the tragic blow just now, they knew that it wasn't that these fighters were too weak, but that Mr. Li was too strong!
Mr. Li is still the one who fights against a country with one man's strength!

Nowadays, it can even be said that one person is fighting against the two countries!

He is still a legend!
And Li Yunfeng, who was at the edge of the formation, drew his sword for the third time.

However, the roaring fighting jitters in the air reacted faster. When his golden sword was sent out, their attack firepower almost reached this side, but Li Yunfeng directly avoided it by using the barrier of the formation.

Li Yunfeng relied on the formation he built, which had a natural barrier.

He has an absolute advantage.

These air fighters obviously also discovered their weakness, and hurriedly spread out, encircling the formation and Li Yunfeng in the very center.

And at this time, many western powerhouses also quickly came towards Li Yunfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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